SilentVamp's Top 50 Songs of The Beatles


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
17. Two Of Us

I nominated this one for the Driving Song Tournament. I believe it made it to the final four. I have always loved this one.
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Ah I'm enjoying your list SV
I'm glad.

The early ones are really taking me back to when we were kids and my mum used to buy Beatles singles in the Epstein family shop NEMS when we went to town. We used to come home and dance to them (and we used to use them as frisbees when they got old and scratched but my mum went mad at that )
I can just imagine how my mother would've gotten if we were using the records like that, too. Do you happen to have any of those records still? Or did they all eventually break when they were frisbees?

Tha'ts a great one. Funny thing, it used to be no4 (where I'm at right now, so we could of blend the lists at this point)
Well, at some point it is bound to happen.

That's my next one. i won't even bother.
And apparently, it would've happened with "Norwegian Wood". Sorry! But I think you should still add it to your list if you think it should be there.

I'm glad.

I can just imagine how my mother would've gotten if we were using the records like that, too. Do you happen to have any of those records still? Or did they all eventually break when they were frisbees?

Well, at some point it is bound to happen.

And apparently, it would've happened with "Norwegian Wood". Sorry! But I think you should still add it to your list if you think it should be there.
nah I should've quoted you, but you posted the same microsecond. Don't worry, I'm used to that kind of luck.

yeah, I'll add it. The dude obides.

I love Norwegian Wood and Two of Us, which is one of my favorite McCartney songs. Ticket to Ride was a hard-rocking song for it being 1965.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Thumbs up for Two Of Us. One of my top favorite tunes by the fab four. What I love most about it is how it's sung by both John and Paul. It's almost like they are talking about and to each other. Amazing amazing song!

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
What I love most about it is how it's sung by both John and Paul. It's almost like they are talking about and to each other. Amazing amazing song!
I always felt that same way. I love that there is that one last song with them singing together like that, too. And with that fact, along with the lyrics, it really does make it somewhat of a poignant song now.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
16. I Want to Hold Your Hand

Oh, the bridge to this song....and then they sing it twice in this.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
15. Got to Get You Into My Life

No matter what kind of mood I am, and no matter how bad I am feeling, all I have to do is hear the opening horns and I feel better.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
13. I've Got a Feeling

I love Paul's part of this song. And then you have John's. It is a tough choice for me as to which is better. So they eventually sing their parts together and I can have the best of both world's at the same time.

Trouble with a capital "T"
15. Got to Get You Into My Life
No matter what kind of mood I am, and no matter how bad I am feeling, all I have to do is hear the opening horns and I feel better.
I love those horns too!

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
12. You're Going to Lose That Girl

Another one of those songs that I loved so much when I was a kid. It may have moved backwards on the list since then, but it will never be further back than this spot.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
11. Nowhere Man

And yet another one that was a childhood favorite. Again, this one has moved back a little bit on the list, too, but like the previous song, it will never be further back than this.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
10. All My Loving

I can't believe this is the top 10 already! Anyway, one of my absolute favorites (obviously!) and one that I love to hear Paul perform live.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
9. I Feel Fine

Like "I Want to Hold Your Hand", this song has that incredible few seconds (10 to be exact - well, 20 if I am being really specific ) of great music with its bridge, which is performed twice in this song.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
8. It's All Too Much

I know this isn't a song that would normally be seen on someone's list, but I love it. And I love it enough to put it in my top 10. And while I know George wasn't crazy about the trumpets, I don't care. I like that little added touch to the song.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
7. In My Life

Hey, Beatle, you had this song at #6 on your list, and it is #7 on mine.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
6. A Hard Day's Night

This is just such a great song. I don't see how anyone could dislike it.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I know I am behind with this list, but, unfortunately, life took over. So I haven't been able to be online all that much.

Anyway, I think it is about time that I finished this. Don't you?

I am down to my final 5. Just to change this up a little bit, I will be posting one Beatles song with a solo "Beatle" song. Basically, I will give you each song by The Beatles that still need to be listed. But along with those songs, I will also include my #1 favorite song by each one of them from their non-Beatle careers.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
5. Something

Quite possibly one of the sexiest and most seductive songs ever written. Well, in my opinion, at least.