Batman vs. Superman: Dawn of Justice


It's a combination of our yellow Sun and our atmosphere.

Our Sun is younger, and Kal El is naturally superior to humans anyway.
In MOS, Jor El says "his cells will drink in its radiation" and that Earth's atmosphere is "more nourishing".

Basically he gets his "power" from our Sun's radiation and his strength from our atmosphere. His powers of flight are simply from pure strength. Like a Human in water, we become weightless and we can propel ourselves easily with little movement... Superman does the same in our skies.

It's mentioned in Superman 2 as well.

Zod says along the lines of "a Yellow Sun gives our dense molecular structure unlimited powers"

It's never really been extensively uncovered by the people who write the canon tbh.

There are many aspects to Kryptonians, Superman especially that change over time. Superman originally didn't have the power of flight, or heat rays, x-ray vision etc.

Originally, he was from a planet with a much higher gravity than Earth, which is something that's still used today. It gives his muscles and bones greater strength than a Human, and makes his molecular structure denser.

He's also the natural spawn of genetically engineered Kryptonians rather than being genetically engineered himself, so he has the best of them rather than just the best of one trait.

Another thing that has always been used, but never shown or explained in detail, is his body's ability to absorb the young yellow Sun's radiation.
Krypton had a red sun, and was older and larger... so our powerful Sun has a radiation that his body responds to and makes him even more powerful than he already was.
The x-ray vision and heat rays from his eyes are possibly a side effect of having a lot of power stored up within. He can release it at an enemy.
Another explanation for flight is that once they have soaked up the yellow sun's energy, they can polarise their bodies... similar to using the naturally stored up energy for heat rays and x-ray vision.

It's been described once as a "Photonucleic Effect" in the comics. When a living creature, that has evolved in an atmosphere nourished by a red star comes into contact with the radiation of a yellow star, it gains strength and power greater than that of those that evolved in the yellow star's light.
Krypton, having both a red star, and a greater gravity as well, means Kryptonians have the best of both worlds. Naturally superior due to planetary effects, and becoming even more superior due to Solar effects.

If twins were born, and one grew up on Krypton, and one grew up on Earth... then by adult age, the one raised on Krypton would be physically superior, and would become even more powerful when they returned to Earth.

Blue Stars have an even greater effect on Kryptonians. When in the presence of a blue star, Kryptonians become near immortal.

Registered User
Ime starting to have my doubts about this movie now. At first I was very excited and thought this could really work. Now I feel like they are trying to cram way to much in.
Agreed on this

THE fan trailer from the king of fan trailers.

Pretty good Fan-Made for sure, however i just want the Comic Con footage.... now.... please WB?

Pretty good Fan-Made for sure, however i just want the Comic Con footage.... now.... please WB?
That was exclusively for comic con. You can always watch it on YouTube, people have done good jobs at digitally touching it up and fixing it in HD. Making it look crisp and clean.

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
Looks awesome.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

I assumed that, if and when they portrayed Aquaman in one of these films, they were gonna go way out of their way to make it dark/tough/gritty, just because the character is so widely regarded as goofy that they have to work extra hard to make him seem serious. And that seems to be the case here, from the design down to the casting.

"""" Hulk Smashhhh."""
I really can't wait for a trailer to be released.
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-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
I assumed that, if and when they portrayed Aquaman in one of these films, they were gonna go way out of their way to make it dark/tough/gritty, just because the character is so widely regarded as goofy that they have to work extra hard to make him seem serious. And that seems to be the case here, from the design down to the casting.
Aquaman changed a lot over the years but most of people do think he is still that goofy guy. In New 52 he is more dark/thought and gritty.

Registered User
Anyone else not happy about the film adding in Aquaman, Wonder Woman, etc?

I think a film called "Batman vs. Superman" should be just about those 2 heros.

I assumed that, if and when they portrayed Aquaman in one of these films, they were gonna go way out of their way to make it dark/tough/gritty, just because the character is so widely regarded as goofy that they have to work extra hard to make him seem serious. And that seems to be the case here, from the design down to the casting.

I'm not yay or nay on this look, I just see Drogo. If anything, I was hoping for something else.

Registered User
I'm not yay or nay on this look, I just see Drogo. If anything, I was hoping for something else.
I think that new look is pretty cool - reminds me of the 'edgier' look for Batman from the Dark Knight trilogy.

Though since the other heroes are more or less sticking with their comic book look it kind of clashes.