What Ticks You Off?


there's a frog in my snake oil
-World-views that argue for something-for-nothing

-Quick-fixes that ignore content but focus on supposed/"understood" causes and effects (and then ignore any unwanted effects i.e. "side" effects. Bah)

-Logic used and abused as the core or one-and-only valid thinking method just coz it's psychologically appealing and predominant at the mo.

-People who think survival-of-the-fittest means survival of the STRONGEST when it means and has always meant survival of the MOST FITTING TO THEIR ENVIRONMENT...and so....

-people who think "no 1" is the best place to be, and who consequently destroy potential for survivalistically and qualatively vital COOPERATION where possible........HENCE.......making the world an overly-competitive place where we now HAVE TO BE OVERLY-COMPETITIVE to "fit" in. Oh the irony.

-Americans genuinly thinking "world" opinion is unimportant in certain key areas i.e. thinking it's possible to punch "terror" on the nose and stop it for example (and thinking that me pointing "world" views out/and how they differ from purely american standpoints is just...ME. It's not....it's the world (EDIT: well, you'd be amazed at how consistantly everyone i work with[ever-changing-international students]/know etc agrees with premises i've put forward on these forums. The point is - not only are all these opinions united, and different from the prevalent ones in america, they affect how "the world" - including the middle-east etc - reacts to american actions. Hence i've got a bit het up at these opinions being dismissed as unlikely or unrealistic or what have you) [ I spend an average 6 hours every day listening to international students. That means i have an extra right to claim knowledge of: world opinion versus insular american opinion - the latter being so obvious in how it differs from everyone else's on said key issues i.e. potential repurcussions of international actions. terror reduction etc etc etc) - sorry about this one - but it's incredibly frustrating to non-americans [as much as what i've written is to americans]. Ask one. If they're truthful and not afraid of offending you for your own good they'll tell you.

-Causing anger and confusion when all i'd like to do is stimulate love and self-motivated questioning. Heigh ho....only human
Virtual Reality chatter on a movie site? Got endless amounts of it here. Reviews over here

-When HTML doesn't work the way you want it to
-Pointless repetition *cough*Django!*cough* *whistles innocently*
-Family Reunions
-When no one replies to your post and you convince yourself subcontiously that it's becuase of you
-The non-existence of much-needed smiles, i.e., clapping and evil laugh

I think that's about it.
"I bet one legend that keeps reoccurring throughout history, in every culture, is the story of Popeye."

Our Sexy and his little goodies. What would we ever do without them? :sighing smilie:


*bad breath---
*homeless people(it's more )

Django's Avatar
Originally Posted by Gracie
-Pointless repetition *cough*Django!*cough* *whistles innocently*

I think that's about it.
Hmm... talk about pointless repetition!

Put me in your pocket...
I get ticked off when...

..my kids bicker and fuss at each other....

..I'm completely ignored....

..I hear/see rudeness, and inconsiderate behavior...

..I hear/see intolerance to those with disabilites...

..my computer crashes or is acting cranky...

I think that's it for now.

Well, the majority of eath's population pisses me off quite a bit...

Seriously though, there's too many things that tick me off, so here are just a few:

- People who don't take responsibility for their actions
- Bigots/Racists
- Those freakin' tiny rocks you always manage to get in your shoes and never manage to get out, and they bug you all day long...
- People talking big, when they obviously can't back it up
- People who need to put others down for self-satifaction
- Those people that bump into you in crowded places, then act like YOU should apologize to THEM
- When you hold the door for people, and don't have the common decency to say "Thanks"
- Getting Interrupted
- Having something uber important to remember, and then immediately forgetting it
- Over-cooked steaks
- Bugs
- When a DVD skips, and then I have to go back and find the point where it skipped, and then get just a little bit past it so it doesn't skip, but not too far so you don't miss anything
- Losing things in plain sight
- Anything Shakespeare
- People butting into another persons business (especially mine)
- When people call my dog "Shilo"
- People telling me "You can't do that"
- "Perky" people
- People talking during the movie (The Ultimate Sin)
- Anyone who says Smashing Pumpkins is "soft"
- Any celebrity under the age of 30
- Biege (how could ANYONE come up with such and ugly-ass color?)

