Johnny Depp vs Amber Heard


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Amber Heard is the topic.

The movie studios are lame. Among sports clubs and sponsoring companies they come a lot further against online abusers. Just recently, Mercedes, Red Bull, F1 stood up against online abuse against Lewis Hamilton after he crashed with Verstappen. And that, even if Hamilton was deemed guilty. It was reported to the police by the companies - incl. Hamiltons employer.

Do a search on Youtube on Amber Heard and you can follow a daily stream of slaying her character due to her divorce with Johnny Depp, and what seems to be misinformation about others opinion of her and so on. I have not seen her convicted of anything related to this very public divorce. Not one movie studio has made a public statement against these abusers on Youtube and you have not heard the abuse been reported to the police by the movie studios. The movie studios are lame.

PS. I hope she will have a great career as a movie star.

Johnny Depp can take the convictions he had or will have. But after, I also hope Johnny Depp gets back to do great movies cause he is a great great actor.

I am very confused by the above post. As someone who has a long-term F1 client, I can attest that the Lewis Hamilton controversy reflects directly on Mercedes as a company. The symbiotic relationship Mercedes has with Hamilton is difficult enough as is - in January there was talk that his contact wouldn’t be extended because he asked for an obscene amount, and yet, lo and behold. Hamilton is probably the 2nd-3rd greatest racer in history (no, I am not a fan, Senna definitely wins), and Hamilton’s background in particular makes him marketing gold. Mercedes will stand by him even if he murders someone. They can afford it, in financial and social capital terms. By now, in the current era, it’s almost as if Mercedes is Hamilton and Hamilton is Mercedes. There’s no debating he partly keeps winning due to the vastly superior cars he gets to drive.

Amber Heard is just another random Hollywood blonde. She didn’t have a career to speak of pre-Johnny and hasn’t had much of a career since the divorce. Yes, Johnny Depp probably assaulted her, no, that wasn’t okay, but her attempts to make money from it when she was the one who cheated on him don’t inspire much sympathy. That aside, she just has less of a “wow” factor than Hamilton. She’s less unique. There are a million blonde actresses in that age group and at the moment, Margot Robbie is the ****. It wouldn’t pay off for brands to back Amber Heard. It’s about mainly financial considerations.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...The movie studios are lame...
I agree with that! I'd call the Hollywood studios pandering chicken ****, at least most of the time.

As far as Depp and Heard, I don't care. Depp's career is in the past and Heard? Never heard of Heard until this divorce case.

I just want Johnny to get healthy and stop looking like a faces of Crystal Meth advert. As stated previously, with hamilton, down to the money and also with the Johnny Depp situation.

Amber Heard is just another random Hollywood blonde. She didn’t have a career to speak of pre-Johnny and hasn’t had much of a career since the divorce. Yes, Johnny Depp probably assaulted her, no, that wasn’t okay, but her attempts to make money from it when she was the one who cheated on him don’t inspire much sympathy.
Wow, harsh much?

Johnny Depp did NOT assault Amber.
You don’t know this. Only the two of them know exactly what went on between them.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

You don’t know this. Only the two of them know exactly what went on between them.
I definitely agree that we don’t know and will never know. Also admit that I’m in a very bitchy mood from the stress of quitting and the earring incident.

I still have a sense that she was inauthentic in the way she handled the break-up and that she sought publicity from it, which I don’t respect, but there’s no condoning or excusing domestic violence and I would never argue with that.

It’s just that to me Amber Heard’s entire approach to her marriage to JD was that said marriage constituted one big PR stunt and a way to make money, but it’s equally his fault for ditching Vanessa like that and marrying Amber on the spot.

Isn’t it peculiar how Vanessa keeps defending him? Definitely awful PR advice there, regardless of her thinking.

The trick is not minding
It’s clear to me that that there was abuse of some kind going both ways.
We have the video of Depp slamming the cabinet doors and yelling at her when she asks what’s wrong, and even wrestles the phone from her when he realizes she’s recording.
In that video he seemed drunk, considering his actions, but one could also point out that it seemed Amber was pushing him by constantly asking questions and not leaving him alone. It seemed like maybe she wanted a reaction.
This does not excuse his actions in the least.
We also have the picture where he wrote in blood with his severed finger, on the bathroom mirror, “BILLY BOB AND EASY AMBER” in response to his suspicion of an affair between the two, despite there not being any evidence to suggest it.

We have the audio where she admits to hitting him, and brushing it off. Pretty damning.

Both seem to have issues. Both seem to be guilty of abuse in many forms. There are no winners here.

… there’s no condoning or excusing domestic violence and I would never argue with that.
To quote myself (again), marriage can turn two perfectly nice people into monsters. And then the real fun begins when they initiate divorce proceedings.

It’s clear to me that that there was abuse of some kind going both ways.
No doubt. It’s all very ghastly. People meet, they fall in love & then, one day, they hate each other. Such is life.

