What are you currently binge-watching?


Trouble with a capital "T"
I asked the same question. Let’s see if @Citizen Rules will reply.
I had already answered that in my previous reply to you.

⬆️ Is this when they guess who the hidden guest is? Where are you watching this? YouTube?
Yup, the panelist guess what the guest occupation is by asking questions, which get a yes or no answer. They also have a mystery celebrity guest where the panelist wear blindfolds and have to guess who it is. 835 episodes and I'm going to watch them all! The very first shows were OK but after a couple years the cast found their groove and it's hilarious, I laugh all the time. It's on Youtube.
*I also PMed Gideon after he asked me where I had seen What's My Line and I sent him a link.

I had already answered that in my previous reply to you.
Yes, I see it now. My bad.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Yes, I see it now. My bad.
No worries. The Youtube part was buried at the end of my long reply so easy to miss.

If you decide to look at What's My Line I suggest not starting with the very first shows as they didn't have the camaraderie and format down until later in the 1st season. It's a fun show! At least I love it.

Shame it was cancelled. Could really go for a new season right now.

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Bloodline is excellent. Series cancelled after 3 seasons & a lot of loose ends had to be tied up, which didn't always work well.

House of Cards is brilliant.

Weeds was unwatchable.

I am currently watching my box set of Friday Night Lights. Not the greatest thing I've ever seen, but I like the show.

Just finished two seasons of Tin Star. I'd like to watch the third, so, I guess it's not too bad.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Alice in Borderland. It's eight episodes, on Netflix, and my wife and I watched the first four last night, and plan to watch the remaining four tonight.

The Adventure Starts Here!
I just breezed through the handful of episodes of WandaVision. Loved 'em, even though I'm not as familiar with the Marvel universe as many people are. (One of these days I'll catch up to the rest of the world.)


Dick Johnson is Dead
The Truffle Hunters
Crip Camp
Welcome to Chechnya
The Painter and the Thief
Boys State
All In Fight for Democracy
76 Days
My Octopus Teacher
The Mole Agent

2 Down 13(ish) to go

My Darth Star is in for a service
Ive just finished watching Amsterdam Vice from Walter presents via All4 (UK)
Dutch with subtitles.

I've got a few more series lined up including Greyzone, The Twelve
and Code 37:Sex Crimes.

I just breezed through the handful of episodes of WandaVision. Loved 'em, even though I'm not as familiar with the Marvel universe as many people are. (One of these days I'll catch up to the rest of the world.)

LOL. I’ll have to catch up with you.

This is on my watchlist. Never watched anything with Disney+ before & no clue if I’ll ever get to this.

Aside of WandaVision, I also finished Agent Carter last night. I have to say that it was a bit of a chore to get through, which was a surprise cause I really enjoyed season 1.

I'm also catching up with the new season of Superstore on Hulu.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Aside of WandaVision, I also finished Agent Carter last night. I have to say that it was a bit of a chore to get through, which was a surprise cause I really enjoyed season 1.

I'm also catching up with the new season of Superstore on Hulu.
i was gonna watch agent carter when it first release but didnt have a chancer to watched it =/ is it good?

excited for the falcon and winter soldier next week tho

I just breezed through the handful of episodes of WandaVision. Loved 'em, even though I'm not as familiar with the Marvel universe as many people are. (One of these days I'll catch up to the rest of the world.)

loved this show!!

i was gonna watch agent carter when it first release but didnt have a chancer to watched it =/ is it good?

excited for the falcon and winter soldier next week tho
I really liked the first season of Agent Carter. I dug the character when it was introduced in The First Avenger, and the first season just built up on that.

For season 2, I think the tone was off sometimes going overboard towards the comedic/silly. Plus, I think the way they handled some of the subplots, were a bit of a disservice to some of the characters. Overall, it took me a while to get through, whereas I remember breezing through season 1 quite fast.

I guess I'll check out Falcon and the Winter Soldier; see how it works.

I really liked the first season of Agent Carter. I dug the character when it was introduced in The First Avenger, and the first season just built up on that.

For season 2, I think the tone was off sometimes going overboard towards the comedic/silly. Plus, I think the way they handled some of the subplots, were a bit of a disservice to some of the characters. Overall, it took me a while to get through, whereas I remember breezing through season 1 quite fast.

I guess I'll check out Falcon and the Winter Soldier; see how it works.
i know season 1 always have good storylines but i give it a go to watch season 1
im like that watched half way then stopped watching other seasons
well its out on march 19th