New Individual Movie Pages


Great idea! I should have thought of that, because that's exactly the kind of common sense, elegant little addition I normally love. Let me get right back to you.
Well, I'm glad to be of service.
Cracking idea MM - I have to say that what you lack in looks you more than make up for in other departments
I thought I was pretty hot. oh well, I guess my ideas most be absolute perfection then.

I thought I was pretty hot. oh well, I guess my ideas most be absolute perfection then.
I thought so too but then someone pointed out you were the one without a tail

In addition to the stuff Rodent is talking about... since we are now creating more "personalized" and individual pages for movies and members and whatnot, Clubs and all, will it ever be a possible to add a feature where you can import your IMDb/Letterboxd movies? I thought since we take our moviedata from that page similar to IMDb that it may be possible and since both IMDb and Letterboxd support it through a particular file that you export and then import on the given database. Would be awesome, but without being an expert, that does sound perhaps a bit too tricky... but it was worth a try.

AND in addition to that, how about a "movie count" on each members profile, "Letterboxd style", where you can see how many movies a member have seen and click on it and see which; see his/her reviews/ratings for each movie they have seen etc.

Would be cool. Sorry if I'm asking too much, I'm just trying to help this forum get to the best it can be.

First thing's first: MM's suggestion should be working now. Once your review is approved, it should mark the film as seen accordingly. Obviously, let me know if you notice any issues, since I whipped it up kinda quick.

In addition to the stuff Rodent is talking about... since we are now creating more "personalized" and individual pages for movies and members and whatnot, Clubs and all, will it ever be a possible to add a feature where you can import your IMDb/Letterboxd movies? I thought since we take our moviedata from that page similar to IMDb that it may be possible and since both IMDb and Letterboxd support it through a particular file that you export and then import on the given database. Would be awesome, but without being an expert, that does sound perhaps a bit too tricky... but it was worth a try.
Tricky, but probably doable. However, it'd probably be enough work that I think there'd need to be a fair number of users requesting it. But I can poke around and see if maybe it's easier than I'm expecting it to be.

AND in addition to that, how about a "movie count" on each members profile, "Letterboxd style", where you can see how many movies a member have seen and click on it and see which; see his/her reviews/ratings.
Yeah, this is basically what I'm talking about when I tell people they'll be able to see all their Seen movies. Something like this.

Ratings are something I wanted to include with the launch of the individual movie pages, but it was holding up the release and I figured it can just be added later. So that's definitely still planned: if anything, the main holdup is aesthetic, rather than technical, in that I want to find a solution that's smooth and easy to use intuitively, like the Seen/Unseen button.

Would be cool. Sorry if I'm asking too much, I'm just trying to help this forum get to the best it can be.
Don't mind at all. Occasionally I'll have to pass even on good ideas just because of time constraints, but provided you don't mind that, I don't mind you guys keeping the suggestions flowing.

First thing's first: MM's suggestion should be working now. Once your review is approved, it should mark the film as seen accordingly. Obviously, let me know if you notice any issues, since I whipped it up kinda quick.

Just had a quick random check... I randomly picked The Fourth Kind as I reviewed that ages ago... my review is on the movie's page all good and fine, but it's not marked as "seen".

Edit: Just did the same for the 2010 version of Elm Street... same thing, review is there, but not marked as "seen".

Yeah, it's not retroactive, just going forward.

I guess I could write a script to process the old ones, but things are awfully busy this week, and I'd want to be sure it was actually going to end up processing a lot before digging into that. I'd feel kinda silly if I sat down to write a script for this and it turns out it was just a handful of items.

If I get all the big projects I'm working on in hand today I'll take a few minutes to see if it's actually the kind of thing that can be done quickly.

Thanks for all the hard work, Yoda! I already love the site, but these new additions are amazing. Great work! I'll look forward to future tweaks and whatnot.

I just wanted to jump in and say that the automatic 'seen' thing is working; at least it did with my Emperor's New Groove review.
Good to know, thanks. I threw that together in like ~40 minutes and only tested it once, so I was less confident than usual.

Just had another gander, still not working for me on past reviews
Yeah, haven't had time to look at that yet. I'm gonna peek at the underlying relationships a bit and do if it it's not really involved, most likely. Don't bang your heads against the wall checking, though: I'll definitely let ya'll know if and when it happens.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Took almost 24 hours for someone to say something.

Could be more big changes coming to this area soon. We'll see how it goes.
I seen it yesterday and almost posted about it but was preoccupied...and I wanted to mention the link is not fully working for me (or maybe it is working and I don't realize it?)

When I'm on MoFos main page (the forum page) and I click the Movie link it just reloads the same forum page. But if I click another link first, then click the Movies link it will occasionally go to the correct page, but mostly it won't.

I tried it with two different browsers on my desktop PC and got the same results.

I'd say you're probably trying to click on the far left on the link and inadvertently clicking on the logo link, which is actually a square around the logo (rather than "hugging" the contours of the banners and reel and all that). This was particularly hard to avoid on iPads until this morning, when I made a tweak to the stylesheet that spaced them out a bit more.

Hopefully it's a bit better, now, but I'm going to keep tweaking all this now that we have a new menu option.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'd say you're probably trying to click on the far left on the link and inadvertently clicking on the logo link, which is actually a square around the logo (rather than "hugging" the contours of the banners and reel and all that). This was particularly hard to avoid on iPads until this morning, when I made a tweak to the stylesheet that spaced them out a bit more.

Hopefully it's a bit better, now, but I'm going to keep tweaking all this now that we have a new menu option.
It's still doing it. You're right that it's the logo link to the left side that is getting clicked inadvertently.

I just tried it and even if I drag my cursor from right side to the Movie link, it still actives the logo link. I did this a number of times and if my cursor is on the s of Movies it works correctly, but if I go any further left, even to the e it then actives the logo link.