MoFo Fantasy Football 2012 - SIGNUPS!


What, already? Yes, already. I'm posting this a little later than last year because, well, if last year is any indication it'll take virtually no time at all to fill the league and I'm guessing we won't want any major rule changes, so that'll leave us with a few weeks to sort out the draft time.

So, you guys all know the deal: 14 spots. Last year's owners get first dibs, but given that a number of them aren't around the site much and there's huge demand for spots every year, we're only going to give them a moderate amount of time to confirm they're returning. I think it's only fair that people who are around a lot and particularly eager get a chance now and again. All will be considered, but this is intended to be a MoFo league first and foremost, so preference will definitely be given to regular and/or longtime members, if it comes to that.

If you want in and you didn't play last year, just reply right now and establish your place in line. The odds are decent that at least one owner won't return (though last year that was literally the number that didn't: one!), but odds are even decent-er (shut up, it's pretty close to a word) that there won't be more than 2-3, tops, because this league is pretty freakin' awesome and the people who play in it almost universally love it. Seriously, we have a blast. I really need to start abusing my power and selling these slots to people, but for the moment I still have scruples. Two, in fact. I have two scruples. Still plural.

And just because I want you all to like me so very much, I'll once again be springing for one of those for whoever should win:

That one's mine (IN YOUR FACE, NO ONE IN PARTICULAR!), but you can also peruse the much more upsetting, disturbing photos that Jay posted after winning it last year. I'd click on that link but, you know, it kinda makes me want to cry icy tears of volcanic rage. Shut up, it's pretty close to a coherent metaphor.

So, with that said: have at it. If you're coming back, reply and let us know (and check the inbox for whichever email address you used last year, because your invite's already there). If you're new and want in, reply, and we'll see in a few days whether or not any spots are likely to open up.

All three of you should already have invites. If your emails have changed since last year, PM me the new ones and I'll have another invite off.

"I'll be back." Anyone? I thought this was a movie forum.

And if there's a spot then my wifey would love a spot. At the very least I hope we can get her into TONGO's league. She's trying to learn football and fantasy is a good way to go.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
oh sure, ok i guess so.

When i win this, im gonna bust outta jig.
"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

"I'll be back." Anyone? I thought this was a movie forum.

And if there's a spot then my wifey would love a spot. At the very least I hope we can get her into TONGO's league. She's trying to learn football and fantasy is a good way to go.

Shes in. I think Joshua/IronHorse is gonna want to be the commish, but he'll go along with it as I explained the Jungle is an overflow league for the MoFos first and foremost.

A system of cells interlinked
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Hey guys...I would love to join fantasy football this year. I'm trying to learn and appreciate football, PW thinks this is a good way to go so if there is an open spot this year, I would like it ...please and Thank you
The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts
Marcus Aurelius

We'll see how it shakes out. Spots are usually very hard to come by, but maybe we'll get lucky and get everyone in this year. If not, as TONGO mentioned, he's nice enough to setup an overflow league and there are usually several MoFos there, too, so either way you'll get to dive into the infuriating world of fantasy football. You'll finally know why your husband swears randomly under his breath on Sunday so often.

The World's Smallest Violin

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
You'll finally know why your husband swears randomly under his breath on Sunday so often.
Uh Chris, im sure she is aware he is a SeaChicken fan.

jus sayen.

Okay then; he should have an invite already, if he's using the same email. Ditto for LT, whenever she wants to make it all official. That should give us 12 with a couple of other previous owners still floating about.