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The People's Republic of Clogher
The correct answer is San Andreas. Obviously.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

The correct answer is San Andreas. Obviously.
What is, an overblown game, full of superfluous rpg elements that bear no significance on the game? R.I.P. Chris Penn.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
What is, an overblown game, full of superfluous rpg elements that bear no significance on the game? R.I.P. Chris Penn.
What do you even mean superfluous rpg elements? And what do you mean by bears no significance on the game? The game doesn't once illustrate itself as being a serious or plot intensive game. It uses the plot as a vehicle for exploration and adventure, that's why its not a linear story line, you can go do whatever missions you have in whatever order you want, or not at all.
Buy a bag, go home in a box.

there's a frog in my snake oil
In other news, it's Chriiisssstmasssss

Rocket Hockey. Very silly. A mid-height, mid-power wall slide shot is pretty much guaranteed a goal. But can you get it there...

They really should give extra points for rolling it in on its side too
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

GTA 3 and Vice City were the ones I played non stop. I sort of fell off video games after that. Got too expensive.
I came here to do two things, drink some beer and kick some ass, looks like we are almost outta beer - Dazed and Confused

101 Favorite Movies (2019)

Best soundtrack? GTA 3
I would have to say the soundtrack for 'Bully' was the best I've ever heard.

I am talking about GTA games. GTA 3 soundtrack isn't good, but it's best from series.
If talking about best soundtrack of all time then it's something between Chrono Trigger / Transistor and Silent Hill 2
Oh, right. Sadly I've only played a couple of GTAs and one of them happened to be Vice City. The 80s soundtrack just didn't work for me.

Gangster Rap is Shakespeare for the Future
Been Playing way too much Rocket League still, but I hit the milestone I've been waiting for yesterday, I'm at least Gold in every Ranked Mode! Will I make it to Platinum over the winter? (definitely not)

What do you even mean superfluous rpg elements? And what do you mean by bears no significance on the game? The game doesn't once illustrate itself as being a serious or plot intensive game. It uses the plot as a vehicle for exploration and adventure, that's why its not a linear story line, you can go do whatever missions you have in whatever order you want, or not at all.
Please forgive me, I haven't played it since I used the backwards compatibility on my ps3...that is sitting in my closet...waiting...

The weightlifting is the first thing that comes to mind. Everything is open to interpretation. In my experience, that is similar to the stat building you see in an rpg. Superfluous = unnecessary. I can't remember it serving any purpose other than time killer.

San Andreas is, mechanically, a huge step forward from III and Vice City. I can still happily play it today.

Best soundtrack too.
To put so much faith in someone, respect their opinion more than most...and have it all destroyed with one fell post.

bluedeed, your handle is great. Rick and Morty could be the best show on tv.

Wanna Date? Got Any Money?
I know what Superfluous means, which is why it makes no sense. Working out and gaining muscle makes you more resistant to damage, and makes you do more damage. Increasing Stamina makes it so you can run/ride bikes for longer and eventually non stop. If you ate too much and got fat, you couldn't run or do anything very well. Increasing your guns levels allowed you to get attachments and sometimes dual wield the guns. Sex appeal helped you date and get more attractive girlfriends (Which was always a bad idea for a side game). None of that seems unnecessary to me, it's all pretty beneficial to the overall experience of the game. But I agree that everything is open to interpretation, I just have played this game a lot, and speak from experience.

The People's Republic of Clogher

To put so much faith in someone, respect their opinion more than most...and have it all destroyed with one fell post.
Oh well, your heroes always tend to disappoint you eventually.

I can't remember any of the songs on III, IV or V and Vice City's fruit was so low hanging that my daughter could have assembled an 80s playlist as recognisable.

San Andreas has Rebel Without a Pause, Pacific, Great Train Robbery, My Lovin' .... and Fool's Gold.

Fool's Gold...

It wins.

I know what Superfluous means, which is why it makes no sense. Working out and gaining muscle makes you more resistant to damage, and makes you do more damage. Increasing Stamina makes it so you can run/ride bikes for longer and eventually non stop. If you ate too much and got fat, you couldn't run or do anything very well. Increasing your guns levels allowed you to get attachments and sometimes dual wield the guns. Sex appeal helped you date and get more attractive girlfriends (Which was always a bad idea for a side game). None of that seems unnecessary to me, it's all pretty beneficial to the overall experience of the game. But I agree that everything is open to interpretation, I just have played this game a lot, and speak from experience.

To me it was. I never put much time in any of that stuff and I never reached any broken parts because of it. I never realized they played such a vital role.

"Never meet your heroes", truer words have never been spoken.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm not getting involved in no taste test (although you're right about low hanging fruit in Vice T )


Looks like The Long Dark is warming up to Story Mode, and so release eventually I'm guessing. Looks like they're going to have active NPCs in the world too. Could be intriguing...

Yeah, if I weren't awash in Fallout 4 I would've posted that. Very cool trailer. Looks like they added another area, too. That's two areas they've added I've yet to check out at all, along with a craftable bow and arrow and a bunch of other, smaller things. Nice to know I'll be able to scratch the explorer itch a little when F4 winds down. Though admittedly in a very different way.

there's a frog in my snake oil
I'm def still waiting for full release on this, but it's good to see it still solidly feels like it's going to get there! (So many don't).

I've got a 30% GMG voucher that keeps whispering to me about F4...

In the meantime, this looks various kinds of promising...

there's a frog in my snake oil
I've been waiting for something resembling a Phoenix port for PC. This kinda resembles it

(Reviews are pretty favourable so far, some even saying it's got a more fluid and expressive investigation system. And... terrible bird puns...)

The People's Republic of Clogher
If you're after some Phoenix Wright style deductive nonsense give Contradiction a try. If you're after something a bit more weighty then Her Story is the only ship in ... err ... town.