everybody so clueless about film


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
As for people not having enough passion for movies go, my friends often ask me where I find all these different, but good movies that I've shown them. And I think the problem is, is that most people are not willing to look anywhere beyond what is playing on Netflix currently, and what is not playing in the multiplex theaters. If it's not coming from one of those sources in the here and now, they don't look for it often, it seems.

Fun story, I was in another part of Denmark during my education on movies and television, which of course meant that when I was there I was surrounded by people with interest in cinema. We could talk about everything movies and we understood each other... hell, even part of our actual education schedule was watching classics like Citizen Kane and The Shining... I had seen all these before of course, but it was both fun and a little “YES, DUH!”-ish when some of the lesser informed were like “this was great”. Obviously man, try something different than Transformers for once! Expand your mind! Haha anyways,

I then returned home to my old friends and we had good fun together, until movies were brought up. I actually mentioned a more go-to kind of movie in this case, being Mission Impossible Fallout, and how I loved that one:

“So how’d you like it?” I asked my friend. “I didn’t really.” He said. “Oh” I said and turned my head to the other 5 friends I was with, “what did you think?” The rest hadn’t even seen it. (was it at this point I should say I already watched it 4 times?) anyways, I turned to the first friend again “Okay fine, what movie this year did you really like?” I asked. “Oh, I really loved Fantastic Beasts 2! So new and inventive and different to what you usually see. Amazing film” a little note here, that film was probably my most hated of the year. I also accidentally talked to them sometimes like I did with my film buddies and said “oh that film and that film” or “the cinematography here was and bla bla bla” and I forgot they hadn’t seen jack sh*t and didn’t know or appreciate anything technical

So yeah, point being that while I can’t exactly truly get mad at them for thinking like they do, liking what they do and not investing in movies like I do... it’s still a problem sometimes when you just wanna discuss movies - or completely fundamental - want to share whatever passion you have and there’s no one around to share it with you. And because you are wiser on the subject than others, you can’t help but feel the little “ouch” in the soul sometimes when someone steps on your movie soul... but hey, then there are things we don’t know anything about and they hate us for that. That’s life.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
Well it seems that a lot of people do not want to look that hard for movies, if they want something specific. They just want whatever is ready to go and available, but is there any reason why that is?

Yes, and you're one of them. You don't begin to share my passion for film and the type of movies I love...But guess what? That's OK, because I don't share your movie passion either...No two people will relate to cinema the same way. It's human nature.

You might try to get your friends to watch a movie that you admire and they've never seen. Who knows, maybe they'll then get the movie watching bug and have a whole new life experience...stranger things have happened.
I have done that many times but I think people get into a habit and if it does not include watching movies it's unlikely to change even if they had a great experience. My whole point was I'd like someone to get me to watch a movie they admire.
Do you know what a roller pigeon is, Barney? They climb high and fast, then roll over and fall just as fast toward the earth. There are shallow rollers and deep rollers. You can’t breed two deep rollers, or their young will roll all the way down, hit, and die. Officer Starling is a deep roller, Barney. We should hope one of her parents was not.

Give me an 80s or 90s film anytime, and i d watch it with open arms, my love for movies began from when i was a little kid, and action is the genre that i enjoy most, after that comes the mystery thrillers

I don't know what kind of responses you're hoping for here.
wasn't actually thinking about it, I feel sometimes it's healthy to say what your thinking and not have to construct everything so meticulously and be on everybody's side. I fully expected one of the responses on here though.

I'd be far more concerned if everyone was saying the last movie they watched was Titanic or Avatar tbh, at least Alien is a ****ing fantastic fillum.
I picked Alien but it could have been either of them two or Independence Day

Well it seems that a lot of people do not want to look that hard for movies, if they want something specific. They just want whatever is ready to go and available, but is there any reason why that is?
Because I see dumb people

How did Avatar age so poorly anyway? It was a huge hit when it came out, and now it seems everyone to think of it as a really cheesy movie even though it's only been 10 years since it was a hit.
General audiences liked Avatar as well as Roger Ebert. The people who do not like Avatar are the type of people who are not the target audience for it. That is, people who like stuff like Kiarostami's movies will not like Avatar and vice versa. I do not think it aged poorly since the film snobs who hate Avatar now were already hating Avatar when it came out: its perception did not change much, although it's rating on the IMDB dropped a bit from 8.4 in mid-2010 to 7.8 now:


I guess your perception of the change was caused by a change in the type of people you talked about Avatar. In 2010 the average moviegoer talked about Avatar while now only the film snobs who hated it still talk about it.

In my opinion, despite all its problems, Avatar is from an artistic perspective a far superior movie than any other movie ever made with a budget of over 200 million dollars. It is a completely original passion project from James Cameron who made it because he loved it: it's setting, sci-fi concepts and technology (both inside the movie as well as the technology used to make the movie) and it was not a cash grab like all superhero movies made recently.

Looking back I respect it much more than I would respect those Star Wars cash grabs made by recycling the classic movies that were released in recent years.

Well it seems that a lot of people do not want to look that hard for movies, if they want something specific. They just want whatever is ready to go and available, but is there any reason why that is?
Laziness. They're lazy. Or, they're just uninformed that they have the option to dig deeper. Aside from that - it's a personal preference. Movies don't speak to all people the way they speak to some. I'm at the point personally where I could take or leave a narrative movie. I'm more into docs about real stuff..stuff I can maybe get involved in. F#ck movies!


I picked Alien but it could have been either of them two or Independence Day
But that's like comparing The Verdict to Big Momma's House.

Alien is a serious and real film. It's the real deal. It isn't some summer blockbuster. Nor was it ...lol.

Wait, was it?

it's good. Too good to be in the same pairing as something like ID4

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I think Alien kind of counts as a summer blockbuster perhaps, not that that's a bad thing. It's kind of like a haunted house structured type thriller with a monster, and a group of people, but just set on space ship.

I think I might like ID4 better than Alien too, but is that bad of me?

I guess I felt ID4 may have done a better job at what it was trying to do, than Alien.

General audiences liked Avatar as well as Roger Ebert.

Ebert liking it is probably why it hasn't aged well.

Rule of thumb with Ebert, is that if he liked it, it's probably garbage... with an exception to only a handful.
If he hated it, it's probably a fun watch.

Trouble with a capital "T"
..My whole point was I'd like someone to get me to watch a movie they admire.
Check out my Top 10 movies on my profile. I admire them all, so you might try watching one or two.

Welcome to the human race...
Was going to contest Rodent's claim about Ebert, but then I remembered him giving Spawn a 3.5/4 - yes, really. Still got respect for the man because of having takes that interesting, though (and besides, there's a reason that one of the MoFo Lists is a compilation of his "Great Movies").

Also picturing OP showing someone a movie like Dagon and being surprised when they call it weird.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

You mean me? Kei's cousin?
I've seen Dagon two or three times. Does it make me weird?
Well, that depends on who you ask, doesn't it?
Look, Dr. Lesh, we don't care about the disturbances, the pounding and the flashing, the screaming, the music. We just want you to find our little girl.