My top 10 movie crushes...Yours?


Erica Leerhsen in Blair Witch 2 was like my high school friend, she's also nice in Wrong Turn 2

Daniela Bianchi in From Russia With Love

Paulette Goddard in Modern Times

Hanna Schygulla in practically any Fassbinder film or miniseries

Juliet Berto in Out 1 and anything else preferably by Rivette, and Godard

Bulle Ogier in Rivette mostly

Marie-Christine Barrault in My Night at Maud's

Marie-France Boyer in Le bonheur

Catherine Jourdain in Eden and After

and Anais Nin in Inauguration of the Pleasure Dome

Monica Bellucci

Ornella Muti

Elizabeth Taylor

Barbara Bach

Claudia Cardinale

Isabelle Adjani

Jessica Alba

Trouble with a capital "T"
She's fine 👌Btw do u see photos on my original post?
I just now looked and I only see Eva Green on your 1st post. So that attachment worked, just do the same thing for the others.

I just now looked and I only see Eva Green on your 1st post. So that attachment worked, just do the same thing for the others.

Lol I don't know what I did with that photo from my failed ones 🤦 I'll get there

A system of cells interlinked
I always use a direct link to the web using the IMG tag in the editor on the site. I am never on mobile, though.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Fay Wray in King Kong

Julie Adams in The Creature from the Black lagoon

Ingrid Pitt in Countess Dracula

Valerie Leon in Blood From the Mummy's Tomb

Linda Hayden in Blood on Satan's Claw

Delphine Seyrig in Daughters of Darkness

Ashley Laurence in Hellraiser

Mathilda May in Lifeforce

Jacqueline Lovell in Head of the Family

Sheri Moon Zombie in House of 1000 Corpses

Maybe it doesn't work when I put all the photos together. I've posted two pics separately. Let me know if they are visible 👌