Game of Thrones: Season 4


We've gone on holiday by mistake
Also something to consider on another forum I'm on is that ALL posts in the Game of Thrones thread have to be pre OK'd by a moderator.

The Adventure Starts Here!
Well, this doesn't have to be preapproved. It's already awesome! It even has the little swirly lines of a VHS tape.

Game of Thrones if it had come out on VHS tape in the 1980s:

My three favorites on Game Of Thrones...

Tyrion, of course....

...Ser Jorah Mormont...

....and Davos Seaworth.

Don't know if it's been posted elsewhere, but the Emmy nomin
ations came out today and Game of Thrones got a good share of nods:

Outstanding Drama Series
Outstanding Supporting Actor in a Drama Series: Peter Dinklage
Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Drama Series: Lena Headey
Outstanding Directing For a Drama Series: Neil Marshall (The Watchers on the Wall)
Outstanding Writing For a Drama Series: David Benioff, D.B. Weiss (The Children)
Outstanding Guest Actress in a Drama Series: Diana Rigg

These are the major nominations. If the series has received any extra, I haven't seen them listed, but they could be there. Still, not a bad list. Glad to see Dinklage, of course, for an outstanding season. Lena Headey was a nice surprise...she's just so naturally good, I kind of take her for granted, which I shouldn't. Diana Rigg, however, was a surprise for me...I would have rather seen Gwendoline Christie get a nod for Lady Brienne of Tarth, but any extra publicity for the show is great.
"Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley."

In the Beginning...
I still think Nikolaj Coster-Waldau should have been nominated last year. Nobody was better than he. I'm surprised Pedro Pascal wasn't nominated this year, as he really stole the whole season. Sophie Turner had one of the strongest performances this season, but unfortunately she's given too little to do to every really be nominated probably.

A system of cells interlinked
The Emmys are a joke! This is the worst year yet for snubs!
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

In the Beginning...
Been watching some older episodes recently and was reminded of one of my favorite characters, both in the books and on the show.

The Blackfish.

Brynden Tully is a peripheral character, really, but he's just awesome. Old, grizzled knight with a kind heart if need be, an iron fist if need be, and honor and principles for days. Reputed to be an excellent fighter and, in terms of integrity, he's one of the most admirable characters in the whole thing. He tends to remind one of Eddard Stark in that way, albeit with a sharper tongue.

Although he's introduced in the series as castellan of Riverrun, readers know that he appears much earlier in the books: as commander of the Bloody Gate at the Eyrie. When Catelyn comes calling with Tyrion Lannister as a prisoner, and then ultimately leaves (after Bronn saves Tyrion via trial-by-combat), the Blackfish accompanies her and joins King Robb's war effort. Throughout this period, he serves as a confidant for Cat and an advisor to Robb.

In the show, he's shown as a guest at the Red Wedding, but fortuitously he excuses himself before the slaughter begins. Presumably he escapes. In the books, he remains at Riverrun and holds the castle in Robb's name, refusing to yield even as the other river lords bend the knee. Awesome.

But you don't need me to tell you that. Here's a refresher on why the Blackfish is, in fact, a badass.

FUN FACT: I was overjoyed when I saw that Clive Russell was cast. He's exactly the person I pictured when reading. That never happens!

Chappie doesn't like the real world
We've tossed the idea around but people have actually been really good about marking spoilers, so I think we're cool for the moment at least. It might become necessary next year, though, for sure, as the spoilers may start flowing in both directions!
I think I'd like a book thread really. I find I don't have a whole lot to say about the show but I wouldn't have that same problem vise versa.

Besides I'm a person that likes to compartmentalize everything and I don't like to talk about both at the same time. Just one of my personal quirks.

What would be really fun is to have a GoT book club and reread from the beginning.

A system of cells interlinked
So yeah - looks like one of the biggest final twists in the books has been solved and posted by some readers, confirmed by both Sean Bean and in a roundabout way, George RR Martin himself.

The Adventure Starts Here!
So yeah - looks like one of the biggest final twists in the books has been solved and posted by some readers, confirmed by both Sean Bean and in a roundabout way, George RR Martin himself.
I read that this morning, and although Martin's not saying exactly what's what, most of the speculation still seems to be the Jon Snow parentage thing.

He also said it's tough to write books when the fan base is so on top of the clues and they end up creating spoilers for the later books he hasn't written yet.

I understand the dilemma, but I could have worse problems than this.

Cast members do the ALS Ice Bucket challenge

This one was hilarious...

Even GRRM himself did it......

There are other GOT members that did it too....

-KhaN-'s Avatar
I work for Keyser Soze. He feels you owe him.
That sucks...I really wanted to see Bran,his story started slow but its becoming better and better with every episode.I finally got books,I'll start from book one even if I know what will happen but its best that way.
“By definition, you have to live until you die. Better to make that life as complete and enjoyable an experience as possible, in case death is shite, which I suspect it will be.”

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Just got HBO back and caught up on season 4 over the last couple of weeks. Maybe it is because I spent so long away from the world but this was my favorite season I think. I will always love season 1 but this was pretty amazing.

I am at about the spot with all the characters where I got pretty bored with the books. I still haven't finished reading the fifth book either. I have made it about half way through twice.

Am I wrong or is the Bran stuff at the end of this season not covered in book 4?

Anyway, great season. Hope to catch up with you guys by the finale of season 5.

Am I wrong or is the Bran stuff at the end of this season not covered in book 4?
It's not. After season 4 you're almost completely caught up on Bran book stuff.

In terms of volume, at least--the things the show still hasn't told us about him and his gift (that the book has) are fairly significant.