1930s Hall of Fame Part 2


Trouble with a capital "T"
I kept chuckling, thinking of your PM stating you wished you could send multiple noms and it kinda worked out
It did work out, that's an awesome group of noms But I still wish I could have a half dozen more of my own.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
I'll join if nobody is angry about it.
I think you got your answer - post a nom and I'll put it on the first page
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Trouble with a capital "T"
My library USE to have almost all these titles, but for some stupid reason they got rid of most of their old classic movies, (probably to make way for Will Ferrill).....SO if anybody finds really good quality links to these films, PM me...please

Mad Love (1935)
Of Mice and Men (1939)
The Goddess (1934)
I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (1932)

Most of the films are available at my library (including Mad Love), the others I'll watch on youtube.

I've only seen It Hapened One Night and The Thin Man apart from my nomination. The former I really enjoyed, the latter I found forgettable, but it's been a while so I'll rewatch them both.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I've seen Of Mice And Men, It Happened One Night and Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde before but they were all when I was a lot younger and rewatches of each are most definitely required.

The Thin Man is the only one I physically own, seen it quite a few times and last watched that about three years ago but plan on watching again anyway.

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang is one I've never seen but wanted to for some time now so glad it was nominated and looking forward to that.

I've no knowledge of Humanity and Paper Balloons or The Goddess so I look forward to discovering what they are about when I view them.

Last watched The Roaring Twenties late last year and Virtue quite recently as part of my seemingly neverending prep for the 30s countdown - so both are relatively fresh but to give everything equal footing in terms of memory I shall happily watch both again.

I actually rewatched Mad Love (another I'd not seen for decades) just now (many thanks to all those that provided links) and will write some thoughts on my computer, but as it looks like there might be a late entrant that could yet scupper my involvement I'll not post anything on here as yet.

HUGE thanks to Ed for working so hard in the background to try and make it possible for me to join in this one - muchly appreciated

As usual lots of new films for me on this 1930s bunch.

I've seen Humanity and Paper Balloons (pretty obivous because it's my nom) and The Goddess within last two or three weeks. I liked them both.

I've also seen Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as a kid ages ago. I know the story but don't really recall much of the film itself.

I'm familiar with the Of Mice and Men but haven't actually read the book or watched the film ever.

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang and It Happened One Night seem somewhat familiar names but don't really know anything about them. With The Thin Man, The Roaring Twenties, Virtue and Mad Love I'm totally in the dark.

I have seen 6 of these including my own and liked all of them to varying degrees. Some recently - I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang, Humanity and Paper Balloons. It's been a few years for the other three - The Goddess, It Happened One Night, The Thin Man.

Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde - This was on my watchlist. Frederic March is always great so I'm looking forward to it.

Mad Love - No knowledge of this. But a sci-fi horror with Peter Lorre and Colin Clive sounds intriguing.

Of Mice and Men - One of those blind spots. I've never read the book either which is probably something I should rectify.

Virtue - Pre-code drama! Yes!

I rewatched (most of) The Goddess to ensure my recent review still felt good. I'll copy it here and add some extra notes below.

The Goddess (1934)

A prostitute is trying to raise her son in Shanghai but faces multiple obstacles.

The Goddess is definitely among the best silent films I've seen. Its story of a prostitute mother trying to give her son a better life than she's had is not very unique and most of the twists are very predictable but it tells its story very well. It also manages to avoid the usual issues of silent film - it actually manages to give some depth to its characters and conveys emotions without horrible overacting.

Cinematography is quite nice for such an old movie and acting was superb for a silent film (especially Lingyu Ruan as the prostitute). It's little heavy handed on its social critique but it doesn't really hurt the story so I'll mostly give it a pass on that. Script's biggest issue is "The Boss" who to me looks more like a loser (why is he a boss of anything when all we ever see of him is losing his money by gambling and being broke unless he manages to steal "The Goddess's" stash?).

