I Am Legend

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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
yeah i agree. Robert even says that all human aspects are gone, or something like that, so it seemed out of the blue how they acted. I think i like the orig ending better just cause this one seemed more like a hollywood happy ending.

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The fact they had this ending as well shows (to me anway) that they had no end game plan in sight.
"A laugh can be a very powerful thing. Why, sometimes in life, it's the only weapon we have."

Suspect's Reviews

I'm not sure there is a good way to end this "version" of Matheson's book.
This does not even count as any type of "version" whatsoever of Richard Matheson's book. Except if you count the title and the character's name.

Why they changed it at all in the first place is beyond me.
Why Akiva Goldsman and Mark Protosevich ruined the book completely......I have no idea.

Why's there a gun in your trousers?
Nice review Yoda....I pretty much agree with ya all the way. I think the movie was pretty damn good, but could have been better. I wouldnt go so far to say that I was let down, as I didnt have to high of hopes to begin with, but I agree that it fell a little short.
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Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I Am Legend (Francis Lawrence, 2007)

Many people have seen this film before me. They have also read Richard Matheson's source and seen The Last Man on Earth and The Omega Man. Many have also made a few comments about this specific movie, and I want to try to respond to these to the best of my ability.

The two original film versions of Matheson's I Am Legend suffered from extreme low-budgets. That's what killed both of them for me. Even though I have read plenty of Matheson, I somehow missed this story, and the main reason is that I saw those crapola movies first. Now, maybe I'm wrong, and if I had read the story first, I'd change my mind, but I doubt it. I don't have to read something to know that what I saw was substandard.

Fast forward to 2007. Well, I ignored 2007, but in 2008, I Am Legend is released on DVD. To me, it's obviously the best film based on the source. Maybe it has nothing to do with the source, but I'm reviewing movies, not literature. The first thing which stands out about this movie is that Will Smith probably gives the best performance of his career. Straight on throughout, he is totally captivating. Yoda liked the first third, and I agree with him, but the scenes where Smith shines are those in the middle section, involving his dog and his "girlfriend" in the video store. Maybe, just maybe, Will Smith used some glycerine in those scenes, but my personal opinion is that was acting, and damn fine acting at that.

I will try to address a few points made earlier in this thread. As far as the religious/spiritual imagery, to me, they all made sense. The use of the Christian motifs is straight out of Shyamalan, and thus, I'm especially confused why members of this site would think that it's somehow misplaced or unexplained. Neville tries to save his family, but one of the last things his daughter says to him is to look at her butterfly. This means nothing to him at the time, but later, when he's saved by a woman, driving a car with a cross swinging from her rear view mirror, he asks this woman why she came to him and how she knows there is a safe place (which she calls "Bethel", a safe place, which literally means "House of God" and represents a sacred town north of Jerusalem). The woman tells him that God told her, and that this Bethel is in Vermont. It's at this point that Neville says, "There is no God! All the people we have ever known arer dead, dead, DEAD!!. It's only in the film's finale where Neville sees another butterfly and recalls what it is that God is expecting from him. God doesn't need him to save mankind, even though that is obviously Neville's desire. He only needs him to get the message AND the cure OUT of Ground Zero. In case anyone doesn't understand, it's very easy to drive out of NYC (especially with NO traffic) in the morning and reach Vermont before the sun sets. I spent my honeymoon traveling around New England, from NYC to Niagara Falls to New England and back again.

My bottom line is that if you don't expect this movie to rock your socks or display Matheson's story, you should like it OK, or at least cut it some slack. Movies are movies. They are larger than life. That's why people's heads are 15 feet tall on the big screen. I can understand if you like your movies more realistic or "smaller", but that sort of defeats the purpose of the "Big Screen" in the first place. Happy Movie Watching, everybody!
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One thing I find amusing about I am Legend is something that's been discussed on IMDb's message boards.

WARNING: "I am Legend/Brazil" spoilers below
You know the scene about two-thirds of the way through where Neville is stuck in his upside-down SUV and about to be killed by a Dark-Seeker? There was a theory going around that everything in the film following that point was a delusion Neville was having as he was dying, so he'd feel that he had accomplished something before he died (i.e. dreaming of passing on his "cure" to other survivors). Kinda like the last 15 minutes of Terry Gilliam's Brazil, for those of you who've seen it.

One of the arguments for this was several things that could be deemed plotholes - most importantly, that the girl who shows up is somehow capable of driving off dozens of Dark-Seekers, pulling the one attacking Neville out of the SUV and managing to pull him out of the SUV without being attacked - all with the assistance of one little boy (or possibly not). Same goes for the "butterfly" coincidence or the idea that he actually does come up with a cure by the end (even though there is no way he can be certain at the time that it's a cure). There are a few you can probably pick out if you watch it again. Of course, this probably wasn't intentional and is just some substandard writing, but it's an interesting spin that I happen to agree with.

On the whole, I give this
. Decent enough in parts, but it could've been a lot better.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
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In my point of view its a good movie.

