TV Shows That Should Never Have Been Canceled!


But this show has had eight seasons. And that is legendary. All shows must come to an end sometime. I am mad that 30 Rock is ending. But it is ending after seven seasons. To me if a show gets to six seasons then everything season after that is a bonus.
Going 18600 miles per second.

Have you tried Angel? It's a spinoff
Yes, was cool.
•••[[[And the blood has left a stain]]]•••

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
But this show has had eight seasons. And that is legendary. All shows must come to an end sometime. I am mad that 30 Rock is ending. But it is ending after seven seasons. To me if a show gets to six seasons then everything season after that is a bonus.

He was saying Michael C. Hall came from Six Feet Under. Who is kick ass.
Let's talk some jive.

Smells mystical, doesn't it?
Oh opps. Yeah Hall does kick ass.

He does have a nice ass, doesn't he?

I would say Freaks and Geeks, but I kinda like that it's this self-contained story. 18 fantastic episodes, with a great ending in its own right. It would have been nice to see where Lindsay's new-found love of The Grateful Dead took her, or any of the myriad potential paths they could have taken the characters if the network had been a little kinder, but I'm happy with it as it is.

Spent my whole teenage watching that.

How the H3LL could I forget to mention the amazing Cameron's DARK ANGEL is beyond me.

The Good Guys

I'm only 6 or 7 episodes in, so there's still time for it to fall apart and justify its cancellation, but atm, I don't see it. I'm loving this programme.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I am the Watcher in the Night
There's a few shows which I think should have been cancelled a few season before they actually were, a few on the list still haven't been cancelled:

The Office
The Simpsons
That 70s Show
The Cleveland Show
A Town Called Eureka (had one half decent season)

I really don't have any idea what this topic thread means. By asking what TV shows should have never been canceled, do you mean shows that were canceled too soon? TV shows can't be on the air forever, so the topic idea is a bit ludicrous under any other interpretation. For me, TV shows that I think were canceled too soon include the following:

"In Treatment"
"Damages" (currently in its last season)
"Law & Order"
"House MD"
"The West Wing"

Of these, the one whose cancelation I was most disappointed in was "In Treatment." It was canceled after only three seasons. The show was a really fascinating look at the inner workings of therapy, which featured very strong performances, especially by its star Gabriel Byrne, and emotionally involving stories.

I want this show back and to show young children real creativity. and this show too.

no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.