Movies That Are Underrated.....


I feel like Mr. Nobody didn't get the love it should have gotten.
I just love this movie so much, truely wonderful, probably the picture I've watched the most also.

Speed Racer. Was chatting to a friend about it at lunch today and we both agreed that Speed Racer was severely under rated as a film. i loved it!

It's pretty wild how people's opinions on this film diverge. I'm one of the guys who doesn't dig it...but I actually "get" why some people do, if only for its sheer audacity. It's a better video game movie than most video game movies, even though it isn't based on a video game.

I'm going to dig it out later tonight. Got Teen Wolf Season 2 to review for my site but after that it's alllll about Speed Racer

Anatomy of Murder is one under-rated movie. Changeling as well for me in under-rated

I don't know if Changeling was underrated; it was nominated for Best Picture. But still, I agree that it's an amazing movie. It's easily my favorite Clint Eastwood film.

Well i guess you are right. Didn't win though. Stupid Slumdog Millionaire won that year. Not even the best movie of that year in many ways.

I thought Slumdog Millionaire was a pretty good movie, but still like you said it wasn't the best. I'd say it's a three-way tie between Changeling, The Dark Knight, and Iron Man.

Oh right, I forgot that it was the Critics' Choice Awards that nominated it for Best Picture.

I thought Slumdog Millionaire was a pretty good movie, but still like you said it wasn't the best. I'd say it's a three-way tie between Changeling, The Dark Knight, and Iron Man.
Slumdog Millionaire is a good movie. I have lived in India for 10 years so nothing that was shown in the movie was special for me. Sort of been there done that sort of thing!

My next target is France, even more so after Midnight in Paris.

Slumdog Millionaire is a good movie. I have lived in India for 10 years so nothing that was shown in the movie was special for me. Sort of been there done that sort of thing!
So you danced on railway platforms, begged on the roads, got caught up in a religious riot, starred in a reality tv show & won a million dollars?

So you danced on railway platforms, begged on the roads, got caught up in a religious riot, starred in a reality tv show & won a million dollars?
Danced on the Railway Platforms - Yes
Begged on the roads - No.
Religious Riots and a whole bunch of other riots as well - Yes
TV Show and Million Dollars - No.

One movie that didn't do too well at the box office but I absolutely loved was Galaxy Quest.
That film annoys me because it's a blatant rip off of The Three Amigos.
Purple's a fruit.

Not sure if it's already been mentioned but I'm going to say The Station Agent with the brilliant Peter Dinklage. Hardly anything happens but it's still an excellent film.

DeeVeeDee's Avatar
Not Enough Time
I'm just going to say it if some one has missed my opinion of this, Changeling is awful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing happens in the first hour of the movie!!! It's the same 10 minutes over and over and over!!! Ugh I can't get over how bad I think that movie is. So bad. So bad.
"so i turned away, because i didn't want to see. just like everybody else."

"If dreams are like movies then memories are films about ghosts"

I'm just going to say it if some one has missed my opinion of this, Changeling is awful!!!!!!!!!!!!! Nothing happens in the first hour of the movie!!! It's the same 10 minutes over and over and over!!! Ugh I can't get over how bad I think that movie is. So bad. So bad.
Man... for me its a great movie. My fav Jolie put in her best performance in a long time.

Man... for me its a great movie. My fav Jolie put in her best performance in a long time.
Totally agree. In fact, that's the best acting I've seen out of Jolie so far. Hopefully she'll be good as Maleficent in the Sleeping Beauty reboot.

Do the Right Thing is one that comes to mind.
I don't know what you're talking about, that's a highly acclaimed movie that I want to watch, but the whole Spike Lee name on it turns me off.
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it