Conversation Between KasperKristensen and Yoda

Showing Comments 5 to 8 of 31
  1. 12-20-11
    Well, naturally I want to shoot kangaroos from the back of a moving truck, but I lack almost all of the major elements involved in that activity: gun, truck, kangaroo, the ability of movement, etc.

    Sounds like goodtimes. An old Australian MoFo friend of mine was talking about the mining boom there. Just feeling cooped up at home?

    Nothing huge going on; leaving to visit the in-laws for Christmas in a couple of days. Trying to sketch out site plans for 2012. Lots of ideas, as always. Oscars are just around the corner, too; that'll eat up a good chunk of the beginning of the year.
  2. 12-20-11
    Hey man. I've just been writing a lot, putting some ideas onto paper. Planning a trip to Australia next year. Figure I'll work there some months and I actually met a couple of guys who're from around there, so I'll have a beer with them and go work in surface mining for a bit. And I want to shoot kangaroos from the back of a moving truck.
  3. 12-08-11
    Hey, what's new man?
  4. 08-26-11
    Oh sure, I laughed. Pun well done.