MoFo Fantasy Football 2023 - Sign-Ups


It’s A Classic Rope-A-Dope
Since I'm faced with the prospect of missing the draft I'd say no to the auction. Just because it seems like the sort of thing you really couldn't even do on some kind of auto draft. But if an auto draft is also available in auction form I am down. Especially if the consensus here us to do one. It would just be something new to learn. Can't imagine it would be to hard to learn.
It’s available, but setting money limits would be of great importance. Auto with auction is less than ideal for sure.

A system of cells interlinked
I'm in, but will most likely miss the draft, as I am on vacation and out of town from the 26th on. Slight chance I can pop in and out on my phone, but I will be driving, so probably not.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

If like half the league can't do the date, then yeah, obviously we'll discuss moving the date. Stand by, I'll see what I can figure out.

I think we might have to look at a week day evening, though. Or something RIGHT before the season, which isn't ideal...

A system of cells interlinked
Please don't change it on my account, as I really don't mind having the auto-drafted team! I do the FFB draft more to hang out and shoot the shit with the MoFos these days.

We never change it for one or two people, simply because any day we pick, one or two people miss it (even if they RSVP that they can do it). But if like four or more people can't, which is about where we're at, that's different.

Hm! It seems some will miss Saturday, and some will miss Sunday. Maybe we could think outside the box and try it on a weeknight for the first time, like say a Thursday? Just an idea, any thoughts?

I just suggested that two posts above, as a matter of fact.

I think Friday would be the one to shoot for, though, personally.
Yeah but I say it so much more clearly Such is the advantage of low I.Q.s

I was thinking everyones home on a Thursday night, Friday not so much.

The trick is not minding
I currently work nights, but I’m hoping that changes soon. Just interviewed for a position on first shift last week. If need be, I can do Sunday. Or if it needs to be moved to another weekend.
If it is moved to a weekday, I’ll see what I can do to make it.

Does "work better" mean you'd be able to make it, or does it mean you might not, but it's just more likely?
Ill make it.

Was just kidding about the speaking clearly earlier, but it fell flat.

Sunday is slightly problematic for me. My other league is drafting that day, 2:00pmEST. I can probably make "early evening" work. But Saturday was perfect for me.
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra

Yeah, by early evening I mean at least like 5-6 PM, so you should have time. Assuming you can handle that much hot fantasy football action in one day.

Saturday seems like a conflict for at least a third of the league, so I think that's pretty much out already.