The Videogames Tab


Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I didn't realize that Steam came out with its own version of the Switch (I forget the name offhand). Since buying my Switch, I've sometimes wondered if the Steam console would have let me play more of the games I already play anyway. Most of my gaming these days comes through Steam.

But I'm not curious enough to buy a second, similar console.
It's funny you should mention Steam as I came across that platform today and downloaded it in order to play Trackmania, a racing game. I'd love to get the Switch but it's so late in the game (no pun intended) that I will probably just wait until Switch 2 comes out. No sense in buying an expensive console that might become obsolete in a year.

The Adventure Starts Here!
It's funny you should mention Steam as I came across that platform today and downloaded it in order to play Trackmania, a racing game. I'd love to get the Switch but it's so late in the game (no pun intended) that I will probably just wait until Switch 2 comes out. No sense in buying an expensive console that might become obsolete in a year.
Agreed. I'm currently contemplating ditching my Oculus Rift (with the cords and three corded sensors that are tough to set up in the right spots) for a Quest. Mulling the pros and cons, but including the differences now between the first and second Quest.

Currently playing: Red Dead Online (PS5)

After doing just about everything in Red Dead Redemption 2, I decided to go online and kill people!

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Baldur's Gate 3
After a few weeks out, the group was able to meeting for about 2.5 hours in Baldur's Gate 3 last night. That session was BUGGY! In two different discussion encounters, the character would just stop talking leaving us locked within a conversation that would not move forward. Two of us couldn't exit the screen, leaving us all logging out of the game group to return. This resolved the issue, but it played out again during a return to camp rest cutscene. Another issue played out during combat, in which one of the enemies was on the earth above the underground care structure most everyone else was in. For every turn that required that character to act, our screens would turn black, show a loading icon for 3-5 seconds, before the camera jumped to another character. So weird. We all disabled by the dynamic battle camera from our settings and that was the end of that but wow, that was confusing.

I'd say at least an hour of our session was dedicated to dialogue. Old wizard dude can chat it up.

I have no scale of where we are in the progress of the story, but we saved in a tavern space in which one of our characters had to drink poison to get information. I'm not sure if we got anything from that effort as I could not listen in to that conversation, but we spent a good 15 minutes there. *fingers crossed*


I'm sure this reads as a complaint. It's not at all. Just noticing odd details still.
"My Dionne Warwick understanding of your dream indicates that you are ambivalent on how you want life to eventually screw you." - Joel

"Ever try to forcibly pin down a house cat? It's not easy." - Captain Steel

"I just can't get pass sticking a finger up a dog's butt." - John Dumbear

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Pacific Drive
Anyone tried this one yet? Visuals make me think of the CONTROL universe, but seems more playful.

Interesting behind the scenes:

so excited for marvel 1943 rise of hydra, i deffo gonna get this, hope they gonna release the gameplay late this year

I'm thinking of getting the South Park game even though its getting ripped to shreds in the reviews.
Last Movie Watched: Beetlejuice Beetlejuice (2024).
Last TV Show Watched: MARVEL's Echo (S1:E3).

I enjoyed the two RPGs they put out, but man, yeah, it does not look good to me. I hadn't heard any reviews but I just didn't/don't understand the switch to this slash genre stuff. That and it's just visually ugly. The benefits of the RPG were, in part, that it could look exactly like the show.

A system of cells interlinked
Pretty interesting stuff here about the decay of online DRM, the taking down of authentication servers, and how people find themselves with a dead product, even if they still have the original disc.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Adventure Starts Here!
Pretty interesting stuff here about the decay of online DRM, the taking down of authentication servers, and how people find themselves with a dead product, even if they still have the original disc.

Well, that's pretty depressing as I look at the 100+ physical games for PC I bought over the past 30 years.

...and then as I look at the 379 games I have on Steam...

The Adventure Starts Here!
Glad to know it's not just me!
Seriously! It'd feel like the collapse of civilization as I know it if I lose all those games. I've used the "physical media security" argument for why I still sometimes buy DVDs and CDs: to have something that will work as long as I maintain a device that can play it.

And even with Kindle books, I download them to my computer as well as my Kindle so that I can "have" them offline as needed. (I never read on my Kindle with the Wi-Fi turned on. I only turn it on to download books I just bought or borrowed. Then the Wi-Fi goes back off.)

So why did I STOP doing that with games? Oh yeah, because they're kinda not even MAKING physical disc games anymore! As he mentioned in that clip, he'd buy a box and get a slip of paper inside with a Steam key or something.

That's a lot of games to lose if Steam goes belly up someday. Because I have only a handful of games on GOG or Epic Games. Most of mine are on Steam, including a bunch that have been ported from their earlier physical disc days.

So I purchased Faĺlout 3, and Fallout New Vegas due to how good the TV show is. I've just finished 2 episodes. I played a little of New Vegas years ago, but Skyrim took me away from it. 4000 hours later I'm so burnt out on it I can't even bring myself to play new Skyrim quest mods. So the Fallout franchise may be a proper salve.

I also have Fallout 4, but heard the stories were superior in 3 & NV, and best to play those 2 first. They also say the gameplay is so superior in F4 it'll ruin any chance of enjoying the old ones. I think that's true as I can't play Oblivion or Morrowind after playing Skyrim.

Here's the good part. I found out there's a mod called A Tale Of Two Wastelands which will combine F3 and F:NV and be able to play the same character in both. Plan is after completing these I'll play F4.
Wish me luck, good luck that is ;

I think you're dead on in all respects. Even if F3 and New Vegas are better, it'll hurt them a little to play F4 first.

If you loved Skyrim the odds that you'll like all three are very, very high. Enjoy!

I think you're dead on in all respects. Even if F3 and New Vegas are better, it'll hurt them a little to play F4 first.

If you loved Skyrim the odds that you'll like all three are very, very high. Enjoy!
Ive been sick all day but was psyched for this when getting home for work, and it wont run on my laptop. It wont even launch. Im requesting a refund from Steam for both games right quick before its too late, what a bummer. Installing Fallout 4 now, I know thatll work. Damn

Can you elaborate on "won't run"? Literally won't, or just runs badly? I still have both and I'm quite sure they're runn-able, though it might require a little bit of tweaking.

Can you elaborate on "won't run"? Literally won't, or just runs badly? I still have both and I'm quite sure they're runn-able, though it might require a little bit of tweaking.

It wouldn't launch. It gave me the pop-up launch screen where I can tweak options, but when I hit play it just won't launch, then shuts down.

It might be for the best, I dont know. F4 has alot of mods and it may feel more like the TV show. Which Fallout is most similar to the show?

I dunno, kinda tough to answer. Maybe the pre-Bethesda ones, honestly.

I would definitely spend some time troubleshooting the problem, playing them in the order you described earlier is definitely ideal. They definitely can run, it might not even take that long to fix.