1 pesky sciuridae, 504 leaps, an unknown number of fillums


January 8th:
11. Heli (Amat Escalante - 2013, tv)

Mexican drama that is very slow and rather bleak but personally I found quite compelling.
I just didn't really get into this. At times I was there, but it wasn't enough overall to keep me interested. Frankly I felt like I'd seen it all before. But maybe that's because I had. I think if I'd seen this in my late teens or twenties I'd have liked it a lot more.
5-time MoFo Award winner.

I just didn't really get into this. At times I was there, but it wasn't enough overall to keep me interested. Frankly I felt like I'd seen it all before. But maybe that's because I had. I think if I'd seen this in my late teens or twenties I'd have liked it a lot more.
Maybe I should take the last bit as a compliment First few minutes had me wondering I do have to say but I found it fairly easy to be invested in proceedings even if the plot is hardly original. It was certainly the first
WARNING: "not much of one but I'd not want anyone thinking of seeing the film for the first time to have this bit spoilt" spoilers below
'flaming genitalia'
scene I'd watched though

9th January:
12. Metropolis (Fritz Lang - 1927, tv)
Always love the sheer scope of this and although even after restoration parts of it are still pretty impaired it remains highly watchable even to heathen like me that do struggle a little with the silent era.

13. The Boy In The Striped Pyjamas (Mark Herman - 2008, tv)
A good tale and well performed in general but sadly I wasn't quite entirely convinced with some of the dialogue between the two young friends.

Hmmmm, not sure what has happened with the plan of biasing watching a little towards 50's films in readiness for the countdown later this year

Ahem. I was born in the '50s.
Which just goes to show that, even in a decade that awful, some good can come out of it.

Master of My Domain
9th January:
12. Metropolis (Fritz Lang - 1927, tv)
Always love the sheer scope of this and although even after restoration parts of it are still pretty impaired it remains highly watchable even to heathen like me that do struggle a little with the silent era.
One of my favorites. You're watching some great films lately Chyp.
Ahem. I was born in the '50s.
Here's a song to go along with your post

10th January:
14: Terminal Velocity (Deran Sarafian - 1994, tv)

Enjoyable up to a point but ultimately gets far too ridiculous and over the top, not to mention that it's clichéd and would benefit from the application of a small tube of Polyfilla. Nice to see a young, slim Gandolfini though.

15. Drive (Steve Wang - 1997, dvd)

MA romp that was never going to set the cinematic world alight in terms of plot or acting but for the most part is a barrel of fun mixed with enough cheese for an entire pack of Jacobs' crackers.

11th January:
16. Savages (Oliver Stone - 2012, tv)

Crime drama that felt like it tried hard to be cool but for me sadly failed, seeming overly long in the process and a little laboured in places with characters that I really didn't much care for.

I like Oliver Stone and a few of his films are in my 100, but Savages has never appealed to me.
Probably wise - I'd not want to revisit it in any hurry and considered rating it slightly lower tbh.

12th January:
17. The Long Memory (Robert Hamer - 1953, tv)
Decent enough crime drama/thriller in which the primary character actually suits John Mills style of acting (not an actor I care for much of the time in all honesty).

the samoan lawyer's Avatar
Unregistered User
Glad you liked Event Horizon, its one of my favourite Sci Fi's and yeah it does get ridiculous but I actually really enjoyed those parts. Also watched Heli recently, I gave it a
Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

Yeah I've always enjoyed EH despite it going a little mental in the closing stages. Glad you got some enjoyment out of Heli too.

13th January:
18: Mysterious Island (Cy Endfield - 1961, tv)

Jules Verne story, Ray Harryhausen effects - you pretty much know what you're gonna be getting and though it's largely unremarkable it doesn't disappoint either. A bit more Joan Greenwood speaking and it would have gotten another half popcorn from me (love her voice).

14th January:
19. It Came From Beneath The Sea (Robert Gordon - 1955, tv)

Creature feature with effects from Ray Harryhausen that sadly isn't particularly thrilling as it spends too much of it's runtime on a sideshow of human interactions. Such a shame the 'monster' is an octopus or I'd remark it was a little bit of a damp squid (yes, yes, I do know).

20. 'Pimpernel' Smith (Leslie Howard - 1941, tv)
Reasonably enjoyable WWII propaganda film that contains enough wit and adventure to maintain interest but for me does feel every bit of it's two-hour duration.

Trouble with a capital "T"
It Came From Beneath The Sea, I've been working on watching all of Ray Harryhausen's films, but I haven't seen that one. Have you seen 20 Million Miles to Earth (1957)...That one has a much more interesting and emotional 'monster' which I kind of felt sorry for it. It's a deceit movie.

Seen most of the features he did spec effects for at some point or another (most not for a number of years though), think the only one I've never actually watched is The Valley Of Gwangi. Favourite of those for me would be Jason And The Argonauts tho' have to say I'm also quite partial to One Million BC too but that has more to do with Ms. Welch's costume if I'm honest.