My top 10 movie crushes...Yours?


That…was all you had to offer? The 12 years old equivalent of “I’m rubber and you’re glue! Whatever you say bounces off of me and sticks to you!”?
I’m so disappointed.
I can’t believe you wasted my time with your nonsense. You clearly didn’t understand a single word I said. I appreciate your feedback, but I don’t think you understood my point. Maybe you should read it again, slowly and carefully, and then get back to me with a more relevant and constructive reply.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

You’re right, I’m not completely void of recognizing beauty. I just don’t base my opinions on superficial criteria. I prefer to appreciate actresses for their skills and achievements. For example, I deeply admire the women who won the Miss Hong Kong contest.

I've been educating MoFos for years now. I see it as my mission to evangelize to the uncouth crowd.

Maybe I'm a man that talks and acts like a female. Hope they cast me in that neo-realism film!
Well, these aren't opinions, they're crushes. You do know what a crush is, right? Why would you take beauty and try to opinionize it and force people to take stances on it? Just enjoy it for what it is, like art. How dare you, sir, or ma'am.

These poor people.

Now you're just being silly.

Anyway guys I'm off to bed. I now have to pray to the half-nude picture of Chingmy Yau that hangs above my bed. Hopefully, she clears my dirty thoughts and, above all, clears YOUR dirty thoughts, you sinners.

Maybe she’ll also forgive me for all the times I’ve sinned while watching her movies on DVD.

The trick is not minding
I can’t believe you wasted my time with your nonsense. You clearly didn’t understand a single word I said. I appreciate your feedback, but I don’t think you understood my point. Maybe you should read it again, slowly and carefully, and then get back to me with a more relevant and constructive reply.
I understood that you’re simply whiteknighting in a sad attempt to make yourself look better than others with your post about women’s beauty in a rather arrogant manner, while also having bragged about the various amount of Cat 3 and pink films that exploit the women’s body in the past.
Who’s really wasting our time here?
*its you*

Trouble with a capital "T"
Fun thread and I've been thinking about my choices but to be factual I don't have any crushes per say. Now you all might be defining crushes differently than I would, anyway you did pick some lovely actresses!

For me I watch a movie and I can find an actress 'enchanting' and it has nothing to do with her looks but a special quality that her character exhibits in the movie that I'm watching. Now the funny thing is I can then watch other movies with the same actress and she doesn't even stand out.

So these are some actress that in a certain movie stood out as 'endearing' or 'enchanting'.
In no particular order:

Jean Peters in Pickup on South Street

Vivian Leigh in Waterloo Bridge

Audrey Hepburn in just about anything

Gloria Grahame in just about anything
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I forgot the opening line.
Well, this thread certainly took off!!

I guess I'll add mine (at the same time, a barroom brawl is going on.)

Jessica Harper - Phantom of the Paradise (1974)

Sandra Bullock - Speed (1994)

Sally Hawkins - Happy-go-lucky (2008)

Sandra Bernhard - The King of Comedy (1982)

Heather Langenkamp - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Sigourney Weaver - Aliens (1979) (and has only improved, and improved, with age.)

Molly Ringwald - The Breakfast Club (1985)

Kim Greist - Brazil (1985)

Talia Shire - Rocky (1976)

Amanda Plummer - The Fisher King (1991)

They were all a crush, at the time...
Remember - everything has an ending except hope, and sausages - they have two.

Latest Review : Aftersun (2022)

Fun thread and I've been thinking about my choices but to be factual I don't have any crushes per say. Now you all might be defining crushes differently than I would, anyway you did pick some lovely actresses!

For me I watch a movie and I can find an actress 'enchanting' and it has nothing to do with her looks but a special quality that her character exhibits in the movie that I'm watching. Now the funny thing is I can then watch other movies with the same actress and she doesn't even stand out.

So these are some actress that in a certain movie stood out as 'endearing' or 'enchanting'.
In no particular order:

Jean Peters in Pickup on South Street

Vivian Leigh in Waterloo Bridge

Audrey Hepburn in just about anything

Gloria Grahame in just about anything

Damm I forgot Vivian Leigh in Waterloo bridge, she would be in my top five for sure 💯 Robert Taylor was great in Waterloo bridge as well but as far as Actress's go Vivian Leigh definitely is to me the most beautiful. Audrey Hepburn was great in Roman holiday too.

Well, this thread certainly took off!!

