Rate The Last Movie You Saw


American Ultra. Loved it.

Backcountry (2014)

Based on a true story, a couple goes on a camping trip deep into the Canadian woods. The guy doesn't bring a map because he's been there in the past, and he sneaks out his GF's cell phone and leaves it in the car so she isn't glued to it. There's bears you stupid ass!

Like Derek previously said, this is a very slow movie. For an adventure thriller, that is not good. Fortunately, the movie is only 90 minutes long, and it does a nice job at creating tension. There is only one scene of action in the movie, and it is pretty horrific. It's a fairly effective movie, but just don't expect too much.

Inherent Vice (2014)
3rd watch

After three watches, I might have noticed a bit more detail, I might have found it easier to just move along with and I might like it a litte bit better than my first watch... But that said, almost everything I said in my original review and all the same thoughts I had I still stand by. The movie is a messy and convoluded journey that just isn't groovy or trippy enough to carry itself on characters and fractured semi-funny scenes. If I try to follow the story very closely it is definitely possible to do, but it's not fun or interesting and when I try to just look at the characters I become a bit bored as well.

An uneven film that looks like the receipe to a predestined cult hit, but without a bong hit I'm not sure where I'm at here. I think I know what this movie wants, but I don't really like it too much...


The premise of this movie, led me to believe I would have loved it. It came across like it was just trying too hard and underwhelmed me.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Friday The 13th Part 2 (1981)

"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol (2011)

WAS my favorite in the MI series (Just got topped by Rogue Nation). Benji getting a much bigger role was a smart move on their part. Of course the scenes in Dubai were the peak of the movie. Poor Jeremy Renner, next thing you know they'll try and make him the next bond and he'll be vilified for being in THAT role. He is actually a good actor and it sucks he keeps getting shoe horned into other spy movies instead of just getting his own. He was great in the movie.

Mission Impossible: Rogue Nation (2015)

Despite giving it the same rating I do now give the edge to RN. I really liked it, it was fun all around. One thing I absolutely loved in this movie was the dynamic between Jeremy Renner and Ving Rhames, i could seriously just watch a full movie of those two stuck in traffic bitching at each other. Simon Pegg did a good job....playing Simon Pegg, but that isn't a problem because Pegg is just such a likable guy. Now I gotta talk about Rebecca Ferguson. I've never even heard of this girl before....but damn she is fineeeee and a badass. I need to see her in more movies. The MI series seriously needs to find and keep a recurring female character, and I wouldn't complain at all if it was her. Oh and Tom Cruise still got it. I wouldn't be surprised if he was an action hero until he is like 96. This dude has more balls than any other actor i've ever seen HE ACTUALLY HUNG TO THE SIDE OF AN F-ING PLANE FOR THAT SHOT AT THE BEGINNING!

This was pretty damn good. Dark as hell too. Then again this is about hunting down a Cartel crime lord so yeah that is to be expected. The cartels are portrayed appropriately; as evil SOBs. Though certain characters are shown to be very very grey in how they operate. Either way, very suspenseful, great performances and was very well shot and paced.

I can't wait either.

Have you seen Enemy, Guns? Do you think I'll like Sicario as much as I loved that one?

Good to hear you liked Sicario. There are moments in the trailer that seem like it could either way. If I had my druthers, I would be seeing this instead of the Martian. TUS and FnL have given Del Toro a lifetime pass in my book, despite not being impressed by much of his work in recent years.

Gunslinger gets to see all those classics on the big screen... I'm so jealous it hurts!

I thought I was lucky for getting into press screenings and such... now I wish I just had the chance to see classic cinema in the most perfect enviroment possible. Lucky you, Guns, lucky you.