Is there a Single, Objective, Absolute TRUTH?


You can't win an argument just by being right!
Do you mean 'sage-like' that I called you? I didnt realise that was a silly name, and I didnt check but if memory serves me correct you repped me at the time. I'll try harder next time to read your mind and not post such silly names. Apologies for hurting your feels.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I was not calling you names . I was answering the original question. The liberal lobby controls most of the centers of expression---the media tv newspapers, the television and film industry etc . All major publishers also kowtow before the liberal lobby and give prominence to books expounding the liberal view . Reviewers also give good reviews to books and films expounding the liberal view . There is enormous pressure on everyone to confirm......So whatever the liberal lobby wants to be expressed as the truth, it can manipulate and present as the truth.
Sorry Ash, I didn't mean to say you were calling me names, you did not. I meant to say, there was no need for Dani to call me names. I should have made that post clearer.

Not only do I think the answer is yes, but it seems to me that answering anything else is necessarily self-contradictory.

We can argue about why, but the mere act of arguing presupposes that some measure of truth is obtainable through the act of argumentation.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Sorry Ash, I didn't mean to say you were calling me names, you did not. I meant to say, there was no need for Dani to call me names. I should have made that post clearer.
I'll ask a second time, and please dont make me go for magic number 3

I'll even bold it if you like

Please point out where I called you names. TIA. And before you suggest that I edited to remove names of any sort other than 'sage-like' earlier in the thread,, just incase you were thinking that ofcourse, no I did not. You do this all the time, CR, and I for one wont tolerate you claiming I have done something to hurt your feels when I have not. I simply repeated your words back to you. Is that what hurt your feelings or was it something else?

Now please dont make me have to ask you a third time, as much as I like that number.I certainly would not like that.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I'll ask a second time, and please dont make me go for magic number 3...Please point out where I called you names. ...
Don't play dumb with me, I know your tricks and I know you're smarter than that. I WAS referring to the post below as you damn well know.

That's not very polite, CR. How about posting insightful and intelligent opinions rather than taking a jab at everyone before you in the thread. Tsk Tsk. I can say Tsk Tsk now because I've realised what a petulant little sht I was until I took a good hard look in the mirror.

I prefer the emojis on my android. Just thought I would lob that in for fun.
BTW, you can have the last word. I am DONE with you. I'm tired of you nipping at my heels, when I have bent over backwards to be nice to you. This is my last post to you.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Don't play dumb with me, I know your tricks and I know you're smarter than that. I WAS referring to the post below as you damn well know.

BTW, you can have the last word. I am DONE with you. I'm tired of you nipping at my heels, when I have bent over backwards to be nice to you. This is my last post to you.
You dont get off that easily, CR. Please name the names or stop behaving the way you are behaving. It's pretty simple. You dont get to tell me I;m playing dumb when *cough*
that's exactly what you're doing. Are you implying I was calling you a petulant lil sht? DING DING DING please try harder at this. It's not very difficult. I was talking about myself.You dont get to tell posters what's going on in their heads. I'm sorry CR. You seem way behind.

Oh and just as well I love dogs or I might play you for two minutes and cry that you implied I am a bitch with that nipping at the heels comment. Ruff Ruff.

Of course. Some absolute thruths:

1 meter has 100 centimeters
1 ton has 1,000 kg
The imperial measure system is worse than the metric system
Facebook has more users than MoFo
Global warming is happening
Cancer is bad for your health
Adam Sandler's movies are crappy

The idea of a collective unconscious sounds as believable as astrology.
I love astrology. And you never did tell us your zodiac sign.

The imperial measure system is worse than the metric system
Right. That’s probably why it’s been around so long.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

1 ton is only 907.185 kg.
Well, he meant tonne.
Preserving the sanctity of cinema. Subtitles preferred, mainstream dismissed, and always in search of yet another film you have never heard of. I speak fluent French New Wave.

Slavery has existed for thousands of years Clearly, better than freedom which is historically recent!
What has that to do with weights & measures?

Is there a Single, Objective, Absolute TRUTH?
Necessarily, but no one will ever know it.
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"Well, at least your intentions behind the UTTERLY DEVASTATING FAULTS IN YOUR LOGIC are good." - Captain Steel

Wasn't sure where to put this train of thought - so this old thread seemed random enough yet close enough in subject matter to express some thoughts about reality and changing it if such a thing were possible...

Been thinking about time lately... and time travel.

We often wonder: what if we had it to do all over again?

And I was thinking about various scenarios.

If you were given the chance to live your life over again - say starting at early childhood - would you?
I was thinking, if that was the choice - not just popping in at one point in time for a day or so then returning to the present, but having to relive the whole thing - I definitely would NOT do it.

Granted, there'd be plenty of opportunities to correct mistakes, do things differently, maybe make for a better adulthood with the benefit of inerrant foresight, but the whole idea of living it all out again in "real time" just seems unbearable.

Now, if the option existed, as mentioned earlier, of being able to go back to key moments just for a short while and relive them or make corrections, then return to the present - that seems much more palatable.

But there would be the potential for danger or benefits... if you made changes in the past (like say stand up to a bully instead of backing down, or asking someone out who you were too scared to, or stopping someone from making a fatal mistake you didn't know would happen when it occurred in your past)... then you might not recognize your present when you returned.

Your present might be pretty much the same, similar or very very different. Things might be much better or much worse - or a mixture of the two. Even correcting mistakes in the past might end up causing a chain reaction of disaster in your present... OR... may have been the key to a live of health, wealth, love, success and any of the things you wish you had, but have seemed to elude you!

Understanding all that... if given the chance to go back and relive events or correct your mistakes & erase your regrets - would you take the chance knowing that even the most seemingly positive changes you could make might alter your present in ways you could not foresee?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Intriguing post @Captain Steel

I don't usually think about changing things in the past. Like you said, it could seriously screw up one's present day life...or even screw up other people's lives. Even strangers who one never met and never interacted with could end up in a totally different situation. It's quite mind boggling. But I DO think about the different avenues life could've taken if different decisions were made. Perhaps in a quantum universe every possible outcome to our lives has taken place in other parallel universes. Hmm, I think I've watched too much Star Trek.