Most Overrated Movies


The fact that so many people consider Funny Games simply a horror or thriller film demonstrates how successful and subversive Haneke's message really was...
Actually I think that's what it is, a thriller. A self-aware one, a pretentious one, but a thriller non the less. And actually, a pretty good one. But when I read about that guy saying it's about the message, that the true purpose of the film is to make the viewer aware that he's actually sick for still watching it... I don't know, I smell ********.

I don't really think of Saw as masochistic, at least not the first movie, I think that it was just something really different with the horror-genre. The story was actually very well done, albeit in a different way, and at the time, the elements were fresh and kind-of unsettling. I will agree that as the series progressed, viewers got used to seeing the "torturing" and it was more for the fun of seeing the traps, however. I still really enjoyed Jigsaw's character though, or more so, the idea of him.
Absolutely right. The first Saw is a good thriller with well placed body horror. And sequel after sequel it became more of a thing for gorehounds to whack it in the theater.

The Bib-iest of Nickels
Absolutely right. The first Saw is a good thriller with well placed body horror. And sequel after sequel it became more of a thing for gorehounds to whack it in the theater.
And whack it I did.

Actually I think that's what it is, a thriller. A self-aware one, a pretentious one, but a thriller non the less. And actually, a pretty good one. But when I read about that guy saying it's about the message, that the true purpose of the film is to make the viewer aware that he's actually sick for still watching it... I don't know, I smell ********.

Absolutely right. The first Saw is a good thriller with well placed body horror. And sequel after sequel it became more of a thing for gorehounds to whack it in the theater.
It's more than a thriller and that's the point. If you can't take one of the most revered contemporary auteurs at their word, then that's your own problem. Just saying. It's not like Bret Ratner saying Rush Hour is an existential meditation (which never happened, I hope).
~ I am tired of ze same old faces! Ze same old things!
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I've always thought James Cameron's movies were overrated, except for the Terminator films.

Also I recently watched Inception and I didn't like it.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
It's more than a thriller and that's the point. If you can't take one of the most revered contemporary auteurs at their word, then that's your own problem. Just saying. It's not like Bret Ratner saying Rush Hour is an existential meditation (which never happened, I hope).
If you were stuck in a broken elevator with Chris Tucker you'd tend to believe it.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

It's more than a thriller and that's the point. If you can't take one of the most revered contemporary auteurs at their word, then that's your own problem. Just saying. It's not like Bret Ratner saying Rush Hour is an existential meditation (which never happened, I hope).
Just re-read what I wrote, just want to make sure you didn't misunderstand something I said. When I said "that guy" in
But when I read about that guy saying it's about the message, that the true purpose of the film is to make the viewer aware that he's actually sick for still watching it... I don't know, I smell ********.
I meant the Haneke, not you. Not sure if there was a misundertanding there, but just making sure.

About the film, I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. I mean, I get what he says he was trying to do. I just think he's as guilty of what he accuses the audience of doing as the audience, even more guilty. It's like, hey you're a bunch of sicko's for watching this film I made. For me, it's sooo pretentious. Still, I like the movie for what it is. Which makes me totally ****ed up according to his experiment I guess.

The Dark Knight. It doesn't merit the 9.0 rating it has on IMDB. It's a good movie, but there's a crap ton that are better.
Indeed. I was disappointed with it when I watched it, expecting to be a timeless masterpiece.

I still can't get over the fact that you betrayed HAYAO MIYAZAKI by putting a spinoff film from a tv anime series as your new number 1 film of all time, Guap.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Indeed. I was disappointed with it when I watched it, expecting to be a timeless masterpiece.
Well there was an insurmountable amount of hype surrounding it for a while, so that's a factor. But still I think it was pretty incomprehensible in every sense.

I know I've said so before but... The Godfather.

Commence outraging in 3, 2, 1...
#31 on SC's Top 100 Mofos list!!

I loved Funny Games and what's worse I enjoyed it. Does it mean Haneke failed? I don't care as long as it's a glorious movie.
I think he would say it means he failed.
I think Haneke would say you (Mr. Mino) failed.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Really? That's it? When I read Deadite's comment I was soooo happy. But now I'm shaking my head in dissapointment, man.

Finished here. It's been fun.
The Big Lebowski. There I said it. It made me laugh a couple of times, but I don't see the huge appeal of this one.Come at me bro's.

Oh man, this sucks. OK since the universe didn't implode and ****, I'll be honest, I kind of agree with Deadite. They're not bad films, but overrated? Totally. Hopefully this will build the hate.

Gunslinger, what the **** is wrong with you, man? Seriously. Really!? Really!!!!!???? Pulp ****ing Fiction!?!?!?!?