To quote myself (again), marriage can turn two perfectly nice people into monsters. And then the real fun begins when they initiate divorce proceedings.

…It’s all very ghastly. People meet, they fall in love & then, one day, they hate each other. Such is life
Yes, I suppose that’s the thing. That’s why I find myself so sceptical of the idea that two people can really tolerate each other for particularly long.

Anyway, don’t think I’m an incorregible horrible person. I think what he did to her face, and yes, I do think he probably did it, was inexcusable, I just couldn’t get over it the year it happened. But the way she’s been cashing in on it and acting gleeful because he’s now bankrupt and unemployable is not particularly inspiring, right?

Anyone who would seek media attention from that kind of domestic dispute and portray herself as a domestic abuse victims advocate just gets my alarm bells ringing, but that’s definitely just a personal response, no question about it.

Yes, I suppose that’s the thing. That’s why I find myself so sceptical of the idea that two people can really tolerate each other for particularly long.

Anyway, don’t think I’m an incorregible horrible person. I think what he did to her face, and yes, I do think he probably did it, was inexcusable, I just couldn’t get over it the year it happened. But the way she’s been cashing in on it and acting gleeful because he’s now bankrupt and unemployable is not particularly inspiring, right?

Anyone who would seek media attention from that kind of domestic dispute and portray herself as a domestic abuse victims advocate just gets my alarm bells ringing, but that’s definitely just a personal response, no question about it.
A marriage won’t work unless there’s mutual respect and, number one, communication.

She doesn’t have to “inspire” anyone & I’m not gonna judge her for her behavior. Spouses have literally murdered each other (or their children) in marriages gone very wrong. Bad behavior like the two we’re discussing is bad behavior that luckily didn’t get anyone killed.

She doesn’t have to “inspire” anyone & I’m not gonna judge her for her behavior. Spouses have literally murdered each other (or their children) in marriages gone very wrong. Bad behavior like the two we’re discussing is bad behavior that luckily didn’t get anyone killed.
You’re probably right. I’m not randomly writing that to end the discussion. “Inspiring” was definitely the wrong word.

Seems Amber was the abusive one. Not Johnny, I believe when he said "I have never struck a woman in my life"

It seems like the prototype for "he said, she said", where only the lawyers will come out on the plus side. Depp's downside is that, at his age, he's not cute anymore, Heard's downside is she's one of too many skinny, blond females who become accessories in cheesy movie plots. He's old and she's replaceable and I'm cynical.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Yes, I suppose that’s the thing. That’s why I find myself so sceptical of the idea that two people can really tolerate each other for particularly long.

Anyway, don’t think I’m an incorregible horrible person. I think what he did to her face, and yes, I do think he probably did it, was inexcusable, I just couldn’t get over it the year it happened. But the way she’s been cashing in on it and acting gleeful because he’s now bankrupt and unemployable is not particularly inspiring, right?

Anyone who would seek media attention from that kind of domestic dispute and portray herself as a domestic abuse victims advocate just gets my alarm bells ringing, but that’s definitely just a personal response, no question about it.
Without looking it up I believe there is testimony from a make up artist on a TV show where Amber was making an appearance right around that time (bruise on the face), and the make up artist said here was no mark on the face. Plus a doctor or something that Amber had seen on an unrelated issue in the days after who again said no mark was there.

This week we also have testimony from Depp saying Heard would come out with a tissue covered in red trying to make out that Depp had bust her nose, only for Depp to later get his hands on the tissue and find out that it's not blood but nail varnish.

Of course none of this is absolutely definitive proof that Depp didn't strike her but when you combine the above with Heard's history of domestic violence, recordings where she admits hitting Depp and quite a large list of character witnesses for Depp and against Heard you can form a reasonable assumption that she is full of s***.

Without looking it up I believe there is testimony from a make up artist on a TV show where Amber was making an appearance right around that time (bruise on the face), and the make up artist said here was no mark on the face. Plus a doctor or something that Amber had seen on an unrelated issue in the days after who again said no mark was there.

This week we also have testimony from Depp saying Heard would come out with a tissue covered in red trying to make out that Depp had bust her nose, only for Depp to later get his hands on the tissue and find out that it's not blood but nail varnish.

Of course none of this is absolutely definitive proof that Depp didn't strike her but when you combine the above with Heard's history of domestic violence, recordings where she admits hitting Depp and quite a large list of character witnesses for Depp and against Heard you can form a reasonable assumption that she is full of s***.
Indeed, I agree.

Are these two always in court or is the date on these posts wrong? Here it is 2022 and they are saying Amber Heard has two personality disorders. From the little bit I have heard of this it appears they are both at fault. Don t know why they are even together.

28 days...6 hours...42 minutes...12 seconds
I have noticed that during the MeToo era whenever a celebrity was called out, more and more people would come out and accuse them. Cosby, Weinstein, Franco, etc...multiple people.

As far as I know, this has not happened with Depp. Not saying he is innocent, but something to think about.
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