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Last Activity: 03-27-13


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19 years HERE

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Just finished 5 years of University. Dunno what to do with my life now Biography
Ireland Location
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Human Rights Lawyer Occupation
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Showing Comments 9 to 12 of 16
  1. 01-07-10
    Hey Silas! Great to see you around again. What's new?
  2. 11-29-09
    Hey Silas, thanks for replying my PM once more. I went you two messages, the previous has many errors, thus, jarring to read while the later is comprehendable, though, both are of same context. hp you in good health. God bless.
  3. 09-04-09
    Teddy did have a great heart. One of my favorite Irish phrases is the one i wrote to you on your birthday "Maireann croí éadrom i bhfad" ( A light heart lives longer)You have scottish roots too. God your cool!!
    No i dont know the story (Well i dont think i do)
    My best friend was born in Scotland and her family are descendants of some Scottish royalty family there. I forget the name of her descendants right now (she would kill me if she knew i forgot!!) Her grandparents gave a bronze statue of Robert the Bruce to the Scottish Government me thinks, and can be seen in Edinburgh Castle.
    I really want to travel Scotland with her some day. We dont like Cork because they are our neighbours and rivals (in GAA that is). Kerry are playing Cork in September 20th in the All Ireland Gaelic Football Championship Final. Cant wait!!

    Well if you decide to visit some time drop me a line anytime!!!

  4. 09-03-09
    I really want to visit one day and who knows, I may end up staying. Yeah, poor Teddy. He had a good heart and is going to be missed. I'll have to ask my grandparents again but I know some of my roots go back to the Highlands in Scotland too. One of my ancestors left there after the English lopped off his father and brothers heads during one of the civil wars... and I have connections to the McDonalds of Glencoe (do you know that story?) .... and Robert the Bruce was a great (not sure how many greats) grandfather. So, why don't you guys like Cork?
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