Game of Thrones Season 3


Bro, wasn't even a spoiler. All I implied was she sucks and sucks at being a ruler and continues to make sh*t decisions. Much like she has this entire series since book 1.

It just gets worse is all.

If you're saying that Dany's crazy, I'd say that qualifies as a spoiler. I'm just about to start book 5 and, to this point, I haven't found her to be remotely "Mad King 2.0." Not yet, at least.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
if you squint a bit, the rider is a dead ringer for the Imp.

"The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it." - Michelangelo.

If anything, it was less "boring" than the premiere....

As far as [general] content goes, this episode was totally good, and not boring at all. This episode also happened to have a lot of [specific] content that was either done poorly, or was entirely atrocious though.

But seriously. Top lels @ saying the intro episode for Jojen, Meera, Thoros (and the Brotherhood without Banners, or at least most of it), and the Queen of Thorns (and also "Locke" aka pseudo-Vargo) .......and Ramsay, was boring. Top lels indeed.

Why would introducing characters be especially exciting to someone who hasn't read the books and has no idea who they are or how important they might be later?

Shall we go count up the number of episodes that would be automatically "exciting" because of the introduction of new characters? Because you may have noticed there are, uh, a lot of characters.

I would actually greatly appreciate it if you went through all the episodes and marked which ones introduced new characters. I bet they were all pretty "exciting"

I think most of them are exciting, regardless. Just not for the mere fact of introducing new characters, which happens a lot and has no particular reason to excite anyone who doesn't know who they are yet.

If I was watching a show, and was suddenly handed a platter of interesting and [seemingly] important (we all know they are) characters, I would be both intrigued and interested in what purpose they will serve for the [character-dominated] television show I enjoy. "Exciting" may not particularly be the best term to use in such a situation, but I'd say "intrigue" and "sparked curiosity", which, in turn, can be exciting for some (most?) people.

I get it, and I even feel the same way in general. But step outside the fact that you're a huge fan of this world, and presumably of this type of storytelling, and I don't think it's hard to see why others might be largely indifferent to it. I don't blame them. For the uninitiated, I imagine this stuff is kinda starting to pile up.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
I have read the first 4 books and really enjoy the world building. I think the issue with having so many characters in a television series is we do not get to spend a whole lot of time with them in some episodes. For instance I have heard a number of non book readers state that Arya is their favorite character. I could completely understand those people being frustrated so far this year. I think I would still enjoy this show if I had not read the books, but don't know if I would hold it in as high regard as I do.

That being said I have very few issues with the first two episodes of this season. I am particularly fond of what they are doing with Margery. Unlike most book readers I was not a huge fan with the first half of the third book, but I think the television series is doing a great job laying the ground work for the craziness to come.

Keep on Rockin in the Free World
Whoa thats a long post. didnt realize. anyway, ^^ my favourite i think was Theon taking the "Why did You Invade Winterfell" quiz.