Great review mark and obviously I completely agree with you. I just saw this again over the weekend and I saw something I didn't catch the first time. He actually sees 2 "Butterfly's" the first one appears in the plexi glass door as its being smashed and then he turns and sees the second on her neck. Which to me after seeing it again made even more sense as to why he "decided" to help her. Watch it again and tell me what you think.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

I wasn't really impressed. Why'd they decide to use computer graphics for things that could have been done with makeup? Eh? Something left me unsatisfied.
New jumble is two words: balesdaewrd
Previous jumble goes to, Mrs. Darcy! (gdknmoifoaneevh - Kingdom of Heaven)
The individual words are jumbled then the spaces are removed. PM the answer to me. First one with the answer wins.

If a writer or director is going to adapt an iconic piece of fiction, they need to remove their heads from their... umm smelly place, and change it only if it suits the story. I was impressed with this adaptation until the final battle and the conclusion (don't worry no spoilers). But the final battle looked like they copied and pasted the battle scenes in I-Robot, which was unique but unmerited. The ending in the novella made sense, hard purpose, and made a statement--especially in our scientically power hungry times. The ending in the film completely ignored the reason for the title of the movie (Matheson readers will understand this--by the way he wrote "Stir of echoes, What Dreams May Come", "Hell House", and a bunch of Twilight Zone episodes.
That being said... again if you mess with an iconic piece of literature, and you change it up, that's fine. Just make sure you do it for the purpose of the story as a whole, and not what will make the studios happy.

Sorry. As a stand alone movie, it is actually a good film inspite of my above complaints. Just dissapointing as an adaptation

Celluloid Temptation Facilitator
I enjoyed the film. It totally missed certain things from the story. It was pretty much it's own story.

I like the plot hole spoiler that Iroquois gifted us with above. If that were the case I would have liked the movie a little bit better.

I thought it was cool to update the story. I liked him having the dog as a pet. I liked the relocation to New York as well. Will Smith did a great job.

Omega Man was not something I remember fondly but I'm going to watch it again to see if it is better for me now.

Last Man on Earth was actually a pretty good film in spite of the low budget. It was also fairly faithful to the book.

The book mostly was irritating to me. A great deal of it was whining. Only the ending message made it worth reading.

I find the movie is quite boring for the first 30 mins or so as he's the only one around with his dog. When he starts seeing the creatures, then it starts to become a little more exciting.
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Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I find the movie is quite boring for the first 30 mins or so as he's the only one around with his dog.

next time read the Plot,
Years after a plague kills most of humanity and transforms the rest into monsters, the sole survivor in New York City struggles valiantly to find a cure.
hell, even read what it re-made, the Last man on Earth
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

My review may contain spoilers about "I am Legend"

I thought this movie was decent actually. I know allot of people really hate the ending, but it wasn't that bad, there have been movies with worse endings than this.

Alright, this is what i thought of the film. I thought the story line was great, the way it kind of went into a flash back every time he went to sleep was very clever, shows you what happened 3 years ago and how it all went down.

The movie has some sad points to it like when he had to kill the only friend he has had for the past 3 years.

Overall, i think I am legend was a decent movie. Apart from the ending it was really good.

I give this movie a 7.5/10

Great first 2/3 of a movie. i really wish they would of spent more time showing what Will Smith's character did while he was alone in the city. That kind of stuff was entertaining. The last 1/3, not so much.

\m/ Fade To Black \m/
I thought this was a fantastic film, it was simillar to 28 days later, but far better. Will Smith is one of my favorite actors and NEARLY every film he is in gets to be a box office smash. This film is really worth a look!
~In the event of a Zombie Uprising, remember to sever the head or destroy the brain!~

Registered User
I've seen the movie shot in Washington Square park in Dec. 2006. I went out of the library in the mid-night and found the park was closed and many huge spotlights making the night looks like daytime. Twenty some actors painted in pure white and bald headed were standing on a truck-like platform and pretending to jump off from it. I thought it was some film about aliens. I didn't see Smith, but I heard of some big name was involved in it. Until I saw that movie did I realize... I should just ran in and ask for some signatures...

I watch this film over and over...and just can't get over the amount of 'Rage' in that one Alpha male zombie....that guy, dude, monster, whatever it was, was always so full of rage, a focused rage...and at the end, while trying to break into the glass lab,

You could really see that rage up close...even as Will tried to reason with it....total rage...almost to the point where it was sexy...

i liked the movie, was not happy with the ending (it just seems the typical way to end any epic scope movie nowadays), loved the acting, loved the fred scene, loved how cool newyork looked abandoned, hated the CG... i thought we were past bad CG but the mist and IAL have proved us all wrong... im still trying to figure out why they didn't use real actors for the dark seekers? 4 out of 5
I just don't think real live acters could have captured that un adultrated Rage, you saw in that one alpha male infected humanoid...

One scene they did a good job with 'sound' was the scene on the peer at night, when the infected are sneaking up on what they think is a human...
And you hear the sound of their barefeet slapping the pavement as they begin to run...

It sounded like boloni hitting the pavement...

I would like to see I am legends infected fight or take on 28 days infected...who do you think would win?

I am legend zombies seemed to have super human strenth....

This could really happen you know, I mean with all the flu vaccines they give everyone every year....