White Supremacist rams Car through Counter Protestors, Killing 1


I looked out my window - no one in the street. Most people are in bed preparing to get up for work with the sunrise and aren't out looking for other races to kill. As I said, the majority of people are moderate and rational.
You can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Vigils & protests swell across US in wake of Charlottesville tragedy

This will get worse as long as Trump continues down this path. There have been people in the streets since his Presidency began and it will continue as long as he tolerates this kind of hatred. Whitey is using this opportunity to really increase their numbers in the KKK and many other BS hate groups I'm sure. David Duke must be thrilled.

We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

You can say it over and over, it doesn't make it true.

Vigils & protests swell across US in wake of Charlottesville tragedy

Whitey is using this opportunity to really increase their numbers in the KKK and many other BS hate groups I'm sure. David Duke must be thrilled.
PW, you don't seem to want to agree on the definition of the word "majority."
And it's not just majority as in 60% vs 40%, but as in hundreds of millions of Americans vs a few thousand that belong to extremist hate groups.

I am caucasoid (not by choice, just by chance of birth), so am I "Whitey"?

"Nazi's are a lot like cats. If they like you, it's probably because you're feeding them."
Wow. What a stupid joke.

(edit: I know you didn't make it - my comment isn't directed at you. More to the ether, as I know the comedian won't see it)

PW, you don't seem to want to agree on the definition of the word "majority."
And it's not just majority as in 60% vs 40%, but as in hundreds of millions of Americans vs a few thousand that belong to extremist hate groups.

I am caucasoid (not by choice, just by chance of birth), so am I "Whitey"?
I don't want to agree but I don't want argue about it either. It doesn't really matter in my ever so humble opinion. I really REALLY hope you're right about there only being a few thousand of these people. What if you're wrong tho? You seem pretty certain. Older I get the less certain I am of almost everything. I'm pretty certain of this, however. I think this whole damn world is batsh*t crazy.

Oh I see how it is @Yoda
@Powdered Water can say Trump supporters are as bad as white supremacists, and that doesn't get deleted, but calling @Powdered Water an idiot for saying such a thing.... gone.
Yup, ad hominem attacks get removed. Been that way for awhile.

It may seem like an arbitrary line to some, since it's pretty easy to say very harsh things about people without devolving into direct namecalling, but...well, the fact that it's easy means nobody should find it too restrictive, either.

There were third-party options, though - voting for Trump specifically does feed into the "racism isn't a deal-breaker" line of thought.
I think the phrase "feed into" is used as a way to draw false equivalencies about things that are wildly different in degree, and sometimes even in kind.

Also, I'm pretty sure most of the people in this thread are conflating white nationalism and white supremacy. Granted, there's a lot of overlap, but they're not identical. They're both awful, but for different reasons, and to different degrees.

I'm fairly certain, for example, that very few people at that rally are advocating we exterminate other races, as was suggested earlier. And even the ones that want this are seemingly self-aware enough not to actually say so. They're saying (conveniently) vague things about "preserving white culture." Some of them are probably mad without entirely realizing why.

The ideas are still horrible, on both a moral and intellectual level. But goodness, don't give them an out by carelessly generalizing about (or exaggerating) their beliefs. And definitely don't play footise with legitimizing political violence. It's illegitimate and highly counterproductive, but it's especially foolish when the ideas you're trying to fight are this poorly thought out, and this easy to dismantle.

These ideas have been so thoroughly discredited because they can't be spread through force; because they have to survive on the merits, as ideas. If you legitimize political violence to try to suppress them, you take them out of a situation they can't win and put them into one they can. Lowering that drawbridge isn't how you get rid of the barbarians: it's how they get in.

Absurd! Such important historical people. Does Germany and Austria have Hitler statues?
Putting the cause of the Confederacy on the same shelf as the cause of the Nazis is intellectually dishonest and historically inaccurate, in my opinion. There are some very important nuances that tend to be overlooked these days. Here are just a few of them:

- The Confederacy wanted to keep things as they were. They were racist because everyone before them had been racist. They were part of a system that always had been racist. Slavery was part of their way of living. The Nazis were different, as they wanted to implement a much more racist system than the one that was in place (yes, they treated the Jews as a race, not a religion).

- The Confederacy wasn't in favor of exterminating a race. They were defenders of the racial superiority that was already in place (slavery). The ideology of the Nazis was to actually exterminate an entire race.

- The Confederacy wanted to separate themselves from a Union that wanted to force their rules onto them, while the Nazis were imperialistic and wanted to impose their rules on other nations.

Both causes were inherently based on immoral assumptions about race, but put in their historical context, I think it's pretty fair to say that the Confederacy was a less scandalous cause than Nazism was.


I think the most recent events in Charlottesville were absolutely horrible. Willingly driving a car into a group of people because you hate their world view is absurdly evil. Using violence to suppress people from seeing the world in a different (and non-violent) way as you do, should always be condemned in the strongest possible terms.

I'm not sure if pulling down these old statues that remind us of the people that fought and died for a long lost cause that ultimately surrendered itself is the right way to cope with this history, though. I'm all for framing these monuments with some historically accurate texts or putting them in museums so they don't have to be in public places where people don't want them, but don't go out and destroy these old monuments. Instinctively, that just doesn't seem like the right thing to do, in my opinion.
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

I'm fairly certain, for example, that very few people at that rally are advocating we exterminate other races, as was suggested earlier. And even the ones that want this are seemingly self-aware enough not to actually say so. They're saying (conveniently) vague things about "preserving white culture." Some of them are probably mad without entirely realizing why.

The ideas are still horrible, on both a moral and intellectual level. But goodness, don't give them an out by carelessly generalizing about (or exaggerating) their beliefs. And definitely don't play footise with legitimizing political violence. It's illegitimate and highly counterproductive, but it's especially foolish when the ideas you're trying to fight are this poorly thought out, and this easy to dismantle.

These ideas have been so thoroughly discredited because they can't be spread through force; because they have to survive on the merits, as ideas. If you legitimize political violence to try to suppress them, you take them out of a situation they can't win and put them into one they can. Lowering that drawbridge isn't how you get rid of the barbarians: it's how they get in.
The two sentences in bold are very important here.

Violent and unnuanced movements like Black Lives Matter and Antifa are the reason why these vague statements like "preserving white culture" resonate. They are largely built on reactionary sentiments. Just observe how often right extremist movements use left extremist movements to their own advantage in their propaganda. It only plays into their hands.

All extremist forms of racial or ideological tribalism should be condemned. Only then will people be able to live humanely amongst eachother, even while having certain severe disagreements.

Yup, ad hominem attacks get removed. Been that way for awhile.

It may seem like an arbitrary line to some, since it's pretty easy to say very harsh things about people without devolving into direct namecalling, but...well, the fact that it's easy means nobody should find it too restrictive, either.
Great. So the next time somebody says something really bad about Jews, gays, blacks, handicapped people, whatever, you'll keep that up but delete the posts where anyone calls that person an idiot.

Since it's OK with you when a person says all Trump supporters are white supremacists.

Very nice logic you live with.

Great. So the next time somebody says something really bad about Jews, gays, blacks, handicapped people, whatever, you'll keep that up but delete the posts where anyone calls that person an idiot.
Nope. We have rules against various expressions of hate speech, too.

Since it's OK with you when a person says all Trump supporters are white supremacists.
He said they were as much a part of the problem. I find that to be an overstatement, and something people can reasonably be offended by, but it's not saying they're the same. At all.

Criticize ideas. Don't call people names. This is not complicated, and should not be controversial.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
It turns out that Trump isn't actually racist ENOUGH for these guys. So, kudos to Trump for that I suppose.

Bloody hell I cant even watch that. Why on earth do they think there's a movement to replace their skinheads with jews? Wayyyy too much paranoia there for my quiet time in the morning. I feel quite ill just watching their aggressive, malevolent strutting. Thankgod I dont know any neonazis here. They are here, but I dont personally know any.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
I love John Oliver!!!

You can't win an argument just by being right!
And so the wave begins. A monument brought down in North Carolina. This is what wahabis do. I agree with the comment above to place them in museums, not vandalise them.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
What are views on this? I dont know what I think. I've seen doxxing go way too far and ending up with death threats eg the woman who pushed a cat in a wheely bin and her employer. Am open to either side of the discussion, though


Trouble with a capital "T"
Trump just claimed that: 'Alt-left' bears some blame for Charlottesville violence.

MSN news story

President Donald Trump says the groups protesting against white supremacists in Charlottesville, Virginia, were "also very violent."
Trump is calling those protesters the "alt-left." He says there is "blame on both sides" after the deadly violence over the weekend.
How cute, little Donny feels bad for the KKK & Neo-Nazi's. I guess he's not as stupid as we think...he knows what side his bread is buttered

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Trump just claimed that: 'Alt-left' bears some blame for Charlottesville violence.

MSN news story

How cute, little Donny feels bad for the KKK & Neo-Nazi's. I guess he's not as stupid as we think...he knows what side his bread is buttered
I have american fb friends who are very vocal either for or against. Amazing how quiet the Trump supporters have gone.