As you can see, I'm quite an angry person sometimes.
You were named after the DOG?

Originally Posted by Spoon-
People talking during the movie (The Ultimate Sin)
Worse then that, when I went to see Wild, Wild West (Not a bad film.........) some large guy ended up falling asleep and snoring through the majority of the movie. It was kind of funny actually, this thin girl(daughter??) who looked tidgy compared to the more rounded gentleman kept nudging him awake and minutes after that the chainsaw would start rattling away again. She had to wake him about six times. It was more entertaining to watch then the film actually.

They were definate contenders for 'Laurel and Hardy' replacements.

What ticks me off?

Internet hogglers. (Bit of congestion on the internet at home.)
Brittany Spears

blah blah blah........ I'm too tired to add anything else right now.

.............being tired.
'My mind is full of stars....'

I hate that I don't know what happened to Arthur Dent
That no one wants to see Haunted Mansion but me
The president
When my cheese crisp gets cold and hard
Being sick

ahhh found a pet peeve thread...

what ticks me off is:
the "tough man/woman" behind the computer
the "I'm better than you" attitude
the "I'm smarter than you" attitude
the corner store closest to my house (they hardly ever have smokes)

Thats all i can think of at the moment.

I wipe my ass with your feelings
What ticks me off:

-When people say they can relate to something when they haven't been put in the position/having first hand experience.
-Bible huggers
-Arrogance/Ignorance/Naive people
-Feminist - stfu already
-People who think a life has to be normal. It's so sad.
-People who look past the point and jump to conclusions or "how stupid someone is" with out even looking into it.
-Hatred for a teacher because they teach you...
-People who don't know what they're talking about
-People who think they're hot stuff
-How we've barely even developed as people when we had democracy and government some 2000 odd years ago.
-Unhonorable war....guns and ****
-People who believe their social position makes them "smart" - this one is REALLY good
-People who think they're witty.
-Atttudues on behalf of minorities - disturbing
-Putting religion into politics
-Abuse of love
-Most republicans...cocky as hell most of the time and will rip into anyone/anytime, but most of the time when the proof is presented, it'll be over looked.

-People who think a life has to be normal. It's so sad.
What is "normal" anyway?

-Feminist - stfu already
I agree... by continuing to go on about equality, this in actuality is stiffling the progress. (in my opinion)

-When people say they can relate to something when they haven't been put in the position/having first hand experience.
grrrr..that makes me mad too. I know someone like that.

the guys I call "hip-hop honkies", young white males acting like they are a black rapper

What ticks me off

-My sister taking my dvds and burning them for her friends.
-My sister taking dvds without asking.
-My sister giving me a b*tcy Attitude when i ask a simple question
-How people have to repeat themselves twice when you heard them the first time.

Originally Posted by gummo
Know what's interesting? We're infinitley ignorant. Our brains have a certain set capacity of the amount of knowledge you can attain. I was at a conference a few weeks ago and this guy explained it like this: Say your brain is a balloon, and all the air inside the baloon is what you know, but the surface outside the baloon is everything that you touch that you don't know. As you go to school and learn, what you know increases, so your baloon (brain) is filled with more air (knowledge). At the same time though, the surface on the outside of the baloon is expanding too, touching even more things that you don't know. The more you know, the more you really don't know.

Hmmm...what pisses me off.......

-My school renewed it's contract with Coke, and coke raised soda prices to a dollar 1.25, then the student store raised food prices and the candy shack went from everything being 50 cents to being 75 cents. So now I am always having to get change and I always have awkward change hanging about, and it the end it just isn't fun.

-It doesn't nesscarily piss me off as much as it saddens me, but I extraordinarily dislike it when people will single out a religion and show intolerance and hatred towards it based on a stereotype (mostly).
I am moved by fancies that are curled
Around these images, and cling:
The notion of some infinitely gentle
Infinitely suffering thing.
T.S Eliot, "Preludes"

maybe ignorance was a bad choice of word, perhaps "unwilling to learn and thinking you already know everything" is a better way to put it? Is there a single word to describe that? hmmm I 'm not sure.