Any guilty pleasure movies you like?


Trouble with a capital "T"
A movie usually thought to be a bad movie, yet you like it anyway.

It's a movie you express "guilt" for liking, either because you yourself think it's "bad", it's so overwhelmingly reviled by other people you're afraid you'll be chastised for defending it, you find it's "message" repugnant, or some other reason.
Please tell me that was sarcasm....I don't think there's one MoFo who's afraid to admit that they like a film that others think sucks.

Napoleon Dynamite (there's something genius in the level of awkwardness in this quirky film).
Eagle vs. Shark (very similar quirkiness as Napoleon Dynamite, but this one's a British romantic comedy.)

Ohhh! Hmmm... I guess 2012 and the first three Final Destination count?
Yes they count. (I've never seen a Final Destination movie, but you should be ASHAMED of yourself for liking 2012!!!)

Please tell me that was sarcasm....I don't think there's one MoFo who's afraid to admit that they like a film that others think sucks.
Well, calling something a "guilty pleasure" is tantamount to admitting you like it, right? So, no, I never claimed that that's what it avoids. Instead, what careful use of the phrase "guilty pleasure" does, is sometimes it gets you out of having to defend liking something. Which is fine. Even us irascible MoFo's don't always have a stomach for defending our every opinion from the quibblers and wags of the internet.

5 Card Stud starring Dean Martin, Robert Mitchum, Roddy McDowell and Inger Stevens.

Not sure which guilty pleasures thread to bump... but I discovered two that I hate to admit to (especially as a middle-aged male)
1. Mean Girls
2. Bring it On

And I don't even consider these Chick-Flicks... more Teen-Chick-Flicks!
Whenever I find these on, I stop to watch them!

I'm sure I have a few, but the one that sticks out to me is The Tournament, a movie about Assassin's put gather in a competition between each other to see who's the last man or woman standing.

I was surprisingly entertained the whole way through. Well worth a watch.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I always loved Dune, I seen it first run at a theater and have watched it several times since. I read all of the Dune series of books and was a totally fan before seeing the movie, so maybe that's why I appreciated the movie and others don't.

Survivor 5s #2 Bitch
Not sure which guilty pleasures thread to bump... but I discovered two that I hate to admit to (especially as a middle-aged male)
1. Mean Girls
2. Bring it On

And I don't even consider these Chick-Flicks... more Teen-Chick-Flicks!
Whenever I find these on, I stop to watch them!
I freaking adore both of these films

But these two in addition to Bridesmaids and White Chicks

The Big Bus (1976)

Some might call this a cult movie. A disaster film parody set aboard a nuclear-powered bus! It's the precursor to Airplane (but not quite as good) in that it introduces the same comedic style in its "spoofiness" that Airplane would use a few years later.
It's got it's moments, a great cast and is full of stupid one-liners. When I was a kid I seriously thought the bus itself was the coolest thing on wheels! I actually bought a copy of this movie on DVD!

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The Big Bus (1976)

Some might call this a cult movie. A disaster film parody set aboard a nuclear-powered bus! It's the precursor to Airplane (but not quite as good) in that it introduces the same comedic style in its "spoofiness" that Airplane would use a few years later.
It's got it's moments, a great cast and is full of stupid one-liners. When I was a kid I seriously thought the bus itself was the coolest thing on wheels! I actually bought a copy of this movie on DVD!

I've never even heard of The Big Bus. If I like Airplane, is it worth trying to find this movie?

Yes, GB, if you liked Airplane you might appreciate The Big Bus.
Granted, it's not as non-stop funny as Airplane, but it is the same type of humor.

It gets a little more into the characters of the crew and the wacky passengers (similar to the way the Airport movies did).
But it's wall to wall silliness - the bus has it's own piano bar, Captain's dining room, swimming pool and even a bowling alley. The on-board tumultuous romance between Stockard Channing and Joseph Bologna is classic. The cast reads like a who's-who of 70's Hollywood bit actors.
One big difference is it's about a new technology - the bus is making it's maiden voyage and it's nuclear powered (so it's almost a little bit sci-fi in that respect).

I'm not going to guarantee anything - some people love it (which is why it's a "cult" classic) others think the humor is groan-worthy (and they're sore from groaning by the end) and some can't stand it. What it does well is spoof a lot of different genres within the overall disaster film spoof. The funniest thing is, this came out when I was about 11, and I didn't really "get" or care about the comedy, I just thought the bus was COOL!

If you're in the mood for something very silly and don't watch it with a critical eye, try to compare it to Airplane by rating it's jokes-per-minute, or (God forbid) take it seriously... then you might enjoy it.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yes, GB, if you liked Airplane you might appreciate The Big Bus.
Granted, it's not as non-stop funny as Airplane, but it is the same type of humor.

It gets a little more into the characters of the crew and the wacky passengers (similar to the way the Airport movies did).
But it's wall to wall silliness - the bus has it's own piano bar, Captain's dining room, swimming pool and even a bowling alley. The on-board tumultuous romance between Stockard Channing and Joseph Bologna is classic. The cast reads like a who's-who of 70's Hollywood bit actors.
One big difference is it's about a new technology - the bus is making it's maiden voyage and it's nuclear powered (so it's almost a little bit sci-fi in that respect).

I'm not going to guarantee anything - some people love it (which is why it's a "cult" classic) others think the humor is groan-worthy (and they're sore from groaning by the end) and some can't stand it. What it does well is spoof a lot of different genres within the overall disaster film spoof. The funniest thing is, this came out when I was about 11, and I didn't really "get" or care about the comedy, I just thought the bus was COOL!

If you're in the mood for something very silly and don't watch it with a critical eye, try to compare it to Airplane by rating it's jokes-per-minute, or (God forbid) take it seriously... then you might enjoy it.

It sounds like it could be just a silly, fun movie. I'll give it a try.

A bit of trivia (courtesy of IMDB):
The Big Bus itself (the "Cyclops" - named for it's large front headlight) was an actual functioning vehicle made for the film and cost $250,000 to build! It was used in a Los Angeles Bicentennial Parade. A bus station in downtown Los Angeles had to have it's roof raised so the Cyclops could enter the facility. The bus made a real life trip from Los Angeles to San Diego in 1976 to promote the movie. "The Big Bus" had thirty-two wheels, weighed seventy-five tons and measured 106 feet long. The weight of the bus was said to have been the equivalent of eighty Volkswagen cars or five giant Sceni-Cruiser Greyhound buses.
Both The Big Bus (1976) and Airplane! (1980) were released by the Paramount Pictures studio.

Not sure which guilty pleasures thread to bump... but I discovered two that I hate to admit to (especially as a middle-aged male)
1. Mean Girls
2. Bring it On

And I don't even consider these Chick-Flicks... more Teen-Chick-Flicks!
Whenever I find these on, I stop to watch them!
There is no reason to feel guilty about liking Mean Girls...the film is smart and funny filled with eye-opening performances and Tina Fey's screenplay is Oscar-worthy.