Pitch the next Quentin Tarantino Movie


I'm not sure if this is a repeat thread but meh on that let's begin.

Quentin Tarantino is coming out with a new movie 'The Hateful Eight' soon, his 8th film. He has said that he want to do 10 films and then quit directing (a fact that saddens me greatly). He's also announced that he would like to do a Kill Bill Vol. 3 at some point, which would make 9 movies, leaving one left before his career is over. Now we can't guarantee he actually will quit after 10 movies, for the sake of discussion, let's assume this is true. If he's only making one more movie after the next two that he wants to make, what would you want to see him do? Personally I want to see him delve into the world of sci-fi and see what twisted world he could come up with if he let his imagination really run wild with the endless possibilities that genre presents. It could be his biggest, most beautiful, and possibly even the goriest film he makes if he chooses to go that route. I'm not sure what it would be about, but I'd be d*mn curious to find out.

Something he's never done before. Radically different. Like a science fiction film.

Or a horror film. Yeah yeah, there's Death Proof... but come on.

Anything but a Western, Django was good and Hateful will probably be good as well, but I'd love to see him stretch his legs into a genre we haven't seen yet, Sci-Fi would be a very interesting one.

A very bloody sci-fi genre film

I know he done that war movie but he needs too make the Dirty Dozen Remake before he makes his 3rd Western movie in order too be a legit Western Director.

Trouble with a capital "T"
This idea is golden! Quentin's next film should be this:

Title: Mr X...(hey that's catchy and you won't forget it) Mr X will be a period piece, cold war thriller set circa 1963. Stylized in the Tarantino style and done as a nod to the early James Bond films...but not a rehash. Just as Django Unchained was a nod to Spaghetti Westerns without being a rehash, so will Mr X pay tribute to the early Bond films while showing the viewer a story they've never seen before.

This idea is golden! Quentin's next film should be this:

Title: Mr X...(hey that's catchy and you won't forget it) Mr X will be a period piece, cold war thriller set circa 1963. Stylized in the Tarantino style and done as a nod to the early James Bond films...but not a rehash. Just as Django Unchained was a nod to Spaghetti Westerns without being a rehash, so will Mr X pay tribute to the early Bond films while showing the viewer a story they've never seen before.
This is interesting, kind of like Kingsman, but a Tarantino movie, a period piece, and an original IP. An homage to the Bond films of old, I'd see it in a heartbeat.

Anything but a Western, Django was good and Hateful will probably be good as well, but I'd love to see him stretch his legs into a genre we haven't seen yet, Sci-Fi would be a very interesting one.

A very bloody sci-fi genre film
I loved Django (though the third act was admittedly not quite as strong as the rest of the film, it was still a near-masterpiece in my opinion and his best movie since Pulp Fiction, though I still need to see IB) and I'm very excited for Hateful 8, but I do want to see him try something new.

I was mulling this over and I came up with this he should do a Dick Tracy remake. Can you imagine a Dick Tracy crime comic done with a Tarantino vision.

10th film = "Ten Angry Guys"
Ten guys planning a major heist: each is given a code name from a different astrological sign of the Zodiac (two names are held in reserve, why will be revealed later).

During the heist a SWAT team of cops intervene (but no cops were ever called and these aren't just ANY cops). After a wild shootout and obligatory chase scene, the SWAT team chases the 10 guys into a labyrinthine warehouse. In the pursuit, several of the angry gang are wounded, but one of the cops is captured and tortured by the most unstable member of the Angry 10, "Mr. Taurus." Until the full moon comes out, that is!

Little does the angry gang of robbers know that the cops pursuing them are actually a militaristic cadre of Japanese assassin werewolves who want to carve their marks into the robbers' heads!
Needless to say, all Hell breaks loose in multiple, action-packed scenes of unchained, inglorious, natural born violence as the warehouse becomes a literal grindhouse of hateful terror from dusk until the sun comes up!

In the end, someone brings out the Gimp (who is actually "Mr. Gemini" - one of the two extra hidden "Ten Angry Guys" - since there are really twelve of the angry men), but of the survivors of the bloody carnage on both sides... who is the last hidden member?
Only "the Wolf" knows.

I would want to see Death Proof with better execution. I'm not really a Tarantino fan, but my problems with him (dumb, violent, empty, self-indulgent) are all things that can be intentionally taken to the extreme and work in a throwback exploitation movie. I really wanted to like Death Proof on that idea alone, but the problem with that is that it isn't a very good movie.

A sequel to Pulp Fiction where the central character is Jules Winnfield, played of course by Samuel Jackson, 20 years after the events of the first film. Jules has been "walking the earth", like Cain in Kung Fu, going to different places, meeting new people, and getting into adventures. We see what he's up to now and where his adventures have taken him.

I'm surprised Tarantino hasn't considered this idea yet.

A movie about Jules walking the earth...like Caine from Kung Fu.

Wow! I just replied with the exact same idea as yours before reading your post first.

I totally agree. This would make a great script and movie, and will bring things full circle for Tarantino if he does insist on retiring after the 10th film, which I hope is just talk on his part.