The Diet Thread


You should also weigh yourself totally naked. I'm just sayin'.
Ideally, yes. If not possible, then strip down to your underwear or try to wear as close to the same clothing each time as possible.

Chappie doesn't like the real world
Whoa. You are tall for a woman. The average height here appears to be much higher than among the general population.
I did calculate that right; you would be 5'8"? I'm generally one of the tallest women I'm around, but it's not considered extremely tall, just above average. I just read Chrisitine has me beat by two inches. One of my female friends is 6'1. Now she's tall.

@ Sexy- Soda and coffee are my vices. They pack a lot of calories. I'll try to cut down, but I can't quit.

I still weigh 138. That's fine though. It will probably take me a little while to lose that first pound.

I had a junk food craving last night, but I decided to go somewhere in the middle instead of devouring french fries like I wanted too. I had a hummus sandwich instead and saved half for lunch today.

I did calculate that right; you would be 5'8"?
I am 5'10.5.

You are 172.5 cm. Ok that's quite above average, 179 cm is the height of a 99%
percentile woman. A 30 year woman taller than 95% of other woman is 174 cm.

Men's heights in the US are as follows:

So at 179 cm I am very near the mean. Sexy Celebrity is around the 80th percentile and Gunslinger around the 20th percentile.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Ok I'll play.

Been doing the Insanity workout dvds for the past like 3 weeks, not doing it on days where I have 12.5 hour shift though. Starting to enjoy it, threw up the first day after the fitness test but did the fitness test again this week and big improvement across the board, plus no throwing up. Starting to enjoy it, my legs feel like steel rods.

I'm 6'3 and weigh in at approx. 102kgs/225 pounds. Would love to get down to around 90kgs/sub 200lbs. Most definitely fat.

Any extra motivation like this thread is most definitely welcome.

No change again this morning.

I'm going to go bowling in a little bit and after that I've got some errands to take care of which I'll walk to. Hopefully tomorrow will show a loss.

Ahhhh,I want to participate in this! Can smeone come and weight me?
"Anything less than immortality is a complete waste of time."

Still holding at the same weight.

I guess I should be happy that I didn't gain, though. I didn't get to bowl nearly as much as I usually do thanks to a league tournament hogging most of the lanes and then I didn't eat very well yesterday.

Oh well. Today's another day. I had a whole wheat English muffin with peanut butter for breakfast. Dinner is going to be baked salmon and steamed asparagus. Let's hope I keep it together for lunch and snacks.

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Terrible eating weekend that I don't even want to think about. Good Monday as far as calorie intake though and I just got back from the gym. Hopefully four days of good eating and exercise will show up on the scale Thursday.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
So sitting at 102.2kg this morning when I was more like 103 a few days ago.

I think a key factor of losing weight is what you drink, I've given up tea/coffee for the moment and just going to try and drink 3 litres of water a day and nothing else unless I get some herbal tea in or something.

That and NO SUGAR, NO SUGAR, NO SUGAR, oh and did I mention NO SUGAR! (Except my banana and small yogurt this morning which had plenty of sugar)

While no sugar is the best way to do it, the more realistic way is to have sugar/carbs in moderation. Otherwise you're going to feel deprived and risk bingeing on them later.

I'm doing my best to stick to the carb counting method my doctor recommended. This means eating every few hours for a total of five times a day - three meals and two snacks. Each meal should contain 45-60 grams of carbohydrates (high fiber is best) and each snack should contain 15-30 grams of carbs.

I bought some chocolate today...

I'm allergic to chocolate but I just couldn't help myself... it's chilling in the freezer right now...

If I could weigh myself I could do this. I eat way too much fast food now I am in university and need to stop. I'm not overweight at all though, so it's okay, actually I think I weigh a bit, but don't really look it, need to get more muscle

I think a key factor of losing weight
the key to losing weight is burning more calories than you eat.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
101.5 kg today that's -0.7kg from yesterday.