I guess I'll add mine (at the same time, a barroom brawl is going on.)

Jessica Harper - Phantom of the Paradise (1974)

Sandra Bullock - Speed (1994)

Sally Hawkins - Happy-go-lucky (2008)

Sandra Bernhard - The King of Comedy (1982)

Heather Langenkamp - A Nightmare on Elm Street (1984)

Sigourney Weaver - Aliens (1979) (and has only improved, and improved, with age.)

Molly Ringwald - The Breakfast Club (1985)

Kim Greist - Brazil (1985)

Talia Shire - Rocky (1976)

Amanda Plummer - The Fisher King (1991)

They were all a crush, at the time...

Diverse selection Sandra in King of comedy is a part time stalker and fisher king girl is crazy too 😄 Just don't think of a women's asylum as a dating ground Lol

Quite possibly my first movie crush.
Valerie Leon in Blood From the Mummy's Tomb
And there's another one, though not from that film. More likely some Carry On... films or various tv roles I saw as a kid.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
Bridget Fonda

Point of No Return (1993)

Singles (1992)

Single White Female (1992)

Jackie Brown (1997)
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

Nothing wrong with enjoying seeing attractive women on screen. And guess what? Most women liked to be seen as attractive, especially actors.

Nothing wrong with enjoying seeing attractive women on screen. And guess what? Most women liked to be seen as attractive, especially actors.

Couldn't agree more. I did another thread where you give two letters and then I find a movie character with those initials to be your roommate. You should give it a try

First, this one's easy, it was Carrie Fisher in Star Wars. Olivia Newton John in Grease is a close second.

A lot to choose from for my next one. Getting to the age where riding down a bumpy road made me anxious. Diane Lane in Six Pack or Street of Fire, Jacqueline Blisset in Class, Michelle Johnson in Blame it on Rio, first time I watched Rear Window and High Noon was about this time so Grace Kelly is in the mix, Joyce Hyser in Just One of the Guys, Linda Fiorentino in Vision Quest and about 100 others but I'm going to go with the girl with the left hook - Elizabeth Shue in The Karate Kid

After them years it starts getting a little easier. My next crush could be Michelle Pfeifer in Batman Returns or Married to the Mob, Jennifer Connelly in Career Opportunities or Dark City, Salma Hayak in anything but Marissa Tomei in My Cousin Vinny has had a long shelf life so I think she's the one.

After that I start going backwards in time as I start watching movies that were made before I was born. I was blown away with Claudia Cardinale (OUTitW), Janet Leigh (Touch of Evil), Ingrid Bergman (Casablanca) and Marilyn Monroe (Seven Year Itch) but it's Audrey Hepburn as Eliza Doolittle in My Fair Lady

And finally, had I been around in 1946 I'm sure I'd have had a crush on Lana Turner, especially in The Postman Always Rings Twice

Pauline Kael's Hideous Mutant Love CHUD
Three of my own personal favorite '30s/'40s era lovelies (I've been on a classics kick lately, so these ladies are uppermost in my mind, right now):

The young MYRNA LOY:

British dancer and comedienne, JESSIE MATTHEWS:

... and, eternally #1 in my movie-going heart of hearts: the intoxicating ANNA MAY WONG:

Please note that, more than simply admiring these three sirens of the silver screen for their obvious physical charms, I also spent many happy hours, back in the days of my wastrel youth, regularly conversing with all three on such topics as the Unified Field Theory, Planck's Constant, and why it is that pigeons enjoy eating out of your hand, when God only knows when you even last washed that filthy thing, for pity's sake. So there.
"If it was priggish for an older generation of reviewers to be ashamed of what they enjoyed and to feel they had to be contemptuous of popular entertainment, it's even more priggish for a new movie generation to be so proud of what they enjoy that they use their education to try to place trash within the acceptable academic tradition." -- Pauline Kael

Edwige Fenech x 10

My Heart Is a Locked Room and Only Edwige Fenech Has the Key, eh?

I am having difficulty in uploading the pictures.

I had this problem not long ago I went on edit options then switched from mobile to desktop then it allowed me to upload photos

I am having difficulty in uploading the pictures.

Also I personally find it difficult to upload two photos in the same message, as for some reason it doesn't allow me. But I can manage to do one picture per message

My Heart Is a Locked Room and Only Edwige Fenech Has the Key, eh?
Well played.