18th Mofo Hall of Fame


Trouble with a capital "T"
The movie I was going to go with would've probably came in last place I love it! and I know a couple of MoFos do too, but some hate it. I might use it another time, it is so fun to watch (at least for me).

Haven't seen either of the first two noms. I'm not a huge fan of animation so I don't expect to like Snow White that much but I try to see it with open mind. Bubba-Ho Tep interests me due to its cult status but other than that I have no idea what to expect.

The Third Nomination

from @Joel

the film that ressurected M Knight Shyamalan's career that went on to register almost 300 million dollars on the Box office and setup the number #1 movie in America....


wait not that split.....


actually not that Split....this is 1989's Split

oh boy.....

Our 5th nomination from


Here's a fun fact for you kids...when people bring up how Logan or The Dark Knight should have been the first comic book film to receive a best picture nom...I submit, Ed's pick

2002's Road to Perdition

Tom Hanks
Paul Newman
Jude Law
directed by Sam Mendes
shot by the legendary Conrad Hall

And let's just make this a Tom Hanks two-fer

Our Sixth Nomination.....

nominated by @neiba this is a Best Picture nominee

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (2011)

if ever a picture and title matched up well it's that....

Fun Fact: Extremely Loud and Incredibly close received a BP nomination as well as a nomination for Max Von Sydow for supporting actor another film that registered a supporting actor nomination

Our Seventh Nomination from


The Florida Project (2017)

So I know what you are thinking...five films from post 2000 that's got to be a record.

Well here's a film that received no Oscar Nominations...didn't sent the box office on fire...and stars an actor from the incredibly popular The Last Jedi

our Eighth Nomination from myself

2018's The Little Stranger

Road to Perdition is the first one I've seen (besides my own). I think it was OK but it's been a long time. The other Hanks I haven't seen. Florida Project has been on my watchlist for months and now I'll finally get a good excuse to actually watch it.

EDIT: Little Stranger still looks interesting.

And our final nomination...so far

from @CitizenRules

Valley of the Dolls (1967)

I may or maynot be drinking and doing pills during some of these films I make no promises....

The Third Nomination

from @Joel

the film that ressurected M Knight Shyamalan's career that went on to register almost 300 million dollars on the Box office and setup the number #1 movie in America....


wait not that split.....


actually not that Split....this is 1989's Split

oh boy.....
You scared the ass off of me for a hot second. Nicely done..

Besides my own nomination, I've seen Snow White, Road to Perdition, and Valley of the Dolls. It's been quite a long time since I last watched Road to Perdition and Valley of the Dolls though, and I don't remember much about them.

Everyone ok with me entering post reveal?

Still deciding between two but I want to rewatch one tonight before submitting. Both are from the 90s




You've seen the nom's this is a very light Hall of Fame only 9 nom's many of them short this should be a very easy one to finish. So I'll give you guys till the 1st to decide if you want to enter or if you want to just watch and review that's okay as well.

The deadlines are as follows
  • February 11th - 1 Review must be turned in
  • February 25th - 2 Reviews must be turned in
  • March 11th - 4 Reviews must be turned in
  • April 1st - When all the reviews must be in


Everyone ok with me entering post reveal?

Still deciding between two but I want to rewatch one tonight before submitting. Both are from the 90s

absolutely we could use a tenth