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The People's Republic of Clogher
Gran Turismo 5? It's a PS3 exclusive and was supposed to appear last September, then last Christmas, then this March.

EDIT - Apparently it's the Japanese version which is being delayed, according to Sony, but I'm gonna expect GT5 here in March when I physically see a copy because I dunno why a company would delay only the version for their home country.
"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

In the Beginning...
Gah. I read that as "GTA5." My bad.
See also L.A. Noire, a detective game set in late-1940s Los Angeles. It's being developed for PS3 and XBOX 360 by Team Bondi under Rockstar Games. Looks pretty cool.

Bad Company 2 ..... it's coming
Yeah baby.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Anyone played The Saboteur? It's multi-platform (and PC, Chris ) and is a bit GTA-meets-Inglourious Basterds-meets-inFamous with badly-voiced Irishmen. And breasts.

It's not bad.

I was just reading about that the other day. I'm probably gonna give it a whirl; it sounds right up my alley and I'm definitely hankering for another game to play. Sounds like good fun.

The People's Republic of Clogher
I've played it on PC and it doesn't seem too processor-intensive, especially considering that it's pretty good-looking. Full 360 gamepad support, too.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Well, I got my PS3 Slim this morning after going to 6 (count 'em! ) different stores looking for a 120GB model. The reason I didn't go for the 250GB is the 320GB drive which was sitting in the old Playstation and now resides in the new one, a waste of £35 or, to put it another way, food for a week.

It's tiny! And quiet! At long last I have a decent DVD upscaler again with the added bonus of being able to play all my BD movies on a system that doesn't sound like an aged consumptive.

It plays games too, apparently, but I've not tried any of them things yet.

I've played it on PC and it doesn't seem too processor-intensive, especially considering that it's pretty good-looking. Full 360 gamepad support, too.
Nice, I'll start looking into it more.

By the by, a big thank you to you (and 7th) for your help last year with the new power supply and graphics card installation. I'm still stunned it worked and it's been awesome being able to play a fair number of new-ish games again.

The People's Republic of Clogher
No problem. A 9800GT should play The Saboteur really well.

I nearly ended up owning the game this morning, too. Bizarrely, a store had a PS3+The Saboteur bundle for £10 less than a PS3 on its own. But they'd sold out.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Don't think mine can run it at max - the resolution topped out at 1440x900 and my monitor is 1680x1050. Got decent framerates but had to turn the AA down a notch or two.

A good indicator of how powerful your system is is the Resident Evil 5 benchmark tool (free download from loads of places). I was getting 70-80fps from it at max resolution and everything else at max. I know people who get 120+.

A system of cells interlinked
In a nostalgic turn, I installed Myst - Revelation after chatting it up with Yoda and Austruck in the thread. At first, it seemed the game was going to be hard to get, as prices seemed jacked through the roof and people claimed it was a "rarity".

This was BS, and I got a copy for super cheap online at a small shop a couple states over.

I must say I had a weird knee-jerk reaction to the game. I hadn't seen a Myst game is AGES (get it?), and the first thought in my head was "OK, I don't think I can rewind my mind to this style of gaming anymore". Alas, not one to give up at first blush, I decided to try to do a couple of puzzles before I went out for the evening. Six puzzles later, I am getting crap for making us late!

Addicting, to be sure. It's weird, but the simple Myst formula is still pretty solid as a story-telling device, and I found the puzzles to be challenging but at least they sort of make sense logically within the framework of the adventure, and aren't just tacked on.

Still in the first area, but I am pretty sure I am heading out to one of the two prison ages soon, and I solved the fireplace puzzle (in short order, I might add) and the passage led to a chamber with two books in it. I restrained myself, and didn't dive right into the next age, as I still have a puzzle to do in Yeesha's room, and i didn't want to run off willy-nilly without finishing what I had started.

“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

The Adventure Starts Here!
Ahh, I may have to start reinstalling the ol' Myst games myself. I found Revelation to be particularly beautiful. LOVE that first area, their "house" ... except, like all Myst games, people seem to have lived in houses with no bathrooms.

We Myst fans are sure that there is a "Toilet Age" somewhere, and every Myst fan is secretly frightened of accidentally clicking on a linking book (stinking book?) to the Toilet Age. (shudder)

Got this in the mail yesterday, not really impressed so far . All it's been is take cover - shoot - walk ahead , repeat. It'd be a far cry to call it an RPG.

The People's Republic of Clogher
Of course it's an RPG!

You create a character, you level up, your choices effect outcomes etc. What it is is a more streamlined/dumbed down RPG than anything Bioware have produced and this works in some areas but not in others. That it's also a 3rd person cover shooter is kinda immaterial - Fallout 3, for example, is also an RPG with a shooter mechanic.

Borderlands, S.T.A.L.K.E.R and Bioshock, on the other hand, are shooters with some RPG elements.

In the Beginning...
Well, the BF: Bad Company 2 demo has ended, leaving me with an excrutiating 5-day wait until the full game comes out. This game is so deliciously good, it's killing me. Halo games notwithstanding, I never get this excited about online competitive play. Looks like I'll be playing Battlefield 1943 this weekend just to get my fix.

I'm very excited. I didn't play the original Battlefield: Bad Company, but now that I'm between Modern Warfare games and chomping at the bit for something similarly polished, I'm planning on jumping all over it. Wish I'd known about the demo; I would've loved to have gotten a feel for it.

In the Beginning...
I don't know if you've got any friends who play/will play this game, but because it's one that requires almost constant cooperation and teamwork, the experience is so much more rewarding when you play regularly with a squad of buddies. Eventually, you settle into a rhythm where each man fills a role, and you start to work out automatic responses to a variety of situations.

My friends and I, for example, absolutely know how to deal with tanks. They're the biggest threat to your gold, really, and we're like clockwork in spotting them, attaching tracers, and hitting them with heavy ordnance until they're gone. It's very satisfying when you can consistently stop tank advances in twenty seconds or less. Not that I'm bragging.

Conversely, if you play alone, you're forced to depend on the competency of your anonymous teammates. I don't know what the quality of player is like on PC, but on X-BOX 360, generally it's pretty poor. No communication, no teamwork. Just last night, I couldn't figure out why my teammates insisted on sniping from a mile away while the enemy planted charges on our gold. To me, that becomes the priority.

At any rate, expect a fairly steep learning curve. You might not like the pulse of the game at first, but you'll get used to it. The controls on 360 are also somewhat unconventional; don't know how they translate on PC.