Broke my wrist!!!


Second cast is off & cast three is on. Bones have moved. If, in a week’s time, they have shifted some more, surgery will be required. If, after a week, they haven’t shifted more, we could leave the wrist as is. Not perfect, but good enough or we can do surgery regardless.

Back to see them next Wednesday. Not gonna lie, I cried there this morning. Doctor & staff are super-nice. Only thing getting me through this.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Husband can’t drive right now & I don’t drive. Everyone has been telling about free transport to doctors’ visits, etc. which would help me as no doctor of mine is in the town I live in. So the cab fares plus tips can mount up going to these neighboring towns.

After research, turns out that CT UHC medical insurance only provides rides if I am on Medicaid, which I am not. My city also does not provide rides unless one is on Medicaid & even then the rides must be within city limits so that doesn’t help me.

Gonna stick with Ace cab company. Super-nice driver picks me up & takes me home & I book all my rides directly with him so I don’t have to go through their switchboard.

Off to internist at 8 tomorrow for annual physical. My driver will pick me up around 7 or so.

Living the life.

I’m on my third cast now. Broken bones have not fused yet & I return in a week’s time to evaluate. If they don’t fuse by next week we have to discuss surgery. I’ve never had surgery & I cried a lot when the orthopedist told me this. Continued crying at home because the thought terrifies me.

Anyone here ever had surgery like this or similar?

The Adventure Starts Here!
I’m on my third cast now. Broken bones have not fused yet & I return in a week’s time to evaluate. If they don’t fuse by next week we have to discuss surgery. I’ve never had surgery & I cried a lot when the orthopedist told me this. Continued crying at home because the thought terrifies me.

Anyone here ever had surgery like this or similar?
I had surgery (not like this but still surgery) back in 2014. I was definitely terrified. Had never had general anesthesia before. (I had my kids at home with no medical intervention, so no hospitals before, either.) Even just getting the I.V. terrified me.

But when the time came, the nurses were kind and I reminded myself that they do this all day long every day. To them it was routine, even if it was life-altering to me. I found a sense of peace and calm in this (plus a lot of prayer from myself and from church friends), and I actually woke up LAUGHING. Whatever anesthesia they gave me agreed with me. I suppose part of it was just waking up at all and knowing it was over.

And although most people going through that surgery are kept overnight, I did so well that I was home by lunchtime and even managed to heat up a casserole for dinner.

I'll be praying for peace and calm for you as you maneuver through these muddy waters. It's a first time for you, but not for everyone who will be attending you. I'm glad you're keeping us posted, so continue to feel free to vent here!

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I've never had anything like yours, but I had to undergo surgery to repair a meniscus tear years ago. I was standing up from a cross legged position and I felt something break inside. I had to do physical therapy which didn't help. Finally I had an MRI and that showed the tear. After the surgery, I had to walk around on crutches for a while which was really depressing.

I had surgery (not like this but still surgery) back in 2014. I was definitely terrified. Had never had general anesthesia before. (I had my kids at home with no medical intervention, so no hospitals before, either.) Even just getting the I.V. terrified me.

But when the time came, the nurses were kind and I reminded myself that they do this all day long every day. To them it was routine, even if it was life-altering to me. I found a sense of peace and calm in this (plus a lot of prayer from myself and from church friends), and I actually woke up LAUGHING. Whatever anesthesia they gave me agreed with me. I suppose part of it was just waking up at all and knowing it was over.

And although most people going through that surgery are kept overnight, I did so well that I was home by lunchtime and even managed to heat up a casserole for dinner.

I'll be praying for peace and calm for you as you maneuver through these muddy waters. It's a first time for you, but not for everyone who will be attending you. I'm glad you're keeping us posted, so continue to feel free to vent here!
Thanks so much for the good words. I’ve been anesthetized more than once so not concerned much there. The people at the orthopedists are beyond nice so that helps a lot. Everyone says it’s routine, including my internist.

I prayed to Jesus the night before this visit & asked him to come with me. I didn’t see him, but I’m sure he popped in for a minute or two.

I've never had anything like yours, but I had to undergo surgery to repair a meniscus tear years ago. I was standing up from a cross legged position and I felt something break inside. I had to do physical therapy which didn't help. Finally I had an MRI and that showed the tear. After the surgery, I had to walk around on crutches for a while which was really depressing.
The depression can be killing in such circumstances. I’ve been upset because I can’t take care of our house. The king-sized fitted sheet on our bed is beyond me. But, I’ve been thinking of some ways to manage other things with one wrist out of commish. I believe I could clean our bathroom with one arm & will try next weekend.

