Robin Hood


\m/ Fade To Black \m/
Disregard HK at your peril.... OK, maybe not at your peril, but seriously, this is going to suck. There are no good Robin Hood films. None that I can think of anyway.
Sir I beg to differ, Robin Hood Men In Tights is awesome

~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Disregard HK at your peril.... OK, maybe not at your peril, but seriously, this is going to suck. There are no good Robin Hood films. None that I can think of anyway.

So far, tv seems to have done it better than the big screen because the mini-series, Robin of Sherwood was awesome...


Robin Hood (1991) starring Patrick Bergin as Robin Hood was pretty good too... IMO...

You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I don't know what the deal is. The Errol Flynn and the Costner flicks are good entertainment too. I know you're supposed to badmouth Cousin Kevin, but that's old. Now here's where honey comes on and gives us a list of the last thousand movies he's watched with ratings. Go ahead. I dare you.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Hey guy's ROBIN HOOD is knocking at the door . How do you think , will it burn the scree?

It will probably be competently made from a technical stand point but be just like every other historical epic we've inundated with lately.

will.15's Avatar
Semper Fooey
He not dressed in green.

He not cheerful like Robin Hood.

He kind of fat.

But I still think hit.

So far I'm disagreeing with it all but the tv series, but then I knew I would.

Also, the Bergin Robin Hood was a tv movie.

I probably worded my post wrong... but I meant the Robin Hood with Bergin was a made for tv too... and you're right, Robin of Sherwood was a series instead of a mini-series... too bad it didn't run longer than it did...

I've not seen the newer Robin Hood tv series... is it worth checking out?

Don't know if any of the other UK posters listened to Front Row the other night. Mark Lawson suggested to Russell Crowe that his Robin Hood accent had hints of Irish, Crowe gets a little huffy and says Lawson has dead ears
He also walks out leaving a question unanswered at the end but can't blame him for that cos it was the one asking did he really not want to say that famous line in Gladiator.

I don't know what the deal is. The Errol Flynn and the Costner flicks are good entertainment too. I know you're supposed to badmouth Cousin Kevin, but that's old. Now here's where honey comes on and gives us a list of the last thousand movies he's watched with ratings. Go ahead. I dare you.
Dude, I couldn't tell you the last 10 films I watched, let alone the last 1000.

I don't bad mouth Costner, either, he's made a good few films I have no interest in watching, but he's also made some good ones, as well as a couple of my favourites.