Well acted and slightly depressing drama that doesn't offer much new but builds a pretty package of the same old.


The Goddess is not exactly what I'd describe as my kind of film but it's not anything I particularly dislike either. It's very simple story about humanity, love, injustice and hypocrisy that uses (perhaps little cheaply) the age old idea of children inheriting their parents sins and shows how unfair such concept is.

Much of the film's goodness comes from brilliant acting of Lingyu Ruan. I don't remember equally emotional but still natural performance from silent films. She really carries the simple story on her shoulders. And other actors aren't bad either but she just stands out.

I really liked the nightly shots of the city lights that were used on few occasions. It offered nice, almost futuristic, contrast to otherwise very old look of things. Was it meant to be a symbol of progress or just a beautiful visual? I don't know but I liked it.

I'm also glad that this was nominated as it was on my short list of possible nominees (seems like @Citizen Rules wasn't the only one who got multiple noms in).

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
And we have our FIRST review!!
Splendid job, @pahaK!!
Looking forward to discovering this Silent Film.

And, YOU ARE WELCOME, @Chypmunk!! Though there are others as well:: @Citizen Rules, @Camo and @cricket need applauds as well!
And don't worry, start posting reviews, we got ya covered!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@Siddon, @cricket, @Citizen Rules, @MijaFrost @Pussy Galore, @Nathaniel, @Thursday Next, @pahaK Nom, @Chypmunk

Well, @rauldc14 FINALLY got off his fanny perpendicular and sent in a nom,
And a pretty d@mn good with one with Gable and Harlowe, called Red Dust. Another pre-code film added to our list and one I haven't seen but have wanted to.
While it isn't on youtube it can be found, so PM if you need a link and I'll shoot it right over!


Trouble with a capital "T"
... Red Dust. Another pre-code film added to our list and one I haven't seen but have wanted to.
Cool beans. I've been wanting to see that one for well over 10 years, ever since I seen the remake of Mogambo (1953)...I need a link please, as my library cup doesn't runneth over

Trouble with a capital "T"
Red Dust makes 4 movies I hadn't heard of prior to this HoF, and 3 of them are about a prostitute. Strange.
I just about went with another prostitute film, Rain with Joan Crawford.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Oh and great Cheech and Chong reference Ed
I'm here to serve!!

And three prostitue flicks you AREN'T aware of?! Doesn't bode well for your rep, my friend.

Cool beans. I've been wanting to see that one for well over 10 years, ever since I seen the remake of Mogambo (1953)...I need a link please, as my library cup doesn't runneth over

::HINT:: I mentioned a place to you all in PM. It IS there as well.

The Thin Man (1934)

A crime comedy that delivers solid performance on one of its genres while somewhat failing the other.

A business man / inventor disappears and becomes prime suspect for multiple murders. His daughter seeks help from a retired detective who's helped her father in the past. Reluctantly the heavy drinking ex-cop becomes involved with the case.

The crime story in the film is quite weak. There's not enough time to intelligently build it and it seems to advance by big leaps whenever there's nothing more important happening on screen. I don't think there's any chance to build proper motives for characters and guess the killer before it's revealed. Maybe they should have cut few characters from the film version.

If the crime side of the story is lackluster the comedy side works rather well and I had more laughs than the whole first 1930s HoF combined. Much of the credit goes to Powell and Loy who have amazing chemistry and especially Powell's drunkard ex-detective is genuinely funny character. There are funny moments outside the heroic couple (like some of Gilbert's almost insane ramblings) but they're the force that holds the film together.

Visually there's nothing special but it's not really that kind of film anyway. Script is half good, half bad and it's kinda shame that the crime part of the story is so lazily written that it drags the film down. Acting was solid all the way and the leading couple was excellent (even the dog was good). I hope no livers were injured during the filming.

Sloppy crime story with some great comedy. It falls little short of being good but it's definitely alright.
