Rauldc's Random Radical Top 10 Lists


2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ

From here on out every week, I'll be presenting some sort of personal Top 10 list that will usually NOT be about movies. Maybe about Sports, Video Games, Traveling, Food, Music, yadda yadda yadda.

I know nobody will really care, but either way I'm doing it.

Tune in every Monday or Tuesday night to see a new list!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Top 10 NES Games

We will start here with the baddest badboy system ever created!. Yeah, I owned an Atari, but this was the first true joyhood of my video gaming childhood. Countless hours were spent and many a late nights happened as a kid and more specifically as a teenager. My Dad had found me one for Christmas and the best part about it was that it came with like a huge bundle of about 50 games. I couldn't imagine getting a Christmas present like this today and to this day it may very well be the best gift that I have gotten.

Rather than a top 10, maybe I should change my thought on it as a favorite 10. Not necessarily the 10 greatest, but the ten that I have pegged down as my favorites of all time. Maybe there wouldn't be a whole lot of difference for me, but I figured it was still worth specifying.

To this day I still dig the system by the way. I was a part of two Tecmo Super Bowl tournaments this year and I see no reason why I will not be joining those tournaments in 2019.

So on to the list!

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
10. Little League Baseball

I'm not all too big on baseball video games, but this one.was.always a fun go. I think the best thing was crushing Homers, and stealing bases with regularity was also something that I really had down to a T. I also had a pretty decent hold on striking these fools out, if I didn't hit them with the pitch.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
9. Rescue Rangers

This one I actually never played until a few years ago, but it is a really fun game, sort of like a DuckTales/Mega Man blend. The levels are pretty entertaining and so are the bosses. They give enough difficulty, but not enough to make you lose your mind. The last boss, The Fat cat, is obviously the most challenging yet the most fun of all.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
8. Bubble Bobble

Another fun co-op game. It's cool that there's over 100 levels, that password can be a killer. Always cool to try to collect those letters. I've never played the rare second one though.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
7. Mega Man 5

Well first off, this series rocks. Second off we have some badass villains. And isn't this one of the more fun Mega Man games to get to Dr. Wilys lair? I always thought it was the best in that regard. I really just enjoyed the levels immensely. It was fun to stock up on E's. Charge Man, Star Man and Stone Man over time became as simple as could be but that didn't stop me from playing over and over again.

Bubble Bobble!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Haven't played any so far I am not 100% sure I had this system actually. I had regular NES and played the heck out of Mario and Excitebike. Then I had Genesis, and that started my love of sports games which is pretty much all I played after getting that system, maybe some Street Fighter and Mario mixed in with friends every so often.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
6. Castlevania

Let's continue this badboy with another badass game that started one of the best video game franchises known to date. How can a game be so simple yet so difficult? This was not something I really played too much growing up although I do believe I had it, but revisited it recently and conquered it and it definitely held up. Beating Dracula really was a bitch I'm not going to lie, some of the other bosses really gave me a run for my money. But this is one of those games beating that you definitely feel like it's one of your stronger accolades when all is said and done. Perhaps the second best in the franchise ever, which is impressive seeing as this was it's first entry.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
These are the games I remember playing the most.

Super Mario Bros
Power Blade
Duck Hunt
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hogan's Alley
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
American Gladiators
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
That would be Bloodlines which is a great one.
Looked at screenshots. I think Bloodlines was definitely it. Did that one have Dracula?

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
Looked at screenshots. I think Bloodlines was definitely it. Did that one have Dracula?
Yes it has him as well. I think he's in quite a bit of them.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
5. RC Pro Am

The penultimate racing game in my opinion. I just like the action, the weapons, the simplicity, and the difficulty the further you get along. The vehicle upgrades by collecting letters became really fun too. Of course your opponents upgraded as well so it just made the game more challenging in all honesty I remember buying this at K Mart back in the day and it ultimately became one of the best purchases I ever made. And why did I throw those boxes away back in the day? Here I am chasing them all back as the gaming collector in me would have me doing so. Got to love it, anyways, theres a few racing games that I like better than this nowadays but not for the NES, and this was the first true one that started the love of them for me.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
These are the games I remember playing the most.

Super Mario Bros
Power Blade
Duck Hunt
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Hogan's Alley
Ninja Gaiden II: The Dark Sword of Chaos
American Gladiators
It's pretty cool how we all had our own different set of go to games. I'd say 3 or 4 of these were on mine.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
4. Super Mario Brothers

Technically I couldn't blame anybody for having this at one as it's pretty much the game we all had. My best memory with the game was at the restaurant we used to go to every Friday had it in their little mini arcade section so I got to play it there every week, more than likely this was before I even had a gaming system. But yeah the game is pretty legendary obviously. The levels are pretty soundly made, the music is pretty great and it had it's great little tricks to the game that everybody had figured out after awhile. You won't see many top lists that don't have this one hanging around. Is it the greatest of the trio?

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
8. Bubble Bobble

Another fun co-op game. It's cool that there's over 100 levels, that password can be a killer. Always cool to try to collect those letters. I've never played the rare second one though.

I didn't have a Nintendo, but I was addicted to the PC version of Bubble Bobble.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
3. Mega Man 3

The second entry of the franchise on the top 10. The most challenging of the 6 games to hit the Nintendo platform which obviously makes it one of the stronger accolades of my video game conquering history. Some of the jumps require the most precise timing that I've ever seen in an NES game. These bosses don't go down easy. I'd actually say it's easier ones are basically on par with the difficult ones from number 5, enough to continually frustrate you yet you feel challenged and continually try to grind out getting further in the game. Between Castlevania and this one, probably my two strongest NES achievements to date, especially since I haven't beaten a few of the baddest badboys that this platform has to offer.