The 9th Mofo Movie Hall of Fame


Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
I only asked that when SilentVamp said it reminded her of movies she watched when she was younger. It doesn't bring anything to mind.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
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Trouble with a capital "T"
OK, I misunderstood your original question.

I thought Beast of the Southern Wild reminded me of Life of Pi because:
WARNING: "Spoiler" spoilers below
Both characters faced a tragedy so devastating that they invited an alternative fantasy to deal with the emotional impact of it.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I thought Beasts of the Southern Wild reminded me of Life of Pi because:

WARNING: "Life of Pi" spoilers below
They both suck (sorry, had to be done )

Trouble with a capital "T"
You didn't like Life of Pi?...I didn't like it at first while I was watching it, as I don't like fantasy mixed with drama....but when it got to the end of the movie and the explanation, then I liked it.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
In all seriousness, I think you are correct in saying they are similar. There are a lot of things - the lone child, the prominence of animals, that the protagonists of both are on a boat - but I think the real similarity is something in the tone of both movies, although I'm not sure I could pinpoint what that is. I certainly think that someone who liked one would probably like the other. I didn't really like either. I read the book of Life of Pi before I watched the film, so any impact of the explanation and other details was lessened by the time I watched the movie, which was over-cgi-d and not particularly engrossing, in my view.

I don't mind fantasy mixed with drama, though. I think the best example of that successfully achieved is probably Pan's Labyrinth.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
The Lives of Others

Very middle of the road for me. Political movies have always been my toughest genre to get into, so this really wasn't a surprise to me not to be fully invested in the story. I can't really point out its faults, I thought it was a well crafted film, but it is just a film that really doesn't suit my tastes unfortunately. I don't see the brilliance that everyone else sees. It's also not the German subtitles because I can actually comprehend a lot of the German language.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
That's much the way I felt, Raul. I too am not fond of political movies, but I thought it was extremely well done.
I certainly don't have anything against the way the movie was done. It's a solid film but it didn't get a reaction out of me like I would have hoped for.

Just Ambersons to go. I'll skip Piano since its ineligible, I've seen it before anyways.

I wish I could review a lot like SilentVamp . I don't like to write about a movie I didn't like because a movie can always be enjoyable from different points of view, and I don't like mine. And if I like the movie I can really describe that well, is like if I have to describe car noises I will just say Poowww, whataaang, Poooofff, I hope I'm not getting out of topic.

Death Race

I didn't saw for the first time THE Death Race, I saw the remake and I would say I prefere the remake, but that's just me, a kid that like new things over the old versions (except almost any remake of cartoon). I watched till the end, and it was a movie with amazing results for being made back in that year

The Best Years of Our Lives

I don't have much to say about this one, I didn't like it but to be fair I don't like anything but silly movies. And if someone ask me why I don't really want to answer because the answer is always stupid and the same "because it's old" I don't have a way to say a different thing. I think I shouldn't play another HoF.

In a HoF the other players deserve for their movies to be judge efficiently and I'm just giving vague reviews, and you guys comment on my movie in a complete way, you said what you didn't like, what you like and even made suggestions on what would be missing.
I don't think I'm qualified to play this game

Yeah, you are doing great tat . Don't worry about all of your posts so much mate, you'll enjoy the site more if you just post without thinking what everyone will think about it . Obviously there needs to be a bit of damage control (which i don't have clearly) but don't ask everyone if your post is acceptable all the time.

Master of My Domain
Reviewing comes from the heart. When I write thoughts about a film, I start by rambling a bit, then of course I edit, but I don't care what others think that much.
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You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
I don't think I'm qualified to play this game
If you can nominate a movie that you love, watch a bunch of movies that other people love, write your thoughts about each movie, and send in a ranked list of all the movies after you've watched them, then you're qualified for these HoFs.

You don't have to like all the movies. You don't have to write a long novel about each movie. You just have to watch all the movies and give your honest opinion.

Thursday Next's Avatar
I never could get the hang of Thursdays.
I find that reviewing something for a hall of fame forces me to think beyond 'I just didn't like it' and at least try to come up with reasons. And because I know each movie nominated is someone else's beloved favourite I at least try to think of some good points about each film, whereas if I just watched the film separately of the hof I would probably just dismiss the film without thinking too much about it. That's one reason I like HoFs