susan's Avatar
Last Activity: 11-12-11


energizer bunny
3,089 POSTS


21¾ years HERE

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Showing Comments 1 to 4 of 5
  1. 01-01-12
    Hey, where's Susan? We miss you!
  2. 12-28-10
    Hey, hope to see you again soon, susan! We miss you!
  3. 09-01-09
    right now things are busy..i don't hang much on the computer anymore..i kinda visit sites when i have time...still on assignment not too far from me..been there 8 months..will write a more detailed letter tomorrow night..going to bed soon...hope things are fine with you
  4. 08-31-09
    Hi Susan,

    Long time no see on here. How's it going?
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