Which is the best of the four classic Vietnam movies?


Best of these four classic Vietnam movies?
8 votes
Full Metal Jacket
21 votes
Apocalypse Now
6 votes
6 votes
Deer Hunter
41 votes. You may not vote on this poll

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
1. Platoon

2. Apocalypse Now

3. Full Metal Jacket

4. Deer Hunter

I thought they all were great, too. I just can't understand one thing about Platoon, though. Charlie Sheen's red bandana. They are all in camoflauge. Isn't the bright red a dead giveaway? Did they address this in the film, I forgot. Are Vietcong color blind? I forgot.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I like all of them but I will add Goodmorning Vietnam because it shows a much more human aspect.

I thought they all were great, too. I just can't understand one thing about Platoon, though. Charlie Sheen's red bandana. They are all in camoflauge. Isn't the bright red a dead giveaway? Did they address this in the film, I forgot. Are Vietcong color blind? I forgot.

1. Apocalypse Now
2. Full Metal Jacket
3. Platoon

25-ish. The Deer Hunter
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
1. Apocalypse Now
2. Full Metal Jacket
3. Platoon

25-ish. The Deer Hunter
Wow...Is that still good though?

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Apocalypse Now by a wide margin
Full Metal Jacket with that masterpiece of a first half
Platoon not a big Stone fan but I owe this a second look some day
Deer Hunter owe this a viewing where I don't fall asleep as I have the three times I have tried. Don't count this as a movie I have seen as of yet.

This might just do nobody any good.
1. Apocalypse Now (so good is drained Coppola of genius (for the most part))

2. The Deer Hunter

3. The first half of Full Metal Jacket

4. Platoon

5. The second half of Full Metal Jacket

OK, I was being a bit of a smartass, as is my wont. Looking at non-documentary feature films about The Vietnam War and its aftermath (and in three instances on my list, the preamble to the conflict or it spilling over into neighboring Cambodia), The Deer Hunter actually makes my top twelve. Just.

1. Apocalypse Now
2. Full Metal Jacket
3. The Killing Fields
4. Platoon
5. Coming Home
6. Born on the Fourth of July
7. Casualties of War
8. Hamburger Hill
9. Jacknife
10. The Quiet American
11. Good Morning, Vietnam
12. The Deer Hunter
13. 84 Charlie MoPic
14. In Country
15. Rescue Dawn

But, yeah, I don't like The Deer Hunter.

Are you gonna bark all day, little doggy?
1. Apocalypse Now (so good is drained Coppola of genius (for the most part))

2. The Deer Hunter

3. The first half of Full Metal Jacket

4. Platoon

5. The second half of Full Metal Jacket
Apocalypse Now by a wide margin
Full Metal Jacket with that masterpiece of a first half
Platoon not a big Stone fan but I owe this a second look some day
Deer Hunter owe this a viewing where I don't fall asleep as I have the three times I have tried. Don't count this as a movie I have seen as of yet.
I liked both parts of FMJ, each for their own reasons.