SilentVamp's Top 50 Songs of The Beatles


Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Most everyone seems to do some sort of countdown around here. I have yet to give it a try. And today I figured "Why not?". But what kind of countdown?

Well, there are enough director and film countdowns right now. So, I won't get into any of that any time soon. The TV one is very intriguing (I watch a lot of TV!), but that can wait, too.

I actually have a notebook with a bunch of lists for different things that I created a few years ago. These lists were generally created out of sheer boredom. I spent a lot of time sitting around in the hospital (for someone else - not me). And then I just started to create various lists. Over the years I updated them or changed some around.

I was looking through the lists the other day and saw The Beatles. And that is the one that I decided to use. I have been on a Beatle kick, anyway, lately.

The original list is actually longer than this will be, but I didn't want to get carried away.

Just letting you know now that there are 2 songs that will NOT be on this list:

I hate them.

I know a lot of my choices won't be songs that are universally liked, but I don't care because I like them.

So, let's begin!
I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity - Edgar Allan Poe

Cool. Hope to see a lot from The White Album. That's my favorite of theirs.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
50. Good Night

I know a lot of people might think "WHY THIS!?!?". Why not? I've always liked this nice little song written by John. It is a nice, calming waltz. And I love George Martin's arrangement.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Cool. Hope to see a lot from The White Album. That's my favorite of theirs.
There should be at least 5 songs from there.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Just letting you know now that there are 2 songs that will NOT be on this list:

I hate them.

I gave you rep for starting this list, but I'm sad to see that "Yesterday" won't be on the list. I'm not a big Beatles fan, (don't love them, don't dislike them either), but "Yesterday" is one of my favorite songs.

Big +rep for starting this thread. I will be following. But man, did you start off with some lame songs. I'd put "Good Night" in my five least favorite Beatle songs. But it'll be awesome by the time you're finished.
I may go back to hating you. It was more fun.

Good whiskey make jackrabbit slap de bear.
Good Night is kind of fun. Not the best track on it's parent album (or even close really), but I don't mind it.
"George, this is a little too much for me. Escaped convicts, fugitive sex... I've got a cockfight to focus on."

Looking forward to this . Like Kaplan I'm not a big fan of either of those, but I'm sure I'd have a few of those if I attempted this. Glad you're not including Yesterday, great song but I've heard it enough for this lifetime.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
I gave you rep for starting this list, but I'm sad to see that "Yesterday" won't be on the list. I'm not a big Beatles fan, (don't love them, don't dislike them either), but "Yesterday" is one of my favorite songs.
Thanks for the one thing, and I'm sorry for the other. I just don't care for it. I think the only version I kind of liked was the one that Boyz II Men recorded. Even if I am not a big fan, I do know all of the words. That gets to be a little frustrating to sing along with a song that I don't even like.

Big +rep for starting this thread. I will be following. But man, did you start off with some lame songs. I'd put "Good Night" in my five least favorite Beatle songs. But it'll be awesome by the time you're finished.
Looking forward to this . Like Kaplan I'm not a big fan of either of those, but I'm sure I'd have a few of those if I attempted this.
You guys have to prepare yourselves for a little bit more lameness before this list is done. Like I said, I know I have a tendency to like songs that a lot of other people don't. But I guarantee there will be at least one that will meet your approval.

Glad you're not including Yesterday, great song but I've heard it enough for this lifetime.
That may be my problem with it. I have just heard it too much. I don't know. It just doesn't do anything for me. It never really did.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Nice list Vamp! I understand about Yesterday....I've heard it so many times. I'll be watching to see if you get to my favorite Beatles songs.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
46. The Night Before

I've always felt that "Help!" was actually a very underrated album. This is the first of the songs from the album that will be making the list. For me, it is one of those songs that I get into the moment it starts.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
45. Your Mother Should Know

I like this song. I really do. If I didn't, it would be on the list! But I love this clip. Look at Ringo in the beginning. The one who should have the best rhythm is the one who is a little quick in his timing. I can never get enough of this.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
Nice list Vamp! I understand about Yesterday....I've heard it so many times. I'll be watching to see if you get to my favorite Beatles songs.
Well, I am sure there will be something on this list (I hope! ).
I like The Night Before and also think Help! is a bit underrated. If there is such a thing as an underrated Beatles album.
Well, I suppose I should say one of their least appreciated albums. How about that?

I wanted to average about 2 songs a day. But I may not be here tomorrow. So, I threw those last two in today.

Save the Texas Prairie Chicken
You know that list I have of my five least favorite Beatle songs? "Your Mother Should Know" is on it. Oh, well.
Well, if I have listed 2 out of the 5 songs, maybe I will manage to come up with the other 3. There's still time.