The MoFo Top 100 Film Noir Countdown

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0/22: Stillmellow, Scarlet Lion, Sedai

1/22: Thief, Hey Frederick

Trouble with a capital "T"
#78 This Gun For Hire (1942)

Director: Frank Tuttle
Production: Paramount Pictures
Cast: Alan Ladd, Veronica Lake, Robert Preston
37 Points, 5 Lists

'When assassin Philip Raven shoots a blackmailer and his beautiful female companion dead, he is paid off in marked bills by his treasonous employer who is working with foreign spies.'


Trouble with a capital "T"
#77 Caged (1950)

Director: John Cromwell
Production: Warner Bros.
Cast: Eleanor Parker, Agnes Moorehead, Ellen Corby
38 Points, 3 Lists

'A gentle, naive, pregnant 19-year-old widow is slowly, inexorably ground down by the hardened criminals, sadistic guards, and matron at a woman's prison.'


Trouble with a capital "T"
...I am crazy for Lizabeth Scott and Too Late for Tears is my favorite among favorites. For most of the Noirs she was in she was a conflicted character or an innocent mixed up with the wrong crowd...
The more I see of Lizabeth Scott the more I like. She really was quite talented. I've seen here in a few noirs I image you've seen alot of her work...Which of her other movies/noirs would you recommend to us?

Trouble with a capital "T"
Cathy O'Donnell I remember from The Best Years of Our Lives and I was fairly smitten with her so I look forward to seeing her in this.
If you like Cathy O'Donnell she's a must see in the noir They Live By Night, a good noir too, which romantically paired her with a delinquent but 'nice' criminal played by Farley Granger, with Nicholas Ray directing.

[Lizabeth Scott] was fine in [Too Late For Tears] (both acting and looks) so it was cool to see her as a total money slut! She was so icy in this. Her husband wasn't even cold before she starting snuggling up to Dan Duryea! @Citizen Rules, you're so right in that it was unique to see Duryea turned into a quivering pile of nerves while trying to deal with Scott's evil ways...
I just asked Holden to recommend some of Lizabeth Scott's other movies/noirs...I've seen here in a few noirs and she's always a highlight, so I need to see more of her! Don DeFore, I like him, I mean he's usually the likable guy in his films. Big fan of both Romance on the High Seas and It Happened on Fifth Avenue one of my go to Christmas movies with the lovely Gale Storm. I watched a couple of Miss Storm's noirs but none made my ballot, right now I can't think of what they were called?

Lastly, @Citizen Rules, I saw Slightly Scarlet last night and it was good stuff! Both ladies, Rhonda Fleming and Arlene Dahl, were beautfiul but I guess I lean more toward Fleming as the finer-looking one. Both were good in the acting department. And John Payne was great as the guy looking to better his position in the crooked ranks but by the end finds that he can be a better person through personal sacrifice. And yes, Ted de Corsia was really good as the big bad gangster of the piece. He's also in a couple on my ballot. Man, these actors were in a lot of Noirs, mixing and matching with the casts! From the sheer amount of Film Noir made in this time period of our countdown, I'm guessing that the genre was quite a lucrative business. Thanks for the recommendation of the movie!
Glad to hear you liked Slightly Scarlet!

It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Two I liked but didn’t love. Gun For Hire worth the price for Lake alone. Been a while since I watched Caged. I wouldn’t have considered it for a Noir list.

1 for 2. Yes to This Gun for Hire. No to Caged. Neither on my ballot.

Have watched 7 of 24. Not even a third. I'm neither a noir watching machine like Citizen Rules or Holden Pike or an iconoclast like Stillmellow, Scarlet Lion or Sedai. I'm just part of the great unwashed.

Two more donuts for me!

But John Cromwell does join the list of directors with multiple entries. He had Dead Reckoning at #95.
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

Another weird list factoid...

At 50%, Caged has one of the lowest RT scores from the countdown so far, and yet it has one of the highest IMDb scores so far (7.6)

Trouble with a capital "T"
Another weird list factoid...

At 50%, Caged has one of the lowest RT scores from the countdown so far, and yet it has one of the highest IMDb scores so far (7.6)
Caged made the MoFo Top 100 1950s countdown too.

Society ennobler, last seen in Medici's Florence
What the heck have you people been watching for the last 4 months
I think we've mostly watched the ones that gonna be #1 to #30.
"Population don't imitate art, population imitate bad television." W.A.
"You can't depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." M.T.

After having not seen either of yesterday's reveals, I was excited to see This Gun for Hire today, since I definitely had that on my list. But when looking for where exactly I placed it, I couldn't find it. Figured I must've accidentally cut it, or it got lost in the shuffle when I was trying to figure out the order of my ballot.

Then I checked to make sure it was on my original shortlist and that I wasn't mixing it up with some other film. It was there, and I had it rated higher than some of the films in the middle of my list. I felt bad that I had missed it somewhere along the way, but then I took another look at my final ballot... and it is there at #11!

If I had spent an extra two seconds double checking my list, I wouldn't have wasted minutes investigating where the film went. And to add to that, I've now completely forgotten what I was going to say about the film! Maybe I should just go back to sleep? haha

Seen: 6/24

My List: 2
03. Stranger on the Third Floor (1940) - #92
11. This Gun for Hire (1942) - #78

I thought This Gun For Hire was just alright. It was never in contention for my ballot. I haven't seen Caged yet.

Seen: 23/24

I've seen This Gun for Hire but I didn't love it. In fact I thought it was low to mid tier. I'm not sure why. Alan Ladd and Veronica Lake and still. As for Caged I haven't seen it but you had me at women's prison film noir...
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

What the heck have you people been watching for the last 4 months
Zero noirs. I know I'm a monster.

Actually that's not true I did rewatch a few for each list. So zero first time watched film noirs. Still a monster. I had a pretty good list to work from though so I forgive myself.

What the heck have you people been watching for the last 4 months
HEEYY!! I did the first Noir Hall of Fame and the Neo-noir Hall of Fame, plus my own podcast challenge. Lay off of me

Trouble with a capital "T"
HEEYY!! I did the first Noir Hall of Fame and the Neo-noir Hall of Fame, plus my own podcast challenge. Lay off of me
Yeah that was good, you joined both. I have to confess I didn't watch a single neo noir during the watch period