Is James Cameron the greatest filmmaker so far?


Shouldn't we gauge the best directors be by reviewing their sci-fi or action films ? Obviously we cant compare James Cameron's work to Woody Allen's because drama and romance is so much easier to do than sci-fi and action.

I am impressed with the comments here.
it shows that even an old movie watcher as me can learn from you here

anyway, true lies directed by james Cameron is still my alltime favorite movie, so far.

Shouldn't we gauge the best directors be by reviewing their sci-fi or action films ? Obviously we cant compare James Cameron's work to Woody Allen's because drama and romance is so much easier to do than sci-fi and action.
Well, first, I don't think they are "so much easier to do." At least, they're not so much easier to do well. Sci-fi and action have higher technical barriers to entry, but that's not quite the same thing. Compare the number of times you've been entertained by an action sequence to the number of times a drama has genuinely moved you, or even made you cry. Which is rarer?

Second, if you think we can only compare within genres, that's a pretty huge caveat that's absent from the original post. It would also clearly invalidate any argument based on box office.

Compare the number of times you've been entertained by an action to the number of times a drama has genuinely moved you, or even made you cry. Which is rarer?
Exactly. That statement is the polar opposite of how i feel.

Talking best and not favourites, for me influence would be the most important factor. It wouldn't be the only one and i know some wouldn't feel the same way. People who i've not watch many or and of their films like D.W.Griffith, Sergei Eisenstein, Josef Von Sternberg, John Ford, etc. And more modern filmmakers like Kubrick, Godard, Bergman, etc. Have a much higher claim than Cameron who may have made successful and entertaining (if you find them entertaining which for the most part i don't) films but he really hasn't been that influential at least not in a positive and meaningful way and hasn't done much that's not been done before, he's just done it more successfully .

All good people are asleep and dreaming.
The guy has a average rating on Rotten tomatoes of 89%. of 7.9- from 7 films.
Not only has his movies been critically acclaimed but also have been huge box office success stories-two highest grossing movies of all time were written and directed by him. In my view what really sets him apart from other acclaimed directors is he writes his own films. He creates his on characters and scenes. Add that to the ratings and box office receipts i think he surpasses the rest of the directors.
Where is the negative rep button!


No, but I do think he might be the best action movie director of all time.
Agreed. Too bad he cant master the rest, hes not bad at the rest, but not good either. Just not a master storyteller.

A system of cells interlinked
It's hard to be objective about what is "the best of all time". it might actually be impossible, come to think of it.

Meanwhile, my subjective opinion is that Cameron is most certainly not the best of all time.
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Trouble with a capital "T"
James Cameron is a fine director, though not the greatest, that would be Orson Welles.

These Cameron films are all legendary:

1997 Titanic
1994 True Lies
1991 Terminator 2: Judgment Day
1989 The Abyss
1986 Aliens
1984 The Terminator

Though lately, as in the last 20 years he's been in a slump. It looks like he's working on. no less than 4 sequels to Avatar...ugh! So clearly not the greatest director.

If I had a steak, I would f**k it!
Maybe best action director, but not greatest filmmaker, not even close.

Terminators and Aliens are great action films. Titanic, while overrated, still has its charm.

As for Avatar, I will admit I like it, but only because of the visual style. Cameron dedicated so much of his life to the style he forgot to give it stronger substance. Any great filmmaker knows you can't have one without the other.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Certainly one of the greats, that cant be denied. Best ever though, I don't think he makes the final shortlist.

Certainly one of the greats, that cant be denied.
Says who? You very rarely hear him talked about as one of the greatest unless either box office success is a major factor or the person calling him it only watches popular american movies made in the last 30 years. There are exceptions of course but it isn't common to hear him called "one of the greats" by serious movie goers at least in my experience.

Cameron has made some great sci-fi and action films, most of which are in my top 100 now. So in terms of those genres, yes he can certainly be regarded as one of the best. But to be one of the greatest directors ever, you need to have made a huge impact over many years, made many great films in multiple genres, and changed the art itself with your style and techniques.

Great director brings to the screen something other directors don't.

Blockbuster director is defined by availability of big budget for his films.

Those two attributes may or may not go together.

Please hold your applause till after the me.
Says who? You very rarely hear him talked about as one of the greatest unless either box office success is a major factor or the person calling him it only watches popular american movies made in the last 30 years. There are exceptions of course but it isn't common to hear him called "one of the greats" by serious movie goers at least in my experience.
I think that he is considered one of the greats due to the fact that he is always pushing the technical envelope of his films. He broke new ground with CGI four times with the Abyss, Aliens, T2, and Avatar. And Titanic has some of the best production/costume design I've ever seen. And in all of his films, no matter how much they cost, you always see every penny spent at work.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Says who? You very rarely hear him talked about as one of the greatest unless either box office success is a major factor or the person calling him it only watches popular american movies made in the last 30 years. There are exceptions of course but it isn't common to hear him called "one of the greats" by serious movie goers at least in my experience.
I said one of the greats, some truly great films that load the top of most best film of all time lists.

However I also said wouldn't make most people's shortlist of 5-10 all time best directors. His films generally aren't very deep to get that consideration.

I think that he is considered one of the greats due to the fact that he is always pushing the technical envelope of his films. He broke new ground with CGI four times with the Abyss, Aliens, T2, and Avatar. And Titanic has some of the best production/costume design I've ever seen. And in all of his films, no matter how much they cost, you always see every penny spent at work.
Cameron also has a greater understanding of the industry itself as a whole, and what it needs to do to truly enter the future bringing movies to the market. Its not all glitz and glam like Michael Bay or Zack Snyder.

Cameron has made some great sci-fi and action films, most of which are in my top 100 now. So in terms of those genres, yes he can certainly be regarded as one of the best. But to be one of the greatest directors ever, you need to have made a huge impact over many years, made many great films in multiple genres, and changed the art itself with your style and techniques.
Agreed, hes great, but not in the conversation as greatest ever.