Doctors of the opposite gender


Little floppy, hoppy, bunnies!
I've had both sex doctors and am comfortable with both. I feel if they make me comfortable and know what they are doing well I am fine. I've had some major stomach issue's and have been in and out of the doctor's office and am not a big fan of them right now for they can't diagnose me correctly and well stick a fork in me I'm done with em!!!

You ready? You look ready.
Quite frankly, I would prefer a woman doctor. That way you can brush any "reactions" off to her being of the opposite gender.

As for the prostate exam, I second markf. You're young, so unless you have a condition/disease/paranoia of family related issues being passed on you don't need one. You've got plenty of time left in life to get a prostate exam. No rush.
"This is that human freedom, which all boast that they possess, and which consists solely in the fact, that men are conscious of their own desire, but are ignorant of the causes whereby that desire has been determined." -Baruch Spinoza

Originally Posted by honeykid
Really? A hermaphrodite doctor? How did you find out? Did you play "I'll show you mine if you show me yours"?
I was totally thinking the same thing and was about to comment. Honeykid, are we related?

Okay, so I went for my exam today and it turns out she wants me to have a testicular exam. She asked if I wanted a male doctor to perform the procedure, she postponed it until my next visit to decide. I am conflicted, I mean it's uncomfortable either way, and I felt immature acting so awkward about her doing it. Am I being too immature?

...uh the post is up there...

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
Once again, I'm not sure what she's looking for, but you do what makes you feel comfortable. I'd probably be more comfy with the woman, but did she tell you what she's checking for?
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

There is not gonna be a freakin' option where you can have a genderless robot come in and give you a testicular exam.
I see you've never been to a surgery in Britain have you?

"Hi, I'm Doctor Woman. I'm gonna be performing your testicular exam. Before we begin, let me get comfortable by taking off my bra and panties. Ooooooh, yeah, feel those boobies while I feel your testicles. Oooooh, yeah, here -- feel for my heartbeat. *giggles* Ooooh, it's cold!"
OK, now if I could have the address for that surgery, I'll be on my way.

well hey FF - its better than being felt-up (and by felt up, I DO mean felt up) by the TSA security guard in the airport. in front of millions of people.

male, female it doesnt matter to me either way, as most doctors are very professional and polite. they know youre worried, and they'll do their best to put you at ease. I've found it helps to just tell them youre nervous about it outright.

joke about it. if you wanna stick with her go in there and tell her youre nervous and weirded out by it, but youd be weirded out by it if it was a man or a woman doctor, so youre gonna stick with her, but that anything could happen and you cant be held responsible for anything your body does.

she'll prolly laugh (with you) and tell you it happens all the time. then when/if anything does happen, you're already covered.

but if you want a man, you should definitely go for it. I have found that though I dont mind one way or the other, I have better relationships with women doctors, and they talk to me more. I chalk it up to me being more at ease with them, and less afraid to ask questions and talk about my body. the men tend to be very brisk and businesslike, and less willing to explain.*

*totally hope I didnt just slander all male doctors. im sure there are some out there that take the time to talk, etc.
something witty goes here......

I recently changed doctors, and for the first time since I was an infant it is a woman. She is fairly young as well. I am suppose to have a physical exam some time soon, which my former male doctor never did. I was just wondering if anyone else has had this happen, and if it is normal to feel uncomfortable and embarrassed?
No – all my doctors have been male. I've had a few female dentists though .