NBAluke579's movie reviews.

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The Dark Knight Rises is the final chapter in one of the most revered and popular film franchises in recent memory. Me personally, I'm not a huge fan of the series. None of the films have struck me as anything truly special. Still I think The Dark Knight Rises is an enjoyable and thoroughly entertaining action blockbuster.

The film takes place 8 years after the events of The Dark Knight and a new evil rises in Gotham City. A reclusive Bruce Wayne has to come out of his retirement and protect the city one final time.From a technical standpoint, this film looks really damn good. The action set-pieces are thrilling,massive, and engrossing. The cinematography is nice, and the film is easy on the eyes.It's a little long and there are some dull moments, but for the most part the film moves at a steady pace and you are entertained throughout most of it.The acting is okay, but there's nothing truly spectacular here in this department though. Tom Hardy's portrayal as the villain Bane is rather memorable though.

The main problems from the film stem from the script. It's uneven to say the least. The film's final act is incredibly weak,and the film ends with a faint whimper rather than with a deafening roar.There's undeveloped storylines,countless plot-holes and gaps in logic as well.It just seems that some segments of the film were rushed to meet some deadline. This is not a film that is going to hold up after countless rewatches I'm afraid to say.I still really enjoyed the film, and it's a good film overall but it's no masterpiece or anything truly grand.In sum, The Dark Knight Rises is an engrossing,entertaining yet severely flawed action blockbuster.It's a gratifying experience if you are really into summer blockbusters or you are heavily invested in the character of Batman.I give TDKR
+ .

Miss Vicky's Loyal and Willing Slave
This thread had somehow passed me by until now. Tell you what, you start reading and repping my reviews and I'll do the same for you.

Anyway just looking at some of your recent reviews and I love RoboCop and Psycho. The Untouchables is one that I've still never gotten round to seeing. Got to say I was quite surprised by the massively negative reaction by so many people. I also just watched The Dark Knight Rises very recently and would agree with much of what you said.

Nice review, and I agree with your take on the movie. It was solid, but not the best conclusion to this trilogy.

However, I will say that I really love the Dark Knight. I would make the claim that it is a special movie, going far beyond the average comic book movie fanfare. It really is a psychological thriller in the shell of a Batman movie.

I'd like to see your review of it.
Here, if you have a milkshake, and I have a milkshake, and I have a straw. There it is, that's a straw, you see? You watching?. And my straw reaches acroooooooss the room, and starts to drink your milkshake... I... drink... your... milkshake!
-Daniel, There Will Be Blood

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Nice review, and I agree with your take on the movie. It was solid, but not the best conclusion to this trilogy.

However, I will say that I really love the Dark Knight. I would make the claim that it is a special movie, going far beyond the average comic book movie fanfare. It really is a psychological thriller in the shell of a Batman movie.

I'd like to see your review of it.
I have not seen The Dark Knight in a very long time, but yes I agree it's a really good film. It's probably the greatest superhero film ever made.

I really liked The Untouchables when I saw it. But it was at the movies when it came out, and I was 16 and hadn't seen other gangster movies. Movies like Goodfellas, Casino, The Godfather, Carlito's Way, and Donnie Brasco are now all favorites of mine so I'm not sure how I'd feel if I saw it again.

I haven't seen the Dark Knight movies yet but definitely intend to.

Psycho and Robocop are both 5 star movies for me.

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Sin City is one of my all-time favorites films based on comic-books. It is a superbly entertaining and fun film and one of the most thrilling films of the 2000's.Sin City is a visual delight. The dark neo-noir visuals and comic-book art style are absolutely stunning. The film captures the visual aesthetic of a comic-book perfectly. The dark shady Basin City is brought to life along with the dirty inhabitants that live there. The film follows a few main narratives that all end up intersecting in one way or another. Each of the narratives are very well executed and exciting.The film flows at a perfect pace, and I don't recall there being one dull moment.The movie just doesn't slow down, and it never becomes tedious.

Apart from the visuals, the dialogue is rather memorable as well.All the staples of the Noir-genre are here in full effect.The movie features an awesome cast including the likes of Bruce Willis and Mickey Rourke.In sum Sin City is a refreshing experience and a fun ride throughout it's two-hour runtime. This is just one of those exceptionally fun movies you can watch at pretty much every time and find something to enjoy.I give Sin City

As soon as I saw Tarantino was guest director, I knew there'd be great dialogue haha.

Great review, completely agree. Just look at those shots you posted! So crisp and stunning.

Lucas, your Dark Knight Rises review pretty much nails my thoughts on it as well

it had a few great moments, and was wrapped up in a neat package with its ending (Robin, Batman's faked death, etc), but the part where Batman returns to Gotham felt rushed and under-developed... and when Batman returns and faces Bane, who says something like

'so you came to die with your city...'
and batman responds, 'no, i came here to stop you.'

i don't know, it seemed sort of rushed and typical

As many times as I've seen THE SHINING, your review made me want to watch it again for the umpteenth time. I love the film too, Nicholson is brilliant.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
two very enjoyable films, I'm a real fan of the knight series and while the last one had its glitches, I still enjoy rewatches and Sin city is a great adrenaline injected noir comic book movie

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As of right now this is the best overall film I've seen that's come out in 2013. Prisoners is an engaging and enthralling experience. It has it's flaws, but it's an ambitious film I highly recommend to those looking for a new movie that's actually good. The basic premise of the film is two little girls get kidnapped during broad daylight and it shows the whirlwind of emotions that revolve around those who try to find them. Hugh Jackman's performance is incredible. He brings a ferocious intensity to his role, and he does an outstanding job as the dad trying to find his little girl.I have no complaints with the supporting cast either, but it's Jackman's performance that really stood out.

