Fantastic Four 2015 Reboot, why should we care?


Hey Guys!

So i have been studying up on the upcoming F4 reboot, and with the limited and strange information we are getting, i think it's going to tank, not because of it's quality, but because of the controversy surround 20th century fox still having the rights to the franchise, and the fact that this movie is here because if they didn't make a new F4, they would lose the rights back to Disney Marvel, which would rock.

An argument can be made for F4 though. Josh Trank did a great job with Chronicle, and Simon Kinsberg, who did the screenplay for X-Men: Day's of future past, is also working on the script and screenplay for the F4 as well.

People claiming to have already seen F4 say its a good movie, however they also mention it is a gritty realistic take of the F4, and compares is to being Tranks sequel to Chronicle.

Personally, i think that is stupid. We have never seen a good F4 movie that can really capture what Marvels 1st family is like, the closest movie to come to that would probably The Incredibles. I'm also sick of origin films, we don't need them anymore!!! Just give a little background on the characters and jump right into the adventure.

Still, i have hope that this could be a decent film, but not a great film. What do you guys think?

Just saw that actually haha, still doesn't tell us much, however at least it's not as "Found Footage" as i thought it would look. After Whiplash i am very curious about Miles Tellers Performance, as well as Toby Kebbells (played Koba in dawn of the net of the apes), but with everything we have heard about this movie and the little information that we get in this, still not caring that much ahaha

Just saw that actually haha, still doesn't tell us much, however at least it's not as "Found Footage" as i thought it would look. After Whiplash i am very curious about Miles Tellers Performance, as well as Toby Kebbells (played Koba in dawn of the net of the apes), but with everything we have heard about this movie and the little information that we get in this, still not caring that much ahaha
This still sounds like i'm crapping on the movie still, i've definitely had some faith restored in this movie because of the trailer, the shots look really good! The dark and gritty tone is also telling me we won't be seeing much humor involved and this will be a lot different that the previous 2 films, and i can get behind that!

It looks viable.

The internet in general seems to rail against things and the FF movies are one of them. I enjoyed them. Then again, after seeing Idle Hands I was going to be biased.

It's hard to put your finger on what is acceptable cheese, which I believe many bashed the first FF movies for. Many will argue that GotG is ridiculous, while others will say it's the greatest ever. How do you draw the line?

The new FF looked good in the teaser, but one thing may seal the deal. If the villain (I couldn't find a definitive answer it will be Dr. Doom) is great, I believe this movie will succeed. My thoughts are we are getting ready for the first evolution in these films, the villain comes front and center. Ultron, Thanos, Suicide Squad. Get ready to "Say hi to the Bad Guy".

I'm not old, you're just 12.
Yeah, I'm not so sure I like that trailer. Admittedly, I don't really care too much about the Fantastic Four, I've never really been able to get into the comic series, but the trailer looks like "Look how dark and gritty we are!" I'm tired of Dark and Gritty. I'm gonna say nope to this unless I hear good things about it.
"You, me, everyone...we are all made of star stuff." - Neil Degrasse Tyson

Yeah, I'm not so sure I like that trailer. Admittedly, I don't really care too much about the Fantastic Four, I've never really been able to get into the comic series, but the trailer looks like "Look how dark and gritty we are!" I'm tired of Dark and Gritty. I'm gonna say nope to this unless I hear good things about it.
I'm indifferent as well, it looks beautifully shot, but its taking shots that could be from a christopher nolan movie, particularly interstellar and TDKR, one shot with a plane is almost identical to the opening of TDKR

I think it has promise. And not all superhero films need to have humor thrown in every 15 minutes. Sure that's what makes the MCU films what they are, but this isn't that. Yet again, the film may have some humor thrown in to lighten up some scenes.

Making superhero films in a dark or serious tone, makes it more interesting in a way. Not that the picture won't be worth seeing if it were less dark or whatnot, it's just that giving the film more genuine intensity rather than comic book silliness makes it just a bit more interesting.

The silliness and corniness is part of what made the 2005 film and its 2007 sequel a letdown.

The reboot to The Fantastic Four, if it has been done right and it looks like it was (I still have yet to see the full theatrical trailer) seems to be another good addition to the list of movie/story re-imaginings. We'll just have to wait and see.

I'll say it; I like the original two films.

Yes, they're pretty awful, but I find them entertaining anyway. They're cheesy as hell and goofy, but I grew up reading comics that were easily described the same way so I find them fun to watch.

I had the same reaction to this trailer that I had to Ant-man... *YAWN*

Registered User
IMO Fantastic 4 always had a more cartoony look than other Marvel comics like X-Men, Punisher, etc

The original FF movies were pretty bad, but I'm not sure that making a "serious" FF film is really necessary.

I would probably end up checking this out even though I didn't care about the other ones.

Although I heard that there were reports from people that the movie is bad, not sure how they saw it but yeah.

Registered User
Well it can't possibly be as bad as the 2000s FF movies, lol

Hoping it does well for Miles. One of my buddies who knows him was out at the fight with him in Vegas. I need to get in his damn entourage.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

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I have to return some videotapes.
18% on rotten tomatoes so far.
0% for top critics.

Although it's only been a day, this is probably close to its finished numbers. Might go up to around the 30s or 40s but dang