1930s Hall of Fame Part 2


Of Mice and Men is my nomination. I just watched it last week with my wife and we both loved it.

I loved It Happened One Night, but it's been about 3 years since I've seen it.

I know I like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, but it's probably been 35 years.

I almost nominated I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang myself. I watched it about a month ago.

I watched The Thin Man about a month ago and thought it was very good.

I watched Humanity and Paper Balloons last week. I liked it, but not as much as I had hoped. I remember saying that I'd probably like it more if I watched it again. I guess we'll see.

I have not yet seen The Roaring Twenties, but I already had it on my 30's watchlist.

I am not familiar with Virtue, The Goddess, or Mad Love.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
@Siddon, @cricket, @Citizen Rules, @MijaFrost @Pussy Galore, @Nathaniel, @Thursday Next, @pahaK Nom, @Chypmunk


The 30s Part 2 Hall of Fame is OFFICIALLY under way!!

We are proud to say we have quite a few crowd favorites as well as some new and exotic attractions to excite and intrigue, one and all!! Just step on through the flap in the tent, there's plenty of room.
(And a number of fine "peeking holes" have just been added to the fabric of the tent for those looking for a lookey loo)

If you would be so kind as to direct your attention to a rather prized and special addition at the very bottom of our bill, that the Management as been lucky enough to acquire as we open up.
Don't worry about letting the kids getting a closer look, this charming little rascal doesn't bite, but he does have a reputation of being quite liberal with witticisms.

The Management would also like you to be aware that, while quite friendly, he is, at heart, a timid and skittish creature. And is quite happy in a "safe environment". Which has been guaranteed for almost ALL of our Wonderous Features except for one dark and diabolical feature that is our opening act.
SO, if anyone, while perusing our uniquely entertaining list of features, comes across such a safe viewing place for our opening film; Mad Love, please, PLEASE, be a dear and slip him a note on such a place.

We THANK YOU and hope your stay is a DELIGHTFUL one!!!
What I actually said to win MovieGal's heart:
- I might not be a real King of Kinkiness, but I make good pancakes
~Mr Minio

Weird is relative.
The only one I've seen apart from my nom was It Happened One Night, but that was seven years ago so I'll give it another viewing.
I did read the book Of Mice and Men when I was a kid. The movie should be interesting.
Anyway, looking forward to watching everything!

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Mad Love Pretty excited to see a very early Peter Lorre flick that is dated near M.

Of Mice and Men Haven't seen this since I was a pup and not sure if I've seen it in it's entirety.

It Happened One Night My Nom, seen it a couple of times and rewatched it a few nights ago.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Been AGES since I saw this and actually thought it was going to be nominated for the first 30s HoF so pretty stoked that it is now.

I Am a Fugitive from a Chain Gang Another that's been quite a while since I've watched it, so it'll be great for a revisit.

The Thin Man BIG fan fo the Thin Man films. Powell and Loy are IDEAL together.

Humanity and Paper Balloons and The Goddess are completely unknown to me but I'm pretty intrigued to check them out. The Goddess is actually a silent film, by the way.

The Roaring Twenties Been FOREVER since I've seen this, so another revisit I'm excited about

Virtue is also unknown to me but I do enjoy Carole Lombard, so, should be pretty cool.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
The only one I've seen apart from my nom was It Happened One Night, but that was seven years ago so I'll give it another viewing.
I did read the book Of Mice and Men when I was a kid. The movie should be interesting.
Anyway, looking forward to watching everything!
I remember reading the book for school as a kid. Can't remember ANYTHING from it, sadly. lol

Trouble with a capital "T"
Mad Love (1935)...This was on my short list of possible noms. I think it's better than M, though it's not the same type of film so don't expect M. Glad to see it nominated.

Of Mice and Men (1939)...This was also on my list of possible noms. Awesome film, and I'm not surprised Cricket likes it. I think he's got a theme going with his noms.

It Happened One Night (1934)
..Damn, I'm a broken record, but yes this one too was definitely considered by me. I've seen it a couple of times and very recently.

The Goddess (1934)...not heard of it.

I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (1932)...Yup, this was another great film that I had considered as a nom. It's been a long while since I seen it so a rewatch is in order.

The Roaring Twenties (1939)
...I own this on DVD and recently watched it. Would you believe me if I said this was on my list of possible noms?

Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937)...Not heard of it.

The Thin Man (1934)....I have heard of this but for some reason have never seen it, which is odd as it's something I'm sure I would like.

Virtue (1932)
...Not heard of it.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)...This is my nom. I choose it for three reasons:
1) The amazing transformation scenes from the benign Dr Jekyll to the animistic Mr Hyde which was done in one continuous shot with no edits. How this effect was done was a secret for a long time. If you don't know how they did it, watch the movie first and see if you can figure it out...then google it.

2) IMO this is the best performance given by an exceptional actor Fredrick March, and Miriam Hopkins who's a fav of mine and is also excellent in the role of Ivy.

3) IMO this is one scary film, NOT because of the horror of a monster as Mr Hyde, but as it's symbolical for the dark side of human nature. The horror is this male control freak/abuser who dominates and controls the woman in his life in an all too realistic way.

Women will be your undoing, Pépé
Mad Love (1935)...This was on my short list of possible noms. I think it's better than M, though it's not the same type of film so don't expect M. Glad to see it nominated.

Of Mice and Men (1939)...This was also on my list of possible noms. Awesome film, and I'm not surprised Cricket likes it. I think he's got a theme going with his noms.

It Happened One Night (1934)
..Damn, I'm a broken record, but yes this one too was definitely considered by me. I've seen it a couple of times and very recently.

The Goddess (1934)...not heard of it.

I Am A Fugitive From A Chain Gang (1932)...Yup, this was another great film that I had considered as a nom. It's been a long while since I seen it so a rewatch is in order.

The Roaring Twenties (1939)
...I own this on DVD and recently watched it. Would you believe me if I said this was on my list of possible noms?

Humanity and Paper Balloons (1937)...Not heard of it.

The Thin Man (1934)....I have heard of this but for some reason have never seen it, which is odd as it's something I'm sure I would like.

Virtue (1932)
...Not heard of it.

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde (1931)...This is my nom. I choose it for three reasons:
1) The amazing transformation scenes from the benign Dr Jekyll to the animistic Mr Hyde which was done in one continuous shot with no edits. How this effect was done was a secret for a long time. If you don't know how they did it, watch the movie first and see if you can figure it out...then google it.

2) IMO this is the best performance given by an exceptional actor Fredrick March, and Miriam Hopkins who's a fav of mine and is also excellent in the role of Ivy.

3) IMO this is one scary film, NOT because of the horror of a monster as Mr Hyde, but as it's symbolical for the dark side of human nature. The horror is this male control freak/abuser who dominates and controls the woman in his life in an all too realistic way.
I kept chuckling, thinking of your PM stating you wished you could send multiple noms and it kinda worked out