The movie is moody and dreary. The constant rain,snow,and dark colors give the film a claustrophobic,unnerving mood. The photography is crisp and the camerawork is as smooth as butter. I give the film props for grabbing my attention immediately. The film grips you immediately and draws you in with the snap of a finger. It's a rather lengthy film, and while it never feels boring or dull I must admit the final act isn't quite as good as what precedes it. It's not a major complaint, but most thrillers stumble towards the end when the "reveals" or "twists" start to occur.In my opinion it's the films journey rather than the conclusion that's truly satisfying.

Overall I recommend Prisoners to those who are looking for a gripping mystery thriller.I award it a

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Prisoners is pretty decent thriller. Some logic jumps that I was not willing to take kept it from bein great.

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The Silence of the Lambs. The Silence of the Lambs is what I call a Grade-A thriller. It is one of the greatest films of the 1990's and one of the best thrillers in the history if cinema. It is a film with extremely good cinematography,a stellar script,and outstanding acting performances. Anthony Hopkins as the cannibalistic villain Hannibal Lector is a joy to watch. Every scene he's in oozes with greatness.Truly one of the great villains in the history of cinema.The movie is moody,atmospheric and unflinchingly bleak. It handles it's subject matter with precision and accuracy, and you as the viewer feel involved every step of the process. The film flows at a perfect pace, and there is not a dull moment to be had. Suspenseful,thrilling, and masterfully done SOTL is a fantastic triumph in filmmaking. I can't award it any less than a

Goodfellas. Goodfellas is without a doubt a cinematic masterpiece. It is an assured,entertaining and powerful piece of filmmaking.It is one of the greatest films and ever made and one of the finest films the great Martin Scorsese has ever made. Goodfellas is just one of those films that I feel every movie-lover can enjoy.It features an incredible script, beautiful direction and cinematography, a fantastic cast of actors including the likes of DeNiro,Pesci, and Liotta, and one of the finest soundtracks in film history. This is a movie you can rewatch again and again and always find yourself entertained. This ambitious film tells the tale of gangster Henry Hill and the decades he spent inside the mob. It shows the highs and the lows of the mob world. It's so masterfully made and so riveting, you simply can't take your eyes away from it.Scorsese is a remarkable film director, one of the greatest the world will ever see. He crafts some of the finest pieces of cinema you can find, and Goodfellas is no exception. Now go and get your shinebox.Goodfellas is a

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Blood Simple. Blood Simple is a riveting thriller from the extremely talented Coen Brothers. It is especially impressive considering the fact that it's their directorial debut. Blood Simple takes a relatively simple premise of a man who wants his wife and her lover murdered, and turns it into a taut,unpredictable thriller that shows that things never go the way you want to. Stellar performances,incredible suspense,and tight script make this 90 minute film a blast to watch. It's a great film all thriller fans should check out.

The Good,The Bad, and The Ugly-Sergio Leone's classic western dazzles and impresses with it's unparalleled style,visuals, and a great theme from composer Ennio Morricone. TGTBATU tells the story of 3 different men all attempting to claim the treasure of a deceased man which is said to be $200,000 in Gold. Clint Eastwood is badas* as the "Man with no name", and the greedy,morally reprehensible Tuco entertain in a western filled with vast open deserts, bloody shootouts, and incredible period detail. Even if you aren't a fan of Westerns, you should definitely at least check out TDTBATU.Truly one of the best spaghetti westerns ever made.

Brazil. Terry Gilliam's outrageously weird,surreal piece of dystopian Sci-Fi is a film is a film that upon initial viewing I didn't think much of. I thought it was rather convoluted, and a bit too weird for it's own good. But the more I think about it, the more I end up loving it. In short the film takes place in a dystopian future where clunky machinery runs just about everything. The film takes a stab at bureaucracy,materialism, the negatives of technology, and even Government presence. It's a pitch-black damn comedy with satire so damn witty you can't help but laugh.Everything is just so odd and jarring, and captured with such vivid attention to detail that the world truly does come alive. The film's protagonist is an average joe Sam Lowry. Sam doesn't really have much ambition, and he spends most of his days day-dreaming and just trying to get through his repetitive days.Brazil's satire is sharp and insightful, and most of the themes ring true today. Is it a perfect film? Absolutely not.But it is a clever,dark,often hilarious piece of satire about our society. Lose yourself in it's vivid,dream-like world and it just might become one of your favorites.

You've been watching some masterpieces lately.

Goodfellas, Brazil and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly are insanely good films and three of my all time favorites, while Blood Simple. and The Silence of the Lambs are also a blast.

I'm not sure if I'm going to watch Prisoners, as it seems like just another thriller about a kidnapping case that has to be solved, but maybe I'll watch it some day.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I love Brazil, The Good, the Bad and the Ugly and Goodfellas, all will be on my next top 100 for sure. Goodfellas is a film I loved when I first saw it but because I hadn't seen it in a while I considered knocking my rating down from like a 9 to 8, watched it again recently and what an idiot I was, definitely a five star film.