MoFo Alcoholics Anonymous


I,m not saying that drinking is wrong, i respect people's choice and I don't really have a problem with it. I just find it sad that the social conventions when you ''go out'' or ''hang out'' with friends is that you take a beer and as the evening goes people get more drunk and less interesting when they talk. But that's a personnal observation if people are happy with that I don't mind it's just not for me.
I do not speak english perfectly so expect some mistakes here and there in my messages

I'm Matt, 19 years old and 2 years sober
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

I'm Matt, 19 years old and 2 years sober
19 years old and 2 years sober?! You're not even 21, the legal drinking age in America. Shame on you.

19 years old and 2 years sober?! You're not even 21, the legal drinking age in America. Shame on you.
Go easy on him. I started drinking when I was 15, it hasn't effected me.

Bright light. Bright light. Uh oh.
At the [continuation] high school I taught at, at least half the students were alcoholics and/or drug addicts.
It's what you learn after you know it all that counts. - John Wooden
My IMDb page

Go easy on him. I started drinking when I was 15, it hasn't effected me.
I'm petitioning to have your name changed to "The Sci-Fi Drunk."

Alcool, drugs, cigaretts are honestly things I do not understand. I know I'm still very young (19), but I never had any interest toward them and I never plan to take any of them. For once, the effect it gives is basically getting people less rationnal so the conversations you have are less interesting, it attacks your liver, it makes your breath stink, it gives you a headach the day after, it's relatively expensive, for cigaretts it negatively affects your cardio, etc. Yet, most people do take them I don't what is it social pressure? Some kind of need for conformity? Some kind of need to get out of your normal state of mind? I don't know, but since it's a real issue I guess it should be dealt with and rationality is not the way to go because addiction is beyond rationality. I still find it idiotic that what most people of my age drink when they get together is alcool instead of water or juice, I don't know is it's for the taste itself (I doubt it) I think it's for the effect or just to conform, it's sad...
Well, first of all, I think there are many drinks that contain alcohol and taste very well. I live in Belgium and I can tell you that certain beers here are absolutely delicious! They offer a richly tasteful experience. The same goes with fine wines and good whiskeys.

On the other hand, there's no denying that heavy drinkers consume alcoholic booze for different reasons. They want to escape from reality for a while. Sometimes it doesn't go much further than simply relaxing for a bit and enjoying a couple of pints or a few glasses of wine, while carelessly having a chat with your friends. There are other times, though, that you want more, you want to be even looser, you want to go on an adventure that you wouldn't go on if you were sober. You start exceeding boundaries. There are suddenly a lot more realistic opportunities to make life more interesting.

You seem to have a very rational point of view on things and I partly am a pretty rational-minded person as well, but on the other hand I also like variety. I can enjoy watching a great film, having an interesting discussion with someone or playing a good game of tennis, but also being drunk as a monkey with some friends while doing some 'out of the box' crazy stuff. There's a time and place for everything, in my opinion.

Of course there are dangers and serious drawbacks to alcohol and drugs. You don't have to tell me that as I've been confronted with many of them. It's just a matter of finding a good balance.

There are people (like you seem to be for instance) that genuinely don't care about "leaving their usual state of mind" and their own capacity to think rationally and who are perfectly happy to live life without ever going out of that comfort zone of self-control. That's perfectly valid and perhaps even the wisest thing to do in the end (taking into account all the factors), but I'm also convinced there are people who can function very well and live a happy life even though they drink large amounts of alcohol at times. A good example is Christopher Hitchens for instance (who is an intellectual I respect very much). His productivity is legendary and yet he was an extremely heavy drinker. The reason he gave for drinking so much alcohol, was that people profoundly bored him when he was sober.

As for smoking cigarettes, that's a whole different and more complex story. It's incredibly bad for you and noone should ever start smoking, but as a smoker, smoking a cigarette is somehow still meaningful to me in a positive way. There are few things better than smoking a cigarette in the middle of the night, looking at a starry sky and thinking about existence for a moment. Smoking casually is probably more like a habit that has become an addictive desire, but I still enjoy it in a weird way. I'm sure I'll quit smoking when I'm a bit older because of health reasons, but for now it's still a part of me that I don't want to leave behind just yet. I'll also admit that I love the old-fashioned aura of it (when done in the right situation). Sometimes I think of myself as a really stupid person who's overly sensitive to nostalgia...

Oh, really? You're a Christopher Hitchens fan now? He was a friend of "Mr. No Free Will" Sam Harris. I seem to recall arguing with you over free will in the past. In fact, the Free Will book is dedicated to Hitchens.

Go easy on him. I started drinking when I was 15.
Same here. It often shocks me how different "drinking standards" are in the US. In Belgium there are almost none. Legally, you have to be 16 (and 18 for heavier booze), but basically everyone who's 14 and older can easily get alcohol.

Not a good thing, probably, but it is what it is.

Oh, really? You're a Christopher Hitchens fan now? He was a friend of "Mr. No Free Will" Sam Harris. I seem to recall arguing with you over free will in the past. In fact, the Free Will book is dedicated to Hitchens.
I'm a big fan of Harris as well.

A good example is Christopher Hitchens for instance (who is an intellectual I respect very much). His productivity is legendary and yet he was an extremely heavy drinker. The reason he gave for drinking so much alcohol alcohol, was that people profoundly bored him when he was sober.
I didn't agree with Christopher Hitchens on much, but this point we can definitely agree on.

How is this anonymous if there's your nickname next to your post?
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

I also enjoy Christopher Hitchens, there is a very good debate between him and Tariq Ramadan (a brilliant muslic philosopher) on YouTube.

As for what you say about alcohol I 100% agree with you, I don't have any problems with other people taking it, but what I dislike it's the usual standard of taking alcohol when you go out. It's not that if you don't take it people will hit you or something, but we all have a certain desire to conformity and I think this desire is responsible for most of the drinkers (not that it is that huge of an issue, but I just find it sad)

As for smoking, I think, as you say, that you enjoy that image of the classy film noir character smoking his cigarets and bein profound about it. But my mom is the same, she knows it's bad for her, but she can't stop. However, pushing it to later in life is not a very good solution since you will always want to say I'll do it later, I'd suggest to stop before any health problem could happen to you haha.

I also enjoy Christopher Hitchens, there is a very good debate between him and Tariq Ramadan (a brilliant muslic philosopher) on YouTube.

As for what you say about alcohol I 100% agree with you, I don't have any problems with other people taking it, but what I dislike it's the usual standard of taking alcohol when you go out. It's not that if you don't take it people will hit you or something, but we all have a certain desire to conformity and I think this desire is responsible for most of the drinkers (not that it is that huge of an issue, but I just find it sad)

As for smoking, I think, as you say, that you enjoy that image of the classy film noir character smoking his cigarets and bein profound about it. But my mom is the same, she knows it's bad for her, but she can't stop. However, pushing it to later in life is not a very good solution since you will always want to say I'll do it later, I'd suggest to stop before any health problem could happen to you haha.
I prefer Peter Hitchens. I think he is a better writer and speaker than his late brother. He won the Orwell prize for journalism and was nominated 3 years in a row.

Might as well pitch in.

My story with the bottle, can, pint glass, tankard and barrel... and pretty much anything else that booze comes wrapped in:

Started drinking socially at about 12 years old...

... never took hold of me until I was 25 when my life fell apart and I was hit with PTSD, depression, anxiety and so on and started having blackouts.
Booze became a way out until I nice lady at the Hostel I was staying in simply said "Don't". So I made a decision that booze wouldn't control me.
Still drank socially though... and then started playing pool more often which meant I was part of a genuine social circle which included booze (having a pint whilst playing pool).

I had another blackout in May just gone, and I realised I was again addicted to booze. I'd been having one or two drinks between weekly pool matches, which turned into a drink a day... so I locked myself in the flat for 3 weeks and never went out, not even to pool matches. Only thing I did was visit MoFo and Facebook and occasionally went to the shop for some baccy and food.
DTs are not nice.

I'm no longer addicted to booze

Still have a beer during a pool match though, once a week I have a drink... but I've found myself not needing booze between matches anymore.
3 weeks stint of locking myself in the flat did me good.

I've also not had a blackout since the beginning of May. They were a regular occurrence at two or three times a month.

May was just last month and you're still drinking at times. Try harder!