Trouble with a capital "T"
...The depression can be killing in such circumstances. I’ve been upset because I can’t take care of our house. The king-sized fitted sheet on our bed is beyond me. But, I’ve been thinking of some ways to manage other things with one wrist out of commish. I believe I could clean our bathroom with one arm & will try next weekend.
Hire a 'maid' aka cleaning service, to come in and clean once or twice a week until you get better. And you will get better.

Hire a 'maid' aka cleaning service, to come in and clean once or twice a week until you get better. And you will get better.
I couldn’t handle a stranger in my house even though it’s a good idea. Husband would freak as would my cat.

I’ll figure it out.

Trouble with a capital "T"
I couldn’t handle a stranger in my house even though it’s a good idea. Husband would freak as would my cat.

I’ll figure it out.
I can understand that. Can your husband help you with cleaning?

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
I’ve been upset because I can’t take care of our house. The king-sized fitted sheet on our bed is beyond me. But, I’ve been thinking of some ways to manage other things with one wrist out of commish. I believe I could clean our bathroom with one arm & will try next weekend.
Maybe your husband can help with those chores you can't manage? I can only imagine what it would be like to only be able to use one hand. Going to the bathroom would be hard. I'm hoping and praying you heal soon.

Maybe your husband can help with those chores you can't manage? I can only imagine what it would be like to only be able to use one hand. Going to the bathroom would be hard. I'm hoping and praying you heal soon.
Thanks Mezz. Husband is in much worse shape than me planning for a knee replacement. Bad timing for both of us as neither one can help the other.

Hey Stirchley,
I'm new here so I've only now read the thread - I can relate a lot since I broke my wrist a couple of years ago. Luckily I didn't need surgery - hoping you won't, either.

For me the biggest part was learning to do stuff with one hand. And of course showering without getting my cast wet. That took a bit of trying out different coverings for the cast, ended up using umbrella bags, of all things!

Here's to everything healing quickly and a speedy recovery

Hey Stirchley,
I'm new here so I've only now read the thread - I can relate a lot since I broke my wrist a couple of years ago. Luckily I didn't need surgery - hoping you won't, either.

For me the biggest part was learning to do stuff with one hand. And of course showering without getting my cast wet. That took a bit of trying out different coverings for the cast, ended up using umbrella bags, of all things!

Here's to everything healing quickly and a speedy recovery
Thank you so much. Orthopedist tech told me which arm cover to buy so I could shower. Terrified at first that it would let water onto the cast, but it doesn’t.

Major snowstorm coming down the pike here (though not as major as they 1st said) so getting to doctor’s office by 8.30 on Wednesday might be challenging. Will call tomorrow to make sure doc will be there since I am coming from a different town.

Thank you so much. Orthopedist tech told me which arm cover to buy so I could shower. Terrified at first that it would let water onto the cast, but it doesn’t.

Major snowstorm coming down the pike here (though not as major as they 1st said) so getting to doctor’s office by 8.30 on Wednesday might be challenging. Will call tomorrow to make sure doc will be there since I am coming from a different town.
I hope the snowstorm doesn't keep you from making your appointment! I take it that telehealth is not an option for this appointment?

I hope the snowstorm doesn't keep you from making your appointment! I take it that telehealth is not an option for this appointment?
Hell, no! I would never do that.

That must be so painful. I hope you have a quick recovery
Thanks. Leaving soon for 8.30 doctor appointment. .

Today went ok. Can’t believe this place did a full day yesterday with a blizzard outside. Yikes!

Doctor says surgery probably will not be needed. Three more visits (or did he say 6 altogether, which would make it 4 more visits?) & we will probably be done. New cast today in red for Val Day. The guy who puts the casts on is so sweet & kind. We talk about tv & movies the entire time.

So no tears today.

Ghouls, vampires, werewolves... let's party.
Today went ok. Can’t believe this place did a full day yesterday with a blizzard outside. Yikes!

Doctor says surgery probably will not be needed. Three more visits (or did he say 6 altogether, which would make it 4 more visits?) & we will probably be done. New cast today in red for Val Day. The guy who puts the casts on is so sweet & kind. We talk about tv & movies the entire time.

So no tears today.
It's good you don't need surgery. I'm glad you're doing OK.

Today went ok. Can’t believe this place did a full day yesterday with a blizzard outside. Yikes!

Doctor says surgery probably will not be needed. Three more visits (or did he say 6 altogether, which would make it 4 more visits?) & we will probably be done. New cast today in red for Val Day. The guy who puts the casts on is so sweet & kind. We talk about tv & movies the entire time.

So no tears today.
I'm glad to hear that surgery probably won't be needed.

Thinking of the cabs, is there a way you could negotiate a deal for the remaining journeys? You've used the same cab company for these journeys, so maybe you could save a little money by using/booking them in advance? If you're going to do it anyway, you may as well see if you can save a little money. You'll be guaranteed income, so a little discount might sound ok to them?
5-time MoFo Award winner.