The Election News and Predictions Thread


"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
Being lumped in with 2 troll accounts is demoralizing.
Sorry, but you have to be a tiny bit aware of the similarities in your posting styles on the forum, I hope.

I also noticed that you see a lot of things that you may not agree with, as trolling. Not everything that we find offensive and provocative is trolling. If it was, you'd have a recipe for a silent forum, an Old Boys' Club, where all you do is pat (or rep) eachother on the back.

If they are within the rules, especially for 15 years, I don't really see why we should view them as troll accounts?

I know that some people are more sensitive than others. I also know that some people have drama queen tendencies. I am more than willing to zigzag past their posts, just to converse with like-minded individuals who don't take themselves or their presence here on MoFo, too seriously.

I have a short list of folks to avoid, but, I refuse to put them on Ignore User, because, one day, they may type something I agree with and I would like to be able to rep them for that.
"I may be rancid butter, but I'm on your side of the bread."
E. K. Hornbeck

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
Administrators have their own opinions, too.

As said earlier, you can pick and choose what you like on here. I think this is the best movie board. I found many great movies, and have been introduced to movies I might have ignored until a later date. I also like listening to different opinions, regardless if I agree with them or not. I rather have someone being honest than wanting to be liked.

Sorry, but you have to be a tiny bit aware of the similarities in your posting styles on the forum, I hope.
No, I dont. Please be specific, and seriously, Ill correct myself if I come across like either.
I also noticed that you see a lot of things that you may not agree with, as trolling. Not everything that we find offensive and provocative is trolling. If it was, you'd have a recipe for a silent forum, an Old Boys' Club, where all you do is pat (or rep) eachother on the back.
I dont think provocative as trolling. I think what Nostros done in this thread is trolling. There is no "old boys club" here, Yoda agrees more with you than me on this subject, but Nostro just trolled the thread off subject to himself again. To look like a victim of oppression again. Meanwhile in reality theyll smear Yodas or my name to whoever will listen. You cant even see it, or you do and are just entertained by it. It hasnt been like this for 15 years.

i'm SUPER GOOD at Jewel karaoke
but Nostro just trolled the thread off subject to himself again. To look like a victim of oppression again.
well, i tried to keep it on topic by posting something political-related on the last page, but...

can i just say that this actually isn't anything new? TONGO you've been around long enough to remember how bad it's gotten during election time in the past. it was really, really tense during 2008 with Obama and McCain, too. and the Bush years, also very tense and snappy. i remember being a complete a-hole to a few conservatives in that time, and vice versa.

this ain't nothing new. can we all move on now?

well, i tried to keep it on topic by posting something political-related on the last page, but...

can i just say that this actually isn't anything new? TONGO you've been around long enough to remember how bad it's gotten during election time in the past. it was really, really tense during 2008 with Obama and McCain, too. and the Bush years, also very tense and snappy. i remember being a complete a-hole to a few conservatives in that time, and vice versa.

this ain't nothing new. can we all move on now?
Actually I wasnt around these threads then even though I was around.

Allright. Ill just keep quiet. Yall seem like this is old hat, so Ill just stfu I guess

"I smell sex and candy here" - Marcy Playground
No, I dont. Please be specific, and seriously, Ill correct myself if I come across like either.
You know, just big, loud, imaginative, colorful, etc.

You cant even see it, or you do and are just entertained by it.
I am entertained by your posts, as much as theirs.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
The first links reputable, its from ABC news...
No, it's not reputable - it's from another ABC news - some completely fake "news site", one of many which have popped up all over the web with the most blatant lies and an obviously cheap use of "web design".
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

This argument seems extremely antiquated. People now can be as informed or uninformed as they desire.
1. Some, not all.
2. By that logic then at least half of all voters were uninformed or wrongly informed assuming anyone can simply will knowledge into existence.
3. It remains a matter of principal. The onus should not be on voters to chase after the an unsupervised actions of a government which has been empowered to simultaneously bleed them of tax dollars and blatantly disregard their votes. There's nothing antiquated about calling a system that has been given the responsibility of policing it's own authority what it is: ********.

Originally Posted by Movie Max
Electoral College is Unfair, But it is Still the Best Way to Elect the President

A lot has been said about the unfairness of the Electoral College for electing the U.S. president. But let’s think pragmatically. Fairness is not always sustainable, and this is one of the cases where I think that statement applies.
A common argument in favor of the Electoral College is that it protects the rights of small states versus big ones. Under this theory, it would prevent big cities from holding all of the control of the election process.
They hold MORE control, not all of it, because they have MORE people, which means MORE votes. There's nothing unsustainable about that, this argument merely gawps at the idea that dividing and tribalizing a country into states might actually be kinda stupid.

