What are you doing at this very moment?


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Currently chilling out as its been a long day, went to my daughters sports day today and it was so hot I burned my face and neck. Then on this glorious day I spent most of it in a hot car as I was giving my mother in law a lift to cardiff as she had a hospital appointment. Loooooooooooong day is long and hot.
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Watching a repeat of the Greece/Ivory Coast match. I must say, Ivory Coast really got unlucky. Yet another horrible decision by the referee that has cost another team a chance of advancing!
[ J ] - [ S ] - [ F ]

Getting ready to go to bed... discussing with my friend in Argentina ... for him to watch "Jadesouri" with me soon.. and I keep telling my cat, "We will go to sleep soon".. so its a good night to everyone.. enjoy your day/evening..

Talking to friends on Tumblr about The Avengers: Age of Ultron, and their thoughts. Discussions are pretty heated up and exciting as always on the site. Plus I'm gonna watch Grindhouse later tonight.

listen Linkin Park - One Step Closer this song rock !
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Despite them being the Backstreet Boys of rock, I do like that song.

Watching The Sweeney and about to take some stuff up to the school for their jumble sale.

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Just waiting for the kids dinner to finish cooking then me and my wife are going to be moving our bedroom around and no HK that isnt a euphemism

Trying to convince myself that I really do have to go through yet another day of dealing with family. But today should be the last of it until my brother's wedding in August.

Sitting in the shade on a pile of rubble drinking a cup of tea waiting to do all the meanial jobs . Son is converting the air raid shelter at the bottom of his garden into a manshed and hubbie's helping him.

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Currently sat waiting for my meds to work for the second time today... Once they work me and the kids are going to pop to the local shop to get popcorn as my son is going to the cinema tonight, so as my wife is in work me and my daughter are going to have a film night and watch a film of her choosing so its possibly going to be frozen (again)

I'm in my telly chair still in my dressing gown as I haven't bothered getting dressed today... waiting for the kettle to boil while eating peanut butter from the jar with a spoon...

Lazy days are the best.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Currently sitting with a cold drink as it is one of those muggy humid days where it is just horribly hot. I have just come back from shopping so sat with the fan on with my feet up.

I need to go out and get shopping, visit the bank, pay bills, get some baccy...

Got absolutely no drive today. I've normally done all that stuff by now.