The Movie Forums Top 100 of All-Time Refresh: Countdown

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My Craptastic List with updated numbers.

1. Pan's Labyrinth
2. Little Big Man #173
3. Dog Day Afternoon #209
4. All Quiet on the Western Front #122

5. City of God
6. An American Werewolf in London #144
7. Dr. Strangelove.....
8. Boyhood #241
9. 12 Angry Men
10. American Beauty
11. Network #181
12. Young Frankenstein
13. The Hospital #588
14. M*A*S*H #615
15. Judgement at Nuremberg #128
16. Taking of Pelham 123 #648(original)
17. Terms of Endearment
18. Pride of the Yankees
19. The Descendents (2011) #261

20. One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
21. Sleepers
22. Harold & Maude
23. Testament
24. Goodfellas
25. Forrest Gump

5 films 101 - 200
3 films 201 - 300
0 films 301 - 400
1 films 401 - 500
1 films 501 - 600

Wow! Never realized how out in left field my list was.

Great list. Thanks a lot for all the work, @Yoda!

I've seen 92 out of the 100 films. The films I shamefully haven't seen yet are: Braveheart, Akira, Metropolis, A Woman Under the Influence, Andrei Rublev, The Tree of life, Come and See and Seven Samurai (even though I've seen more than 10 other Kurosawa films I somehow haven't found the time yet to watch his most famous epic).

This was my top 25, of which 12 made it into the final countdown:

1) Casablanca
2) Chinatown
3) The Master
4) An Autumn Afternoon
5) Citizen Kane
6) Once Upon a Time in America
7) Goodfellas
8) Walkabout
9) The Devils
10) In the Mood for Love
11) Vertigo
12) It’s a Wonderful Life
13) Brazil
14) Blade Runner
15) Apocalypse Now
16) City Lights
17) The Graduate
18) The Rules of the Game
19) Pulp Fiction
20) 2001: A Space Oddysey
21) The Long Goodbye
22) Manhattan
23) Ran
24) 8 ½
25) The Saddest Music in the World
Cobpyth's Movie Log ~ 2019

geez, I just went with my whim.
"Фильм призван вызвать духовную волну, а не взращивать идолопоклонников."

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The Departed 112 The Dark Knight 135

Please Quote/Tag Or I'll Miss Your Responses
20) Le Trou (1960) (-)

Le Trou is a prison escape film that is extremely straight forward: About 30 minutes of character exposition, then the rest of the film is the escape attempt. With such a simple presentation, it’s amazing how tense it manages to be.

This is probably the best prison movie. Unfortunately, everyone loves "Shawshank" and disregards the many other movies better.. "A Man Escaped" was also good, but I don't remember it as much.

"Le Trou" has one of the scariest/amazing images at the end, with Manu being portrayed for who he really is.

Not one vote for The Titfield Thunderbolt
Shame on you MoFo!

(far more shame on me though for not even sending in a list)

Wow you guys weren’t kidding about Inception and The Departed. Those are pretty high.

I’m surprised to see Jurassic Park, Fargo and Roger Rabbit so low.

I was the only one who voted for Tremors and American Psycho. What a sad day for America, and the rest of the world.

Wow you guys weren’t kidding about Inception and The Departed. Those are pretty high.

I’m surprised to see Jurassic Park, Fargo and Roger Rabbit so low.

I was the only one who voted for Tremors and American Psycho. What a sad day for America, and the rest of the world.
Yeah, I'm specially surprised by Fargo, and I wonder if it was one of those cases where most people didn't vote for it, thinking it would make it anyway.
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rbrayer's Avatar
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Wow, can't believe I was the only person to put The Big Sleep and Local Hero on my list! And The Maltese Falcon only made 4 lists. Really? Wow.

Here's the full spreadsheet. You can also click the preview image here below:

I was the only one who voted for:

Man With a Movie Camera
A Moment of Innocence
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Shadows of Forgotten Ancestors

And I was the only one who voted for Moonlight. I really thought that one had a chance.

Trouble with a capital "T"
And I was the only one who voted for Moonlight. I really thought that one had a chance.
What number on your ballot was Moonlight? It looks like you had it at #19?

What number on your ballot was Moonlight? It looks like you had it at #19?
Yes. I thought more people would vote for it.