Let alone a continent into countries.
Originally Posted by Yoda
False, again. Here's a list of the outstanding accusations against Trump. The oldest is about 30 years, about half of them are within the last decade or so, and the most recent is three years ago. Not to mention that we have him on tape literally saying he does exactly the things he's being accused of.

It says a lot that you need to misrepresent the facts (like misquoting him about the judge--still unanswered) in order to muster even a half-hearted defense of the man.
That at least, I thought, had a humorous nugget of truth to it. Rape accusations have become a bandwagon.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

No, it's not reputable - it's from another ABC news - some completely fake "news site", one of many which have popped up all over the web with the most blatant lies and an obviously cheap use of "web design".
Thanks for spotting that Mark. I guess all 3 of Steels links werent credible then.

Now President Joe "Trump: McCarthy is rabble-rousing people against theater goers. 4 more years of this...

Trump demands apology from Hamilton cast after Mike Pence booed

The US vice-president elect, Mike Pence, was booed by a theater audience when he attended the hit hip-hop musical Hamilton in New York on Friday night – and then had a message about protecting diversity delivered to him from the stage after the curtain call.
On Saturday, President-elect Donald Trump accused theatre-goers of having “harassed” Pence, writing on Twitter: “Our wonderful future V.P. Mike Pence was harassed last night at the theater by the cast of Hamilton, cameras blazing.This should not happen!”

He also demanded an apology: “The Theater must always be a safe and special place.The cast of Hamilton was very rude last night to a very good man, Mike Pence. Apologize!”

On Friday night, as Pence entered the auditorium for the Broadway show at the Richard Rogers Theater, video taken by onlookers and posted to social media picked up some audience members cheering him, then more people booing him.

Pence walked down the aisle towards his seat and waved briefly as people in the theater clearly began to realize who he was. Then the boos began.

1. Some, not all.
2. By that logic then at least half of all voters were uninformed or wrongly informed assuming anyone can simply will knowledge into existence.
3. It remains a matter of principal. The onus should not be on voters to chase after the an unsupervised actions of a government which has been empowered to simultaneously bleed them of tax dollars and blatantly disregard their votes. There's nothing antiquated about calling a system that has been given the responsibility of policing it's own authority what it is: ********.
Please inform me how government should work. My point was that the information is out there to be an informed voter. Unbiased information too, if you desire it. Sit and watch C-Span for a few days. You can get unfitered information.If you think we shouldn't be voting, that government shouldn't exist, or that you should be governing government then that is a whole different discussion than your original post.

Booing the Vice President Elect in a non-political, public venue where people are out simply for entertainment, before the guy's even taken office or done anything = deplorable.

Booing the Vice President Elect in a non-political, public venue where people are out simply for entertainment, before the guy's even taken office or done anything = deplorable.
I just made a different post that i deleted disagreeing with you because i hadn't watched the video yet, which i rarely do, and i had misunderstood what happened. Yeah, i agree. Seriously unnecessary behaviour.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Booing the Vice President Elect in a non-political, public venue where people are out simply for entertainment, before the guy's even taken office or done anything = deplorable.
True. But worse is the President-elect Trump latter demanding an apology like some 4 year old kid. I've never seen a President behave more immature than Trump.

Booing the Vice President Elect in a non-political, public venue where people are out simply for entertainment, before the guy's even taken office or done anything = deplorable.
True. But worse is the President-elect Trump latter demanding an apology like some 4 year old kid. I've never seen a President behave more immature than Trump.
Freedom. Of. Speech. Citizen nailed it, Trump's too used to people saying or doing what he expects to comprehend otherwise.

While Trump was having protestors tossed from his rallies, Obama encouraged his supporters to let a protestor protest at one of his rallies for Hillary. He explained to everyone this is exactly what we founded this nation on.

True. But worse is the President-elect Trump latter demanding an apology like some 4 year old kid. I've never seen a President behave more immature than Trump.
This is just the beginning.

They said yesterday when he met President Shinzo Abe of Japan, Trump pulled the skin by his eyes from the side, bowed and said, "Show me sand a floor! Oh, me rikey Kalate Kid - Mr. Miyagi-san velly much. You rike to tly special soup of day? Is cream of sum yung guy! Velly good. You rikey velly much!"

What everyone is blind to, the President-elect just used his influence to "rouse rabble" against a group he personally didnt agree with. Anyone, or thing, Trump doesnt like he knows he can make a Tweet, and his followers will respond fervently.

Unity? What is he pushing for? He's very much still in the "Us vs Them" mentality, its what got him there, and hes not going to stop promoting that way of thinking.

Freedom. Of. Speech. Citizen nailed it, Trump's too used to people saying or doing what he expects to comprehend otherwise.
Being able to criticize what others say while utilizing their freedom of speech is also freedom of speech. Most verbal expressions are protected under the 1st amendment, but that doesn't mean we can't still identify when they are tasteless, baseless, inappropriate or rude.