Only Controversial Topics!!!


Speaking of Satan - is he evil or is he God's employee?
He allegedly rules hell and punishes sinners - so he's like a prison warden (usually a pretty well paid public servant employed by the government).
Or maybe he's like a predator that keeps populations in check, which, in the larger scheme, ends up benefiting those populations.
In the book of Job, God and Satan make a wager - so, in that book, it seems they are far from enemies, but more like co-workers who make friendly wagers (too bad the stakes involve taking a bunch of innocent lives). And not only that, but they seem to get together a lot to discuss their wager. I wonder if God served tea at these meetings?

Seriously. That's what I was always told.
Modern Palestinians are the descendants of middle-easterners that were kicked out of other Muslim countries that did not feel the brotherly love for their fellow Muslims.

But going back much further (to 640 AD) the Palestinian "claim" to Israel is based on the Islamic hordes that slaughtered their way across the holy land and took Israel from the Byzantine empire.

Think people just don't feel like discussing such a hot button issue like Israel and Palestine on a movie forum, Captain. Got to admire you trying to bait people with it by continually bringing up Guaps forgotten first page post though.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Israel Palestine discussions are exhausting. They just devolve into a chicken or the egg argument and it never ends or changes a mind.

Israel Palestine discussions are exhausting. They just devolve into a chicken or the egg argument and it never ends or changes a mind.
Couldn't agree more. I know Captain has in the past taken from certain conversations with me and others that we were trying to stifle non-movie talk or something, for the record i wasn't when i said that it was about 90s Ace and how baffling i found it that he joined a movie forum to discuss what he did while pretty much never talking about movies. That's not it though if people want to talk about Israel-Palestine they will but he can't be surprised that his attempts to start a discussion on it the last few pages have failed when as you said it is such an exhausting topic.

Speaking of Satan - is he evil or is he God's employee?
He allegedly rules hell and punishes sinners - so he's like a prison warden (usually a pretty well paid public servant employed by the government).
Which is interesting because Hades was just that in Greek Mythology, keeping the Titans and other threats confined to Tartarus. It bugs me when he's represented too much like the Devil because 'hell' is only one realm of his kingdom and he's also in charge of the afterlife for non-sinners.

Think people just don't feel like discussing such a hot button issue like Israel and Palestine on a movie forum, Captain. Got to admire you trying to bait people with it by continually bringing up Guaps forgotten first page post though.
I like being admired.

"continually"? It was only a couple posts in response to a genuinely controversial topic.

Consider that I'm simply trying to consolidate the board and keep non-movie topics isolated and in their proper place for those who seek them out (just like Satan does by taking all the sinners and keeping them in hell) ... or ... I could just be baiting. Sounds like a controversy to me.

Which is interesting because Hades was just that in Greek Mythology, keeping the Titans and other threats confined to Tartarus. It bugs me when he's represented too much like the Devil because 'hell' is only one realm of his kingdom and he's also in charge of the afterlife for non-sinners.
You've gotta hand it to Satan - the 20th century was entirely his.

Sorry to bring movies back into this non-movie topic, but...

I like being admired.

"continually"? It was only a couple posts in response to a genuinely controversial topic.

Consider that I'm simply trying to consolidate the board and keep non-movie topics isolated and in their proper place for those who keep seek them out (just like Satan does by taking all the sinners and keeping them in hell) ... or ... I could just be baiting. Sounds like a controversy to me.
You said "is Guap joking?" then when nobody answered you and Citizen mentioned something else later you brought it up again asking if "surely he's joking?" which was obviously baiting because you aren't dumb and you know that isn't a weird view to have. After you posted your video that got no responses you then bumped it nearly a day later with a comment that was basically saying "oh wait is that too controversial for you guys?" when you should've (probably did but wanted to bait more anyway) realized that noone had any interest in discussing it.

Trouble with a capital "T"
Captain, it's all good! This is a great thread, maybe MoFos will remember it for Best Thread of 2016

Which is interesting because Hades was just that in Greek Mythology, keeping the Titans and other threats confined to Tartarus. It bugs me when he's represented too much like the Devil because 'hell' is only one realm of his kingdom and he's also in charge of the afterlife for non-sinners.
Interesting...I'm curious about this "he's also in charge of the afterlife for non-sinners"

What do you mean exactly?

Captain, it's all good! This is a great thread, maybe MoFos will remember it for Best Thread of 2016
Well it's supposed to be controversial. I thought his obvious baiting and whining about people whining about all the talk here not being movie related even though noone has ever said that to him were relevant subjects.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I didn't see that way, and I've known Captain for many more years than I've been at MoFo. I see it as he's trying to get the ball rolling and promoting the thread, so it don't die. I'm guessing that's why he posted those 10 topic starters hoping to get the convo rolling. Which is fine with me, talk of Satan or smoking vs anti smoking makes for an interesting time. But I don't know enough about Palestine to add anything much other than what I did.

Captain is a great member. Just don't like that type of whining especially when it's related to another type of whining that he perceives here which as far as i can tell is non-existant. And yeah i'm aware of the irony of me whining about this.

Trouble with a capital "T"
If you mean his comment about talking about non movie topics on a movie board. I think that might been inspired by me, because I complained that we did not need a sticky thread about terrorist. So ironically I thought it was about me! (But it probably wasn't)

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
I have to admit, I don't believe in Satan. I don't believe 'God' is a white man sitting in the sky either.

I do, however, believe in some form of creator. I just think our universe and everything in it is far too complex and beautiful for it just to be a coincidence. I've mentioned it before as well, but in the book The Color Purple one of the characters says something along the lines of "God is everything around you, everything that ever was, and everything that ever will be. It can't be defined through gender, and loves all the things you do. People shouldn't worry about pissing off God either, because it's always trying to please you" and I'd like to think this is similar to the truth.

I also firmly believe in an afterlife, I think partly because the optimist in me can't accept the possibility of life just ending here. Someone I knew quite well had a near death/out of body experience as well which I tend to cling onto.

But anyway, I don't believe in Satan, nor do I believe in the traditional definitions of God. Then again, I'm gay, of course I'm going to say things to piss off the Christians