Remaking Evil Dead?


Maybe - you stated outright that a sequel was a remake. That's going to sound silly.
Ad nauseam.
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28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
You're right. Terminator 2: Judgement Day is also a remake because Cameron had success with his original and was given a bigger budget. Disregard the fact that it continues the story because there are elements that are the same in both, as well as the number 2 in the title. Hence, remake.

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Suspect's Reviews

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
To remake something should be just to try and do something with a really low budget film and put a few million into making it even better. I hate remakes (most at least) but I really hope they are joking about this and not going to change the story.

The Evil Dead remake plot sounds atrocious

Oct 27, 2011

Ugh. This is not the direction they should be going in.

“The movie will keep elements like the Book of the Dead (aka the Necronomicon) as well as the deadites, but the big change comes in how and why the group goes to the cabin in the first place. The unnamed sources say that the protagonist will be a young man who brings his younger sister out to the woods in an attempt to break her drug addictions. The problem is that without the drugs she begins to experience withdrawal symptoms that hide the fact that she is actually possessed. Furthermore, the curse of the Necronomicon is released not when the group finds and plays a recording, but rather when one of the friends finds the book and reads the scripture aloud.”

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
What the hell, Bruce Campbell and Sam Raimi are producers on the remake, this just makes no sense.

Interview with Bruce Campbell about remake.

Seriously, I think they have enough elements in place to stay true to the (evil) spirit of it while also creating something relatively original that can stand on its own.

I just hope the cast can act decently at least and the director doesn't suck.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
That's why I am sure it will probably be a good movie, but why call it a remake of Evil Dead, why not make a new horror movie, they are already changing so much, mainly not having Ash in it that it is a new movie so why are they calling it a remake.

That's why I am sure it will probably be a good movie, but why call it a remake of Evil Dead, why not make a new horror movie, they are already changing so much, mainly not having Ash in it that it is a new movie so why are they calling it a remake.

Well, yes, as I wrote earlier in the thread, there's much loot to be squeezed from the name alone, but I'm gonna play devil's advocate and say again that there's enough connection to justify it. Look, Ash is beloved by fans and he made DbD & AoD what they were, no question, but in all honesty I can live without a by-the-numbers rehash with some cringe-worthy Campbell clone imitating his larger-than-life anti-hero just to please fans.

Since we're not gonna get a sequel with the Ash, I'm gonna settle for staying open to a re-invention of the original using core elements and modestly hope for a decent horror film, keeping in mind that there's such a history there that it probably could never live up to it anyhow.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
“The movie will keep elements like the Book of the Dead (aka the Necronomicon) as well as the deadites, but the big change comes in how and why the group goes to the cabin in the first place. The unnamed sources say that the protagonist will be a young man who brings his younger sister out to the woods in an attempt to break her drug addictions. The problem is that without the drugs she begins to experience withdrawal symptoms that hide the fact that she is actually possessed. Furthermore, the curse of the Necronomicon is released not when the group finds and plays a recording, but rather when one of the friends finds the book and reads the scripture aloud.”
The only connections seem to be the Necronomicon and the Cabin. Other then that it sounds like a entirely different story, I don't think that's enough of a connection IMO.

Respectfully, perhaps your judgment is clouded by the other films? The original TED was about a group of friends going to an isolated cabin and unleashing horrific demons which possess them and turn them against each other. No chainsaw hands or time travel or wisecracking boomstick-carrying monster slayers to be found. But hey, if that's how you feel, that's how you feel,

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
I remember the original, I will admit that Evil Dead 2 is my favorite but I completely remember the original I still say there's not enough to call it a remake, maybe a re-thinking or re-telling something like that (I'm not sure if those are even words honestly).

I'm not sure what other people expect a remake to be but I seem to have a very different conception of it. Anyway, Dead by Dawn is my fave too. I can't think of any earlier example of hybrid horror-humor that worked so well.

Well, except maybe American Werewolf in London but I forget which was older.

I rewatched AoD a while back, and once again reaffirmed why I place it 3rd after DbD and TED. It has lots of great humor, especially early on when the fish-out-of-water stuff is fresh, but I also felt it was too heavily skewed toward comedy, to the point of just pure silliness. Also, the movie drags quite a bit in the second half, and the battle with the Deadites was a bit lame.

I know many fans love AoD best but I just find it amusing and uneven compared to the gory madcap genius of DbD.

Evil Dead remake picked up by Sony
The remake of Sam Raimi's terrifying 1981 classic will head to the big screen thanks to a distribution deal signed with Sony Pictures.

“For 30 years, Sam [Raimi], Bruce [Campbell] and I have been looking for the right home where we could return the deadites to the big screen,” producer Rob Tapert revealed in an official statement.

He continued: “Amy Pascal and Jeff Blake at Sony and Peter Schlessel at FilmDistrict have always been incredible partners who share our passion for great storytelling as well as our obsession for scaring the pants off the audience. Together, we are looking forward to terrorizing a whole new generation.”

There's small comfort for fans of the original in the news that director of the original, Sam Raimi, will also be on board as a producer teaming up with Bruce Campbell once more.

'Juno' scribe Diablo Cody has recently completed rewrites and the film is set to begin shooting in 2012.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
Evil Dead remake to film in March

Dec 6, 2011

Hollywood has been moving quickly on that Evil Dead remake that almost all of the fanbase doesn’t want to happen. Bloody-Disgusting is now reporting that production on the film will begin next March in New Zealand. There’s been on announcement of any casting as far as I know, but we should hear something sooner or later.

Sit Ubu Sit.... Good Dog
A female lead role for Evil Dead, does not sound like a remake, why don't they just call it Evil Dead 4 and not piss off the fans of the original?

Has Evil Dead begun casting?

Dec 19, 2011

Everything is coming together for Fede Alvarez to begin directing the Evil Dead remake in March for its April 2013 release, but we have yet to hear any casting news regarding the film. We do know the lead in this film will be a female this time, but have yet to hear any names dropped for the lead role. Well, sources are now telling Destroy the Brain that Gillian Jacobs and Jurnee Smollett have auditioned for the lead role. As with many remakes, this film seems to be drawn more to the younger crowd and Jacobs of Community seems to fit that catogory alright. No word on how truthful this news is, but we should be hearing something official with production set to start in March.

Hope